Michael Chandler exhibiting unusual behaviour

Are you seriously saying people didn’t leave this site for the social media platforms?


Why would they come here when everyman and his dog has a podcast on youtube?
Theres no ad revenue here.


They stopped because of the bullshit morality lectures from KKM’s alt accounts.


I can’t imagine it was his idea to adopt those kids, his wife probably thinks she’s Angelina Jolie or Charleze Theron.


3-4 years ago MMA forums started dying
those of us that stayed should have our heads checked lol


Yes. X is not a forum style platform. Many pros/people in general have left this place because the mentality in here.

It’s an eccochamber, you disagree with someone and they attack you instead of trying to have a conversation with you.

I’m not saying they left for other forums. I’m saying forums are dead because of social media platforms and it’s not just this one. It’s really not up for debate, look at the numbers. The UFC also incentivizes fighters for social media engagement and numbers. For fighters, engaging in mma talk is their job, not something they do for fun, so they’ll go where the most users are. You have a childish idea of how this works.


This is 100% correct. Social media (Twitter, Instagram etc.) and reddit took most all the younger posters. It happened on many forums. Not even up for debate as Eskimo said


Reddit is doing great. Im also on some other forums that are doing very well with good volume. So not really sure.

How is Sherdogs volume vs this one?


Reddit was one of the main contributors to this place losing posters. Reddit was the younger generations forum


This is a take I 100 percent agree with and a position that I take myself.

If anyone looks retarded in all of this, it’s Conor. Chandler has fought multiple times per year for over a decade and has given us a lot of exciting fights. At this point in his career, he wants to make money, and take some time off.


Yeah I’m surprised anyone has an argument against this, it seems obvious.


No one really does. That guy is a troll, dildo, or both


See this is what I mean. Im a troll/dildo because you can’t see the obvious. The reason people don’t stick around is because if they have a different opinion they automatically get attacked

Thats what I mean, this place can’t keep up

Its reasoning behind it is obvious. Younger people in most cases are gonna choose social media over a forum style website or app, for multiple reasons.

For one, younger people prefer shorter and quicker interactions. They also like platforms where it’s easier to use and embed any kind of media they want, which isn’t necessarily the focus of a lot of forums. In fact the functionality on here wasn’t even available for a very long time. The apps for social media are also a lot easier to use and better designed, considering forums weren’t ever meant to be developed as apps, and it’s considered an afterthought. On top of that, all social media doesn’t make you pay for any basic shit and is open to everyone completely free. That’s not the case with forums.

I disagree that you always get attacked on here, on Twitter or somewhere else it’s much worse. Everything is emotional all the time on social media and very few people can have a reasonable conversation there. It’s one of the many reasons I don’t spend much time on it. Social media is designed for short form shit and low character counts. Forums like this can be used for much longer posts, which makes for healthier conversations. If you added up all of the words in my posts here, you could probably make a few books out of it.

Internet forums will always be where knowledgeable, passionate and dedicated people will be talking about the things they love. Plus, people in forums are much cooler. Everyone knows that.

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So explain reddit? Which is a forum


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Yup. Massive following.