Knockout ''game'' backfires (Pride Rules)



Main course: soccer kick.
Desert: hammer fists.

He should be glad he didn't get shot.

Yes yes yes Phone Post 3.0

I don't think it's the KO game. Not that I'm the expert in it but the videos I saw was a pack of kids vs. an adult who is riding solo.

Maybe he was trying to snatch a purse?

Also, why wouldn't his buddies who are filming jump in? Maybe they were scared of Shogun, I get that.

But lastly, why would they put the video up? Who puts up a video of their buddy getting punted?!

Maybe I'm missing something?


"I don't think it's the KO game. Not that I'm the expert in it but the videos I saw was a pack of kids vs. an adult who is riding solo.

Maybe he was trying to snatch a purse?

Also, why wouldn't his buddies who are filming jump in? Maybe they were scared of Shogun, I get that.

But lastly, why would they put the video up? Who puts up a video of their buddy getting punted?!

Maybe I'm missing something?


1. I've seen legit knockout videos where 1 guy runs up alone to unsuspecting victim. While friends are in background filming.

2. Possibly was trying to snatch purse. Shogun soccer kick still = karma

3. cowards are cowards.

4. The kinds of people who do this shit would still post a video of their "buddy" getting his wig pushed in cause they are all scumbags.

5. The funny thing is, I'm probably missing something too!!! Phone Post 3.0

This is my favorite video on the internet Phone Post 3.0

Later Phone Post 3.0

good. I hope he has a injury to permanently effect him for rest of his life so it reminds him of what a dumb shitbag shit he did Phone Post

onandon - He got got.

I actually laughed small tears.

PRIDE NEVER DIE Phone Post 3.0

the game of knockout pretty much marks the end of civilization.

seeing the guy in the gray sweater connect his foot squarely with thug's head like a picture-perfect soccer kick, may be the best video i've seen this month.

lol @ no one helping the guy once made aware he just randomly hit a girl.

Doesn't look like The Knockout Game to me (the girl saw him coming for starters), but I loved the result none-the-less

Vitor29 - 
ABE FROMAN - Pretty much every video like this one will be labeled knockout game gone wrong because controversy sells.

I can't imagine how many videos we can title knockout game if we just try a bit harder.

I'm with Abe on this one.

It's true, but it needs to happen. It needs to be overblown so that strict laws can be put in place as a deterrent.

Damn brutality!!! Phone Post 3.0

How we know this wasn't on like Black Friday or something and the guy just bumped the girl on accident while he was running then got viciously attack for no reason? but no he's a black guy and the camera guy in on it even tho there's nothing to support that, the camera guy is in on it but he does nothing? I'm willing to bet the camera was not only a bystander but was probably white.

You people are fucking jokes there is no fucking knockout game.

"Im black (obviously) and over my 19 year life span Ive encounter plenty of racist people mostly whites tho I want to hear a clear logical explanation of why white people are so racist now I don't want to hear some cry baby ass reverse racism crap story or hear how all white people aren't racist look I get it not all of you are racist but a good 85% of you are and I just want to kno why?" - Brandonbrazell


Maybe you're biased, Brandon? You are taking the opposite extreme of the media labeling every punch thrown as The Knockout Game. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle.

Jack Carter - 

"Im black (obviously) and over my 19 year life span Ive encounter plenty of racist people mostly whites tho I want to hear a clear logical explanation of why white people are so racist now I don't want to hear some cry baby ass reverse racism crap story or hear how all white people aren't racist look I get it not all of you are racist but a good 85% of you are and I just want to kno why?" - Brandonbrazell


Maybe you're biased, Brandon? You are taking the opposite extreme of the media labeling every punch thrown as The Knockout Game. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle.

Biased Mabey? but I am here to tell you this is not a trending game, and if I'm biased with all the racist shit said on these kinda threads you call me out? Look at you're own bias.

By the way I was dared to make that thread in the og to see what happens and I got called a bunch of niggers and subzero fatality froze.