Knockout ''game'' backfires (Pride Rules)

I haven't read most of the posts on this thread, but I'm taking issue with you saying that the knockout games doesn't exist. I wondered why you would say such a thing whne evreyone knows for a fact that it is a real game that is seriously hurting people.

Brandonbrazell - By the way I was dared to make that thread in the og to see what happens and I got called a bunch of niggers and subzero fatality froze.

You can't buck the system if the Admins are part of it.

BleedBloodyBlood - 12% of population 80% of violent crime. average iq 20 points lower than other races.

Member Since: 12/4/13
Posts: 1

Jack Carter - 

I haven't read most of the posts on this thread, but I'm taking issue with you saying that the knockout games doesn't exist. I wondered why you would say such a thing whne evreyone knows for a fact that it is a real game that is seriously hurting people.

I agree that there's people being hurt by groups of black youngsters with very racists attentions, but there is no knockout game, most of these people in these ko vids are gangbangers, thugs, criminals and racist but because there black this is a national black people problem. Fuck that this is a police problem, the people doing this shit need to go to jail plain and simple but no let's condemn a whole race of people.

Jack Carter -

"Im black (obviously) and over my 19 year life span Ive encounter plenty of racist people mostly whites tho I want to hear a clear logical explanation of why white people are so racist now I don't want to hear some cry baby ass reverse racism crap story or hear how all white people aren't racist look I get it not all of you are racist but a good 85% of you are and I just want to kno why?" - Brandonbrazell


Maybe you're biased, Brandon? You are taking the opposite extreme of the media labeling every punch thrown as The Knockout Game. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle.

Just a random thought but where I am from it's never a racist thing until some one black says it's racist which gets me thinking race is never a factor until black people make it a factor therefor making you the true racist one just IMO Phone Post 3.0

I think it's mostly big news because of how random it is. It's one thing if it's gangbangers doing it to gangbangers, but it's happening to people just like us. It's random and there's nothing we can really do to protect ourselves besides, sadly, racial profiling.


So if anyone regardless of ethnicity sees a croud of young black men walking towards you, you might say "Just to be safe, I'll cross the street." That's the only way we know how to prevent becoming a victim of being randomly knocked out, even though it's exceedingly improbable that it would happen to anyone, regardless of where they lived.


And when I say "we", I don't really mean me in particular. I have no fear of being KO'd by a random thug.

Jack Carter - 

I think it's mostly big news because of how random it is. It's one thing if it's gangbangers doing it to gangbangers, but it's happening to people just like us. It's random and there's nothing we can really do to protect ourselves besides, sadly, racial profiling.


So if anyone regardless of ethnicity sees a croud of young black men walking towards you, you might say "Just to be safe, I'll cross the street." That's the only way we know how to prevent becoming a victim of being randomly knocked out, even though it's exceedingly improbable that it would happen to anyone, regardless of where they lived.


And when I say "we", I don't really mean me in particular. I have no fear of being KO'd by a random thug.

But that's we're race and race statistics come in, this be racist for you're own protection shit already been happening for years way before this supposed ko game, facts is that if you're a white person you're statistically more likely to be assaulted,mugged,Raped ect by another white person same for blacks. I can understand if there really was a high black on white crime thing happening but it's not and If you believe other wise your ether stupid are racist, statistics is statistics you can't deny them, if you decide to do racist shit or cross streets or whatever it's because you're racist not because of blacks are bad people.

Jack Carter - 

I think it's mostly big news because of how random it is. It's one thing if it's gangbangers doing it to gangbangers, but it's happening to people just like us. It's random and there's nothing we can really do to protect ourselves besides, sadly, racial profiling.


So if anyone regardless of ethnicity sees a croud of young black men walking towards you, you might say "Just to be safe, I'll cross the street." That's the only way we know how to prevent becoming a victim of being randomly knocked out, even though it's exceedingly improbable that it would happen to anyone, regardless of where they lived.


And when I say "we", I don't really mean me in particular. I have no fear of being KO'd by a random thug.

The way you are wording this is reasonable even if the end result sucks.

TigerTheSeminole - 
Jack Carter -

"Im black (obviously) and over my 19 year life span Ive encounter plenty of racist people mostly whites tho I want to hear a clear logical explanation of why white people are so racist now I don't want to hear some cry baby ass reverse racism crap story or hear how all white people aren't racist look I get it not all of you are racist but a good 85% of you are and I just want to kno why?" - Brandonbrazell


Maybe you're biased, Brandon? You are taking the opposite extreme of the media labeling every punch thrown as The Knockout Game. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle.

Just a random thought but where I am from it's never a racist thing until some one black says it's racist which gets me thinking race is never a factor until black people make it a factor therefor making you the true racist one just IMO Phone Post 3.0

So you're racist by your own standards? Are this logic only works for whites?


