They’re both all time greats. But Aldo did it much longer so I give him the edge
If khabib had stayed around just a little longer and beat, let’s say Chandler and Charles O. too, then perhaps I’d put him above Aldo
But he didn’t so………
If you’re really Shane, post a pic of your big girthy cock. It’s the only way to be sure.
Read the title and OP already won
Not even debatable, khabib is very skilled and very good at his one dimension approach, he didnt stick around long enough to be challenged, conor is a flop as a win, the second he lost to Nate and almost twice sealed the deal that his is not a top fighter if he cant one shot you at 145
Khabib has less of a claim than Olivera, sure he in undefeated but 90% of his wins are scrubs, he has a questionable win vs Tibau who is where in the rankings? Justin and dustin are his biggest wins, conor was a joke after Mayweather so his stock is like bottom top 10 now, Olivera has more losses as he fought better comp, came into his own not padding his record he was struggling at 145 so moved up and is a beast, maybe khabib would be a beast at his natural weight but feel the cody and Usman if the world would fucj his ass up
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So would I be if I only fought 9 year olds….
Ttttt for the khabib trash
Khabib has absolutely NO claim to Goat.
Not even goat of his weightclass LOL
Khabib is the GOAT lightweight. 2nd is Eddie Alvarez whether you like it or not dudes won every title there is, avenged the Chandler and Aoki losses, KOd RDA when he looked unstoppable.
Aldo is the all time GOAT, top five across two weight classes for over a decade. GSP is right there too but I’d favor Aldo. The only real blemish is the McGregor KO.
If not for roids it could be Jones, 205 sucks though so it’s hard to say. Same for Silva, pop hot and you’re not a GOAT contender for me.
Khabib has done literally fuck all at lw where it matters. Eddie has a bigger claim at lw to goat status.
BJ is lightweight GOAT noobs, deal with it

is lightweight GOAT noobs, deal with it
Absolutely no way. He never had a winning streak over 4. Could he have been? Yeah if he buckled down at 155 and quit fucking off in other weights, probably. But he didn’t, so he’s not.
He only had 3 title defenses at 155 and was 15-5 before going on a decade long losing streak that includes getting slept by drunks in the parking lot. Saying he’s GOAT of anything because “ohhhh he stopped 27 of Diego Sanchez’s takedowns” is just monkey brained dumb shit.
I’d kill to see Prime Penn vs Khabib in some alternate universe

I’d kill to see Prime Penn vs Khabib in some alternate universe
Me too, big curiosity matchup for me. I’m pretty confident Khabib would absolutely nerf him but legendary nonetheless. That one, Adesanya vs. Prime Silva, 2018 Miocic vs Fedor would all be awesome as far as ending GOAT debates goes.
Yep, me too. I don’t think prime Eddie would have shit for Khabib or Penn. Eddie had an amazing run though.

Khabib has done literally fuck all at lw where it matters. Eddie has a bigger claim at lw to goat status.
I get it Khabibs last few years in the UFC though he just looked untouchable. Utterly manhandled RDA, Gaethje, McLegor and Poirier, record for most takedowns, 29-0 (yeah it’s padded early) then retired on top. I’d like him to get one more against Olivera should he beat Gaethje though.
GOAT debates will never end. Those debates rely on perception, imagination and varying criteria.
Sadly I think Penn’s cardio would fail him in a fight against khabib. He’d have to catch him early and hurt him quickly