Martin Kampmann leaving Team Alpha Male

ender852 -
Ubiquitous - Dan the Wolfman, aka Daniel Theodore, get on the motherflippin horn!!!!! ?? Phone Post 3.0
Team alpha male will be throwing cobra punches and ridge hands in no time! Phone Post 3.0
Turbo flurb flurry blasters with neo wombat footwork Phone Post 3.0

Must be difficult coaching in a gym full of fighters with 'little man'syndrome.

It might be hard to find someone who wants to live in Sacramento. It's not really a great place. No offense to Sac UGers, but it is what it is. It usually makes Forbes Top 10 Most Miserable Cities in the US list. I believe it's #5 right now.

Snow White Phone Post 3.0

Who will represent the Lilliput Guild?

JK I'm a huge Urijah and TJ fan

Maybe Faber needs to leave, they cant seem to hold a coach to save their lives

dermotfix -

Who will represent the Lilliput Guild?

JK I'm a huge Urijah and TJ fan

Wtf is the Lilliput guild? Did you mean the lollipop guild like from wizard of oz? You ruined your own joke me thinks? Phone Post 3.0

roger huerta, chris leben, or possibly miguel torres

Mayhem Miller Phone Post 3.0

BTTMike - They need a gameplan mastermind type of coach. They have all the physical and technical tools.

Mendes and some of the other guys would benefit from Zahabi and TriStar. Phone Post 3.0


They don't just need a good striker to teach them. They need gameplans and that's what I thought Bang did. But perhaps that stepped on somebody's toes. They need someone who can put it all together for them.

Anyone hear if there is more to this than Kampmann leaving for "personal reasons"?

Hasn't been there all that long... not sure how results are going relative to Duane...

Just wondering... since more often than not... leaving for "personal reasons" means a whole lot more.


UGCTT_FryedTakayama - I wish Kampmann would come back to fighting. One of my favs to watch. Phone Post 3.0
Agreed, technically awesome. He wasted nothing, everything thrown was precise and landed square. In his day he was really enjoyable to just watch his striking,

He was unlucky in many respects. Legend though. Phone Post 3.0

Mike Bispings Beautiful Hair -
UGCTT_FryedTakayama - I wish Kampmann would come back to fighting. One of my favs to watch. Phone Post 3.0
Agreed, technically awesome. He wasted nothing, everything thrown was precise and landed square. In his day he was really enjoyable to just watch his striking,

He was unlucky in many respects. Legend though. Phone Post 3.0
Spot on. Underrated ground game too. Phone Post 3.0

They should get GSP, they're pretty proficient in all aspects of MMA so they'd probably really benefit from a guy who can game plan the way he did.

They'd probably respect his coaching too I mean how do you tell GSP that you know how to do it better. Phone Post 3.0

Lol at the trolls saying Sacramento sucks :)

I've been living in Sacto for over 20 years.  Times have changed a lot for this place and it's definitely picking up.  Funny that it's deemed as a miserable city when there's so much to do here and the location is the shit. We're close to Lake Tahoe and the Bay Area.  Only shitty thing is the hot summer over here...

Wishing the best for Kampmann though.

elcornjr - They should get GSP, they're pretty proficient in all aspects of MMA so they'd probably really benefit from a guy who can game plan the way he did.

They'd probably respect his coaching too I mean how do you tell GSP that you know how to do it better. Phone Post 3.0

Very easily if your a stand up fighter

Jake shields would be an excellent choice. Phone Post 3.0

Literally have no idea why sac has such a bad rep. How many people saying that have actually spent any significant time there? It's got it's bad parts but so does any big city. Give me sac over LA any day. Phone Post 3.0

My hometown
Haven't been back since 06 Phone Post 3.0