Joe rogan on peds

Both sides are partially right here. Correct way to say it would be that you don't lose All of the gains if you stop using all together. If you gained 30lbs of muscle, cut cold turkey, a year later you would lose Most of it but not all, is what studies are showing. Phone Post 3.0

grady - 
Elyrain - Because you've already built the muscle. It's far easier to maintain muscle then build it. Phone Post 3.0
You don't keep steroid gains once you come off Phone Post 3.0

lol get out of here.

HGH creates new cells unlike steroids which make cells bigger so if you take both and pct correctly you will keep a reasonable amount of your gains. Phone Post 3.0

norcal3737 - 
grady -
Elyrain - Because you've already built the muscle. It's far easier to maintain muscle then build it. Phone Post 3.0
You don't keep steroid gains once you come off Phone Post 3.0
False. Phone Post 3.0

this... you may not keep 100% of the on cycle strength, but you definitely don't lose it all... you keep well over half...

OP, are you doubting Rogan' bro-science? Phone Post 3.0

You'll be stronger than you were before, but not as strong as you were on hoids. Phone Post 3.0

pidgey - OP, are you doubting Rogan' bro-science? Phone Post 3.0
Unfortunately ... I mean I do love joes bro science but sometimes it doesn't quite line up . Lower test after juicing I would assume you'll eventually (May take a while) but become smaller than you were previously to juicing . Just because your hormones will be lower than before but I'm no doctor lol Phone Post 3.0

IwonAllFiveRounds209What - Can someone not too cool explain what PCT means? Phone Post 3.0

Post cycle therapy. A regimen to get your hormone levels back in balance.

grady -
Elyrain - Because you've already built the muscle. It's far easier to maintain muscle then build it. Phone Post 3.0
You don't keep steroid gains once you come off Phone Post 3.0
Sure you do. My father im law was a stick when he was younger. Put loads of size on through roids and now no longer takes them and hasn't for like 15 years. He's still a huge guy. Phone Post 3.0

Some articles online are saying steroids can cause bone growth. I would imagine that would be a long lasting if not permanent change.

Caught_clean - Both sides are partially right here. Correct way to say it would be that you don't lose All of the gains if you stop using all together. If you gained 30lbs of muscle, cut cold turkey, a year later you would lose Most of it but not all, is what studies are showing. Phone Post 3.0
Most casual juicera are absolute clueless pussies though so any study including them is absolutely skewed. They are frustrated with being pussies and do cycles but have no idea how to lift. When they come off they lose everything.

I took a double stack of andro and lifted as hard as I could on and off cycle. True andro is not actually steroids. For about 8 years I averaged about 3 full weeks off from the gym per year. I retained about 20% of my cycle gains. Changed my physique for the better permanently. Phone Post 3.0

Andrew S -
tenchu - Interesting. How would the body keep the muscle mass and strength after you remove the source (steroid) of the gain?

Because the source of the gain isn't the steroids. Steroids just enhance gains. The source of the muscle mass is the food they ate. Without going into the science of it all this is the basic process:

Work hard to break down tissue. Consume proteins. The body breaks down proteins into amino acids and uses them to rebuild tissue bigger and better.

Steroids and testosterone just cause your body to produce more growth hormone to turn more protein into muscle mass.

Steroids don't make you weaker when you stop taking them like some have said either. What happens is your body reacts to exogenous forms of testosterone by cutting the local production of testosterone. Depending on the "abuse" this can be fixed though. A lot of sports fans think steroid users cycle on and off so that they won't get caught but really it is to help reboot their hormones so that the steroids they are using continue to be effective and to limit long term damage to their endocrine system. They time their cycles so that when they are off they won't test positive. This is why random testing is important.
VU. Good post. Phone Post 3.0

Quick question for anyone who's used and cycled off with decent PCT.

Can a well thought out PCT actually avoid the feeling like crap/drop in motivation/no libido feeling often reported by guys who come off?

I've only ever done a couple of cycles of superdrol (anabolic extreme when it was legal) after which I used the PCT supplements like novadex xt and anabolic extreme PCT.

The gains I got were small as I was on a maintenance/sub maintenance level of calories although I got way more defined.

But boy did I feel like garbage for a couple of months afterwards! Phone Post 3.0

ufc98newb -
grady -

Bios3 RAW TV Keeping Steroid Gains!:

You will lose the gains Phone Post 3.0

Grady, I respect that everybody has their own opinions, and admit I didn't read your link. But I will say this; their is an absolute shit ton of information on the internet, from people with experience from this type of thing, who say that you can and will keep significant gains if you train and eat properly.
When joe said it he implied that the person ate, and trained properly as well as did the proper stuff to come off the cycle.

He wasn't referring to people who are dumb enough to just crash off of a cycle. Phone Post 3.0

I did a test and tren cycle. Dieted and did a lot of research on my pct. Max bench press went up 90lbs in 10 weeks. Never lost gains. Never stopped working out, and had strength noticeably increase even more after a year off roids. Phone Post 3.0

iqwrestler - I did a test and tren cycle. Dieted and did a lot of research on my pct. Max bench press went up 90lbs in 10 weeks. Never lost gains. Never stopped working out, and had strength noticeably increase even more after a year off roids. Phone Post 3.0
What was your pct? Did you have a slump after your cycle? Phone Post 3.0

iqwrestler - I did a test and tren cycle. Dieted and did a lot of research on my pct. Max bench press went up 90lbs in 10 weeks. Never lost gains. Never stopped working out, and had strength noticeably increase even more after a year off roids. Phone Post 3.0

the article i posted mention this about mice. "Mice were briefly exposed to steroids which resulted in increased muscle mass and number of cell nuclei in the muscle fibres. Three months after withdrawal of the drug (approximately 15% of a mouse's life span) their muscles grew by 30% over six days following load exercise. The untreated mice grew insignificantly."

The science behind it is satellite cell proliferation; basically by the time you're a prepubescent, you have all the muscle cells you're ever going to have. During puperty, there is a spike in androgens and these "inactive" satellite cells and myonuclei become activated into a full blown functioning muscle cell- this process is irreversible. There still remains a few inactive satellite cells that required a higher androgen level to activate when puberty is done- there are studies to suggest taking specific AA steroids will activate these dormant satellite cells.

This permanent change is especially noticable in female bodybuilders that roided for many years, yet still carry substantially more muscle mass than their female coutnerparts after years of cessation.

The science behind it is satellite cell proliferation; basically by the time you're a prepubescent, you have all the muscle cells you're ever going to have. During pubperty, there is a spike in androgens and these "inactive" satellite cells and myonuclei become activated into a full blown functioning muscle cell- this process is irreversible. There still remains a few inactive satellite cells that required a higher androgen level to activate when puberty is done- there are studies to suggest specific AA steroids to activate these dormant satellite cells.

This permanent change is especially noticeable in female bodybuilders,athletes that roided for many years, yet still carry substantially more muscle mass than their female coutnerparts after years of cessation.

I've heard Patrick Arnold, an organic chemist who developed Andro and a few other pro-hormone and -steroids, basically say what HERTSWENIP said.