Brandonbrazell - 
TigerTheSeminole - 
Jack Carter -

"Im black (obviously) and over my 19 year life span Ive encounter plenty of racist people mostly whites tho I want to hear a clear logical explanation of why white people are so racist now I don't want to hear some cry baby ass reverse racism crap story or hear how all white people aren't racist look I get it not all of you are racist but a good 85% of you are and I just want to kno why?" - Brandonbrazell


Maybe you're biased, Brandon? You are taking the opposite extreme of the media labeling every punch thrown as The Knockout Game. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle.

Just a random thought but where I am from it's never a racist thing until some one black says it's racist which gets me thinking race is never a factor until black people make it a factor therefor making you the true racist one just IMO Phone Post 3.0

So you're racist by your own standards? Are this logic only works for whites?

You're the biggest racist in this thread: congratulations! Go here to redeem your prize:

Looks like it wasn't the knockout game after all.

"Las Vegas Police Department spokesman Larry Hadfield told TheBlaze Monday it appears the involved individuals had contact with each other before.

“This incident does not suggest it would be related to any random incident like a ‘knockout’ type game,” he said, noting it “remains under investigation.”

One, the black dude has on dress clothes, blue tie, white shirt, dress shoes. 2nd, you can hear someone yell "stop" about 2 seconds into the video. WSHH once again stirring shit up.

that was one hell of a boot

theoutsiders - "I don't think it's the KO game. Not that I'm the expert in it but the videos I saw was a pack of kids vs. an adult who is riding solo.

Maybe he was trying to snatch a purse?

Also, why wouldn't his buddies who are filming jump in? Maybe they were scared of Shogun, I get that.

But lastly, why would they put the video up? Who puts up a video of their buddy getting punted?!

Maybe I'm missing something?


1. I've seen legit knockout videos where 1 guy runs up alone to unsuspecting victim. While friends are in background filming.

2. Possibly was trying to snatch purse. Shogun soccer kick still = karma

3. cowards are cowards.

4. The kinds of people who do this shit would still post a video of their "buddy" getting his wig pushed in cause they are all scumbags.

5. The funny thing is, I'm probably missing something too!!! Phone Post 3.0

1. "I've seen legit knockout videos where 1 guy runs up alone to unsuspecting victim. While friends are in background filming." Me too but in a crowded area?

2. "Possibly was trying to snatch purse. Shogun soccer kick still = karma." Word.

3. "cowards are cowards." That's true.

4. "The kinds of people who do this shit would still post a video of their "buddy" getting his wig pushed in cause they are all scumbags." Disagree. It's usually the party who did the ass-kicking or a third party.


BleedBloodyBlood - I don't know where you're getting your statistics. Just google "black on white violent crime". 40,000 white women got raped in the u.S alone last year by blacks. 0-10 black women raped by whites


Member Since: 12/4/13
Posts: 2

vazzo - I'm black and I approve of all of your comments. Phone Post 3.0
Stay away from my wife Phone Post 3.0

mkutta4 -
AbrahamCondorTheThird - wow, and the guy was..... wait for it.... BLACK!!!! Ofcourse, havent seen any other race do this dumb shit, hope he dies Phone Post
So other race has never attacked any other race without a good reason?

Holocaust, slavery, trail of tears...hmmm. I guess not.

I will never understand why it's illegal to post porn up here but it's perfectly fine for racist people like this person to troll threads. Phone Post 3.0
Don't want to come across racist, but the beginnings of slavery in Rome had no race, it was a social economic issue. As well as often it was black african economic types in with the brits that rounded up African tribes people to sell Americans.
Most Jews aré Caucasian, as well as German reitchers.
Holocausts aré often religious nöt racially driven. Look as militant holocausts that have been going on in small countries in Africa för the past 20 years?
Not saying this is indeed a black people problem. I would say that íts more then likely just a poor urban youth problem. There are poor white people too, also likely playing this game... Or just getting drunk and fighting eachother. Phone Post 3.0

theoutsiders -
Triangle Choked -
I Wild Each It - Really weird that the initial attacker was black. You typically don't see that.
Also weird he was by himself. Usually they only have the balls when they have backup. Phone Post 3.0
Don't be fooled. The guy filming had to be in on it too! How did he know to film that guy? Phone Post 3.0
Maybe because there was a black guy sprinting through a highly populated area........ Or maybe he was in on it. Phone Post 3.0

Should of gotten the camera man as well. Glad people are stepping up!!

I've seen the video a few times and have heard two stories. The first being the "ko game", another being the guy was a security guard and the woman had just stole something. Now a third, and they knew each other?  It's hard to see from the video what even happens. I'm not defending the guy at all, because you can't even tell what happens. If he did punch the woman(guard or not), he deserves a boot to the chops.

It seems like an odd place to attempt this fucked up game with so many people around. No idea. I'm at a loss.