Karo slapped by edmond

Late to the party but I'm caught up on the info lol Edmonds a wanna be Mannys a liar and Reggie beat the fuck out of Karo am I getting this? Phone Post 3.0

TexDeuce -
mmamonstar - It was the craziest shit I'd ever seen at a gym. Phone Post 3.0
Were you there? Give us a play by play. Phone Post 3.0
. Phone Post 3.0

savage043 -
FEDORallDAY - Aren't Manny and Karo first cousins?! Phone Post 3.0
Pretty sure their atleast some kind of relatives to one another I remember from TUF then karo and Nate bout went at it! Aw good times. Phone Post 3.0
Best TUF season!! Season 5 , penn vs pulver. There were fights in the house, karo's entrance and lil fling with nate, and they also had stand and wang.

I guess another season that was equally entertaining was rampage vs rashad Phone Post 3.0

I know I don't post butttt I know how it all went down the other day. Whether you guys decide to believe me or not, this is the true story. Karo was asked to come to Edmond's gym so they can talk about the comments that he made about Honda, Manny, Edmond and his gym. As asked, Karo showed up and he brought couple of his training partners with him. Long story short, Edmond wasn't happy with the comments Karo made. Karo felt his comments we're just. It got heated pretty fast. Edmond gave Karo a hard slap to the face and they were immediately separated. So yes, Karo Parisyan did get slapped by Edmond. I don't know much more after that but this probably isn't going to be the end of this story...

Reggie Warren Jr - 

I just talked to Karo. His side is way different. He said Edmond attempted to slap him, but only grazed him and then Karo was all over him with punches. A bunch of guys tried to jump on Karo to stop the fight, but eventually Karo broke free and knocked Edmond down with something.

This sounds way more accurate. Anyone who's ever met Karo knows that this guy is ready to fight. He's super tough.

Karo didnt deny to me that Edmond attempted to slap him...he just said that it didnt land very flush and he attacked him right after and then attacked him again once he broke free from everyone holding him back

Some sort of slap took place. I would hope that Karo was being honest with me, but no one really wants to admit if they were slapped hard in the face. I believe him when he says it didnt land flush

Reggie Warren Jr - 

I just talked to Karo. His side is way different. He said Edmond attempted to slap him, but only grazed him and then Karo was all over him with punches. A bunch of guys tried to jump on Karo to stop the fight, but eventually Karo broke free and knocked Edmond down with something.

Karo was with two people in Edmond's gym, one of them being Sevak from TUF. Many of Edmond's students we're training in the gym prior to Karo showing up, so if this was true, Karo would have gotten jumped, so I doubt he was fully honest about his story.

Karo would kick seven shades of shit out of Eddie Munster. Karo is a proven top-tier MMA figher (even if his best days are behind him). Edmund is well, nobody knows who he is outside of training Rousey.

Karo being a dumb.. ! ! ! bro

I'm not a big fan of Karo, but it would have been nice to see him make Edmond drink though a straw for a while. Edmond seems like a huge douche!

Where is the Worldstar camera footage?!?!!?!?!?!?

I want to believe Reggies story. But I know who Karo is bro...

The lurker's story sounds best. Karo and that weird guy that is leeching off Honda should fight in Titan FC or something.

But what's up with Manny talking on Karo on twitter? WTF??? No loyalty.

JOB - Karo would kick seven shades of shit out of Eddie Munster. Karo is a proven top-tier MMA figher (even if his best days are behind him). Edmund is well, nobody knows who he is outside of training Rousey.

Hey!  He is on a mafacking wall next to mohammed facking Ali!  And he almost beat Dennis Hallman in a fight, through Ronda of course.  SO watch it.  

How can he slap! Phone Post 3.0


JustAnotherMMAFan -

It doesn't seem to me this guy stands a chance against Karo.

Two opponents he competed against were of extremely low calibre (just saying, not hating) 0-2 was his first opponent and 6-17 his second opponent. Safe to say Karo has more than likely engaged in just slightly higher echelons of competition lol. I say Reggie's version hold solid weight. Edmond raised his hand, Karo thought " is this dude going to hit me... Never....he's gotta be joking.... Sure it's a bluff...HE JUST FKN GRAZED MY EYEBROW "
And showed Edmond via technical demonstration just how to throw that particular shot again and again and again...

In for more stories about Karo's friendly sparring :-) Phone Post 3.0

In. Phone Post 3.0

JustAnotherMMAFan -

It doesn't seem to me this guy stands a chance against Karo.

Reminds me of a young anderson silva Phone Post 3.0

i was also there the other day and i got some video leading up to the slap before other people told me to stop filming


will post soon