Is Dan Henderson the best wrestler turned striker?

Actually she was bappin’ Ronda up in the second fight but for some dumbass reason kept trying to clinch and take Ronda down. If she would’ve stuck with standup history could’ve been different and Meisha would be seriously mentioned in this thread…hahaha, still kidding on that last part!

Both Miesha and Zingano had the same issue against Ronda. They were both better strikers than her but their base was wrestling and their instinct was to wrestle. WMMA had really bad fight IQ back then. I remember a Ronda interview where she said she and Edmond didn’t gameplan at all and she just went in there and did what she felt like. People hate on Ronda but she got to where she did without any decent coaching.

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On a technical level no. But he had ATG power in that right hand, and an ATG chin to go with it.

Enormous power and an effective low inside kick-H bomb combo. I never considered him a great striker though. I think DC is a really good striker for a wrestler. Even throws fast, sharp head kicks for a big man.

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Depends on what the definition of a great striker. IMO if someone is starching fools with one punch consistently, that is a great striker.

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Didn’t Zingano come out and try some stupid flying knee at the opening bell?

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He’s in the mix for sure, I’d have to do some research to have a better opinion. Cejudo, Bones, GSP (not a traditional wrestler but elite MMA wrestler), Khabib, Yoel Romero, Stipe, DC, Volkanovski (I think he has a wrestling background?); all developed high level MMA striking games.


Agreed. If you can strike with great strikers and win more often than not (often resoundingly), you’re a striker regardless of which attributes are benefitting you most or what variety of techniques you utilize.

Especially when you avoid the grappling at all cost and rely almost solely on striking.

I think Dan is a solid answer here but I still say Rampage is the best answer imo.

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Carwin gets my vote.


Not a bad pick either but I personally think if they were the same size, prime Rampage would piece him up worse than JDS did.

I could be wrong though. Rampage was definitely superior on a technical level (his boxing was underrated imo) but Carwin obviously had that monster KO shot.

Carwin also started winning with his striking right away while Rampage actually relied on his wrestling early on which might be a point for Carwin too I guess.

I love Hendo. He’s the universal badass you want with you in a bar fight, in the trenches during war or doing a bank job.

But when talking about wrestlers at the prestige level transitioning to elite strikers, there’s only one answer.


Havomaster is correct. Hendo was awsome, but never a great striker. He had crazy power in his right hand, a granite chin, and was tough as nails. But certainly not a great striker. Terrible footwork, almost no feinting, very limited combinations and very little kicking game. Uninformed poster imho

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Henderson was much better wrestler than Dillishaw


Fun fact- both TJ and Dan wrestled at Cal State Fullerton. Dan was my counselor at wrestling camp my freshman year!

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That gif cracks me up. Dude can see his mistake and is a spectator AND recipient of the takedown.


Maybe it’s my wrestling history but that gif honestly just makes me kind of sad for some reason. Like a vague but genuine depression.

Idk why, it should be funny…

Hendo is up there but Jon Jones is my answer. He isn’t just knocking people out with bombs. He dissects just about everyone striking

Jones has essentially been a striker his whole MMA career though.

Since when? He was a Greco guy with meh cardio who just wanged random techniques