Interval timers

I'm looking for a small interval timer that can be set to 5-minute rounds/1-minute rest with the rounds broken down to 1-minute increments. Essentially each round broken down to 5, 1-minute increments followed by 1-minute rest and repeat.

Anyone have any good recommendations?

Check out a gym boss! Got one a few years back from eBay and would be totally lost with out it. Works great Phone Post 3.0

I use a simple kitchen timer. Set it for 1 minute, and let it tick and repeat.

I use "A HIIT Timer" app on my android, set all youre intervals amd rounds exactly how you like.. you can even colour code so you know if youre on a rest period or work period works great for me..
one downside is setting your intervals can be a bit finnicky but its a free app and worth the time you spend setting it up Phone Post

They just released a new Gymboss a couple months ago called the "minimax" which you can set to do pretty much anything. It's kind of crazy how complex you can make the intervals.

But yeah, it sounds like you just want one minute intervals...

+1 for Gymboss. Only $20. They have an app now too.

If you post on my breaking muscle review by tomorrow you can win one for free. I believe they are giving 10 away, and according to the number of people who have replied, I'd say your odds are pretty damn good.

gammo2184 - Check out a gym boss! Got one a few years back from eBay and would be totally lost with out it. Works great Phone Post 3.0
I have 3 of these. They are very handy. Phone Post 3.0

What breaking muscle review? Here on the forum?

Another vote for gymboss Phone Post

donnie -

What breaking muscle review? Here on the forum?

This looks like it Phone Post

Do you have a smart phone?  I just set up my iPhone with some free interval timers.  It works well.  I've used GymBoss.  I still have one although I think they have durability issues.  They are good too.

Yeah sorry, that is the correct link right there. You have 3 more hours to post for a chance at a free one.

I also like the Gymboss. I've got both the first and second generation (still working) The little clips have long since broken off, but I use mine any time I am in the gym.


I have another app on my I-Pad. It's a free one which allows you to custom build interval timers of almost any type. The only down-side is it does not save them, so every time you use it you have to start from scratch.


Taku -

I have another app on my I-Pad. It's a free one which allows you to custom build interval timers of almost any type. The only down-side is it does not save them, so every time you use it you have to start from scratch.


I downloaded the gymboss app. Very handy. Phone Post 3.0

vermonter - They just released a new Gymboss a couple months ago called the "minimax" which you can set to do pretty much anything. It's kind of crazy how complex you can make the intervals.

But yeah, it sounds like you just want one minute intervals...
Just wondering with the new gym boss can u set rest breaks??? Basically what I mainly use it for is 30x30 for a 3 minute round but at the end of the round I have to manually( in my head) count out my rest break! If this makes sense Phone Post 3.0

gammo2184 - 
vermonter - They just released a new Gymboss a couple months ago called the "minimax" which you can set to do pretty much anything. It's kind of crazy how complex you can make the intervals.

But yeah, it sounds like you just want one minute intervals...
Just wondering with the new gym boss can u set rest breaks??? Basically what I mainly use it for is 30x30 for a 3 minute round but at the end of the round I have to manually( in my head) count out my rest break! If this makes sense Phone Post 3.0

The I-Phone Gymboss app will do what you want and it's free.

Idk about the above info, but yeah the mini max can do that. The regular gymboss can't.

Thanks guys! I downloaded the app but It can't do what I want! Basically I do a circuit 6x30 seconds rounds (3 mins) but then at the end of the 3 mins I have to count out my rest! The mini max can be set up so i can do my rounds and it will tell (beep at the end of 30 seconds) me when to change then count out my eat break??? Sorry for the rant just want to make sure before I buy it Phone Post 3.0