Monson Speaks Out About Arnolds !!

lets see if relson does anything to save face. or maybee he doesnt give a shit now that all of the money is in the bank.

JGO is correct! For once.... what up Ortega? I might be coming down to Ft. Lauderdale soon. Would love to catch up w/ you and let you kick my ass all over the mat. I'll let you know.

Wade, I just woke up & read your b.s. you are posting to me " Phil,
"I am back you pathetic fuck and with a little sleep I am ready to attack your "watered down" version of events and Relson jock riding bullshit." What did I tell you about being being rude to people that are trying to help you. I don't like helping people that act dumb to me. I can't beileve people are calling and waking me up about this thread & you have not contacted me. I am a very busy person & don't have time to get upset about your bullshit posts about me. I am in Texas, not the Flordia Keys bro. I don't do the gay stuff you speak of. So I think you need to tone it down, specially if you actually want progression it is pretty easy for me to wash my hands of the situation.

Do you really think I am getting paid to help you out? Or to surf the web? You obviously don't know shit about me. I have 15 minutes before I go teach my noon class. I will check the rest of your posts before class. I hope you have acted in a more mature way toward me there. why didn't you give me a call when I asked instead of talking b.s. about me on the web?

"once the ref conspired to knowingly rig the match outcome, he ceased being a ref"

Yeah yeah yeah. He didn't conspire to do a damn thing except try to do the right thing. He was overruled. An apology to Dalla would be nice as well.


So I think you need to tone it down, specially if you actually want progression it is pretty easy for me to wash my hands of the situation.

typical response from a gracie rep. phil, why dont you just do whats right.


Phil Cardella, then : "Call Relson 808-589-2524 or Cooper." "CALL THEM & give them a peice of your mind, whining on the internet doesn't ever accomplish much."

Phil Cardella, now : "Do you really think I am getting paid to help you out?"

Getting paid? How are you helping Wade Rome? Just curious. It seems like you're helping Relson with damage control, but maybe the forum is missing something?

Phil Cardella : "Do you really think Relson likes using a smaller room than the one they took away from him? Maybe if everyone that complained about the lack of room would bring it up the the Expo staff. we would get some where."

Are you serious? The competitors should contact the expo staff and negotiate a larger venue? On whose authority? Or is the staff going to say, "We've been getting a lot of complaints from the competitors, let's move the Arnold's to a bigger room."?

Monson is 100% at fault for one reason. Blemishing the sport by attacking a ref. No matter what, you don't attack a ref unless that ref tries to attack you.

that said, i agree w/ Monson's post and Wade's sentiment. It's pretty funny how people want to 'help' out and get Wade his dough NOW, after all the negative press and after the point when it counted, the competition.

time to make an example.


Oh great. Another Reslon spin doctor on here with an endless
diatribe of watered down bullshit to account for the complete lack
of organization, class, and forthrightness shown on behalf of
Relson and his cronies, including you (I will get to that in a

1. You were not there so you do not know what was said and what
was not said about the rules. As I said in a previous post you need
to put a whiteboard next to each mat to keep track of the rules for
each match and all of the changes that continue to occur
throughout the tournament and the matches themselves. The
problem is not with the rules, it is with the absolute lack of proper
and consistent application of them. As the head referee you
should be fucking ashamed of yourself and the performance of all
of your subordinates. Bottom line, you did a shitty job and so did
most everyone you were responsible for when it came down to it.
This is particulalry true in the pro division matches where there
should have been three ref's per match (there were only two,
Reslon included) to at least keep people honest.

2. Do not come on here and preach some holier than though
bullshit about how we all have to be above this and let's move
forward, not backward. Go fuck yourself you condescending
asshole, you were not the one who was fucked over, Jeff and I
were so that Relsons' golden boy, Pe De Pano, could be handed
the title on silk lined platter. I would not be suprised if there was
a deal in place whereby Relson got a piece of PDP's purse back.
Bottom line here, your "master' is far more guilty than any of us of
immature and inappropriate behavior, go preach to him.

3. During my match with Leonel Perez you made a comment to
the ref that I was stalling in the guard, despite the fact that his
guard was closed. This was despite the fact that your own people
stated that their was no stalling call from the closed guard. As an
affiliate of Leonel you are certainly entitled to shout words of
encouragement for him and should. However, as the head ref, you
should keep your mouth shut with regard to instruction of the
referee unless you are asked for a clarification or interpretation by
the referee or one of the contestants. Bottom line here, do not
give selective input when it is beneficial to those affiliated with
you, either be consistent or do not do it at all unles called upon.
Where were you when I was pleading for a look at the two
takedowns on Pe De Pano ? That is what I thought.

4. How can any truly responsible head referee leave before the
event is over and the pro's are done competing ? Again, I not only
question your performance but your dedication and integrity.

