Is Dan Henderson the best wrestler turned striker?

I hate to say it, but Jon Jones needs to be considered.

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I think so as well. I think the question needs to be clarified. Is it who was the best WRESTLER (meaning most accomplished wrestler) turned striker? Or is it who is the best MMA fighter in terms of MMA accomplishments that used to be a wrestler. If it is the first example, then, IMO, it has to be DC.

Let’s post the end of the fight with that first gif.

“Chuck did really really well for like an entire second before he got put into a 15 minute coma. Isn’t he awesome?!”

Which is kind of sad because the guy was a complete killer before that.

The point of the Gif was to show he was a wrestler. He was capable of takedowns

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Hendo got taken down by Newton. He’s got great reversals, though. I think he reversed Arona who is an absolute top control beast.

Weird seeing so many mentions for Garth. Dude’s wrestling ability is a myth. Never once seen him utilize that offensively in MMA - unlike Chuck who was smart enough and capable enough to take down Wanderlei when he knew he needed to score some points.

Definitely not this guy:

His ko against Gracie was dead respectful but everyone since was full until the ref steps in!

I was so glad he beat Homabard


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Does this mean Bellator & OneFC’S 170 division is complete Dog-shit?

That was such a sloppy takedown though. He did the same thing with Wanderlei and it wasn’t impressive. It looks similar to Gustafsson taking down Jones.

Thread was longer than I expected…anyone bring up Rampage yet?

With all the Chuck talk that I saw, I sure hope so lol.

I also believe he may be the best answer overall. Wrestler who went 2-0 in K-1…whom Chuck couldn’t strike with. Or probably wrestle.

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Being a striker doesn’t mean you have to be some Adesanya type multidimensional striker. It just means you go out there with the intent of ending the fight with a strike. Any strike. Hendo wasn’t there to wrasslin…wasn’t there the ground and pound…wasn’t there the submit. Everything was about lining up that big right and putting you to sleep.

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I tend to think of being a striker as meaning you train in and/or favor a particular striking martial art. Being a striker isn’t the same as being a brawler, street fighter, or wrestler who has a couple of bomb punches.

Dan pretty much threw a leg kick and had a bomb of a right hand and later a bomb of a left hand as well. I would never consider Hendo a martial arts striker, at least in the purest sense or by definition.

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He’s definitley the best Steroid turned TRT cycler

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vitor belfort ufc GIF