Lifting for MMA

What are some good exercises that will help me to get stronger for MMA? Im looking for exercises that will corespond well to mma

 The same exercises that make you stronger for every athletic endeavor: compound exercises

Deadlift, squat, pullup, rows and presses.

thx bros

419 - Deadlift, squat, pullup, rows and presses.


Presses being bench + over head and you're sailing.

Remember to include some Power movements! Plyo pushups after a set of chest press will give you unbelievable gains within a week's time! Try it out ;)

BrutalMedic - 
419 - Deadlift, squat, pullup, rows and presses.


Presses being bench + over head and you're sailing.

This, plus: I love 145lb barbell jump squats. Builds explosive power.... great for shooting doubles and for throws.

If one wants explosive takedowns, get stronger and practice explosive takedowns.

 Snatches, deadlifts, clean and press, weighted jump squats, weighted chins, presses.

Bench, dead lift, cleans, shoulder press, squats, weighted pull ups, bent rows..... 5x5 of heavy weight. I've set it up Monday/ Friday 5x5 days and Wednesday is a circuit day with a lot of plyometrics. Phone Post

Find a friend's truck. Push the thing for 400 meters, as fast as you can. Rest one minute. Repeat.

MMA lifting should be based around your core. Everything in fighting revolves around the strength of your core, punches, kick, takedowns and takedown defense, etc.

So when lifting you should focus on exercises that require you to engage your core for proper form as well ad strength.

Lifts such as Squat (back, front and overhead), Deadlift, Snatch, Clean, Jerk...pretty much anything associated with Olympic.

And for bodyweight use the same focus...pullups, pushups, dips, plank, etc.

You can bench all you want which may give you strong chest, buy with out a strong core you will not have good power transfer or any speed! Phone Post

Lift heavy things to get stronger.

Run to get fitter.

Practice fighting to get better at fighting.

Extremely good advice HULC, but so simple that cant be true lol. But should be a sticky for this forum haha

Although I wonder if people ever read other threads, since this has been answered in almost every thread on here and its always the same responses.

Matt OSMA -  its always the same responses.

And always from the same helpful minds.

I didn't mean it as a bad thing, just that it seems nobody reads other threads first. It's always good advice

Matt OSMA - I didn't mean it as a bad thing, just that it seems nobody reads other threads first. It's always good advice

No worries, wasn't attacking, just putting it out there that the same qualified individuals are often giving out free information on here that a lot of idiots charge for.

"Practice fighting to get better at fighting."

That's the key! Work on your technique and tactics.

Already in use

you said: "In fact, strength usually trumps technique and tactics."

Keep on believing that! Lol! I can't tell you how many people who went into the fight believing that only to end up getting "whooped" by someone smaller and weaker than them.

Reading comprehension weakens legs.