5. The veiled threat of Dalla pressing charges is laughable. If they
did that then they would aslo have to arrest Soneca who kicked an
innocent bystander, Relson who pushed several people, and a
multitude of others involved in the melee. In fact, if you really get
down to it and talk legalities and alike, the foundational basis
exists for a class action (or at least multiple party plaintiff) suit
agaist Relson for the way the tournament was run, missed flights,
failure to follow rules, etc., etc. etc. Hell, I bet I would have a
damn good case against him for not only the purse I was fucked
out of but my travel expenses and punitive damages. Bottom line
here is do not cast stoned from the balcony of your masters glass
house. Relson, Cooper and the whole gang, you included, could
probably be criminally prosecuted for particiapation in what could
be found to be a massive scam, there are certainly no shortage of
outspoken witnesses.

Continued ........

To close, if you want to take the high road, and move forward, do
not come on here and try to spin a situation into being
appropriate, it was not and I will challenge you at every turn. The
right thing to do, and the only thing I see saving this tournament
on a go forward basis is to have Relson issue a public apology to
Me and anyone else he fucked, to everyone that competed for the
lack of organization, and finally to send me the $2500 that I
worked my ass off for and am entitled to.

Wade Rome
The REAL Arnold Classic Champion

*note to self: stay off of Rome's shit list

i do not believe all this controversy at the arnolds is a 'black eye' but instead i see it as the wind of change. sometimes it takes a big incident in order to change the status quo.

would relson voluntarily change his ethics and try to promote the sport instead of lining his pockets and stop intervening in tournaments when his students/friends are competing?

after having time to think about my actions at the arnold i will again say i wish i had gone after relson and not dalla. but, i offer no apologies. he had no balls to stand up to pe de pano or to relson. john cooper told pe de pano to start again or he would be disqualified but he complained to dalla who then went to relson.

the bottom line is relson wanted pe de pano to win and dalla was told by relson on at least 2 occassions during this melee to restart the match but continued complaining by pe de pano led relson to then tell dalla to announce pe de pano the winner. why didn't he announce me the winner in the first place when pe de pano refused to restart the match at relson's request?

there is a big distinction between fighting for your rights and attacking a supposedly unbiased innocent bystander. dalla was a cog in the wheel of exploitation. however, like i stated, relson was the main perpetrator and i wish i had gone after him. unfortunately, it takes standing up for yourself, sometimes in an ugly manner to make change. every positive social change in the history of man came from the bottom, that is from the person/people being subjugated, not from the elite or decision makers.

jeff monson

This is the type of communication that is needed. Why include the knee bar, heel hook, gaurd slam...? Why not? I have many reasons why not, then again I am a instructor / student who has 2 small boys, a wife and a collge teaching job, totally different situation than a PRO fighter. Progress is made by open discussion and majority voting by experienced fighters. I appretiate to comments.

after all these threads.

Save the drama fo yo mama.

who'd a thought that so much politics and bs in a sport, huh?

lol, understatement of the year.

"This years Arnolds had 1300 competitors. "

This is not true, Phil.

There may have been 1300 matches but there were 751
competitors that registered by 4:00 am on friday
night. I know this to be a fact because i presonally
counted them. Now another few like maybe up to 50
came in on Saturday but there was no way another 600
came in on Saturday.

On Friday night the count was 648 fighters had signed
up for the gi and out of the 751, 320 something for
the no gi.


Ryan Bevios and i counted them all together.


I have a wife, 2 boys, a couple of businesses I am
involved in, 2 dogs, I teach wrestling at the ATT, and
I even have a vacation home, I merely grapple part

Exactly, what the hell does this have to do with what
went on at the tournament ? Absolutely nothing and
that is why Garth would rather talk about it than the
tough, substantive issues.

Wade Rome

My role in the Arnold was to develop an official rules document through Relson guidance. Once completed the idea was to post on the web in both video and text format which was done. The refs and competitors were supposed to have a meeting a 5:00 and 10:30 pm on Fri to make sure they were comfortable with the rules. I spent many hours preparing for this opportunity so that all of the things you are talking about would not happen. Scotty from on-the-mat was there to verify the clarity of the rules. My requests were ignored by the majority of competitors and most of the refs, the end result is what happened. I had a team of 15 college level competitors that I was responsible for and left the venue after your fight with Leonel. I could not foresee in advance the decisions that would be made at the event that perpetuated the unpreparedness of the refs. Being the head ring captain I will take full responsibility for what happened. You have no idea who I am or what kind of person I am, my integrity is intact. I was tying very hard all day to do right by the competitors, coaches, and the spectators. Being critical is fine that is how positive change happens but I would appreciate it greatly if you did not question my integrity or attack me personally again.

Fortunately, in a civilizes society such as ours attempts to be, one does not 'stand up for oneself' by attacking others. While terrorism is referred to as the last form of diplomacy, it is generally (and rightly) frowned upon, and even when used effective, often (and also rightly) carries equally heavy consequences for those who choose to make use of it.

Stand up for yourself. Speak your mind. Spread the word. Organize and bring pressure to bear. These are noble and respectible endeavors.

Attacking someone only takes attention away from the very issues that need addressing, or at the very least, muddy the waters and ensure enough blame gets spread around to hide behind.