I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this but

Palm down for head shots is exactly how boxer breaks happens. The pinky and ring knuckles crash into a skull and cause fractures commonly known as boxer breaks cause it happens in the same spot.

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This a great topic. We need more like this.


I agree. I am sensing a resurgence of the old school UG cause there have been a few threads like this over the last few weeks

I was taught at the beginning like holding a cup of coffee. I couldn’t imagine throwing it any other way. The force on impact is just way better that way, imo.

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I used to be more active on the ug prior to April 1st the forum change but since then I’ve spent more time on the ug. I need to hang out here more

I hold a lot of pads and I teach it thumb up like I said before because of thumb injuries if it’s an mma’er but some guys throw it their way and palm down. Both can be thrown plenty hard.


That’s all you need to say.

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Most better guys, fwiw, hool thumb up



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Teddy teaches it palm down

I remember a revered uger teaching me many years ago that one needs to protect the thumb by holding it inside the fist. I seem to recall some noob lady getting quite upset with him for publicizing this deadly ancient technique.

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Thanks everyone for all the replies. I’m not really embarrassed or thinking I was doing something incredibly wrong(anymore).

It’s cool yet somewhat surprising I have followed martial arts for most my life but never seen this discussed before.

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I tried to change it up on the bag based on this discussion and again it felt uncomfortable. No angle or distance did it feel comfortable or generate the same power as thumb up.


What makes you want to try what I recently discovered isn’t the best way to throw it? lol

I just wanted to go over it again to see if I was missing something based upon others having success with the different style of hook. I tried every variant I could to see if there was an situation where I felt it was better than what I am doing. No stone unturned.

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I can respect that

I’m a lover & not a fighter. All I punch is Pussy. Don’t be embarrassed. Blowing your load in 20 seconds is embarrassing…

There’s plenty of times I WISH I could have blown my load in 20 seconds.

Experimentation with an open mind is the only way to evolve once you’ve been at it forever. It’s good to see some real martial artist’s in the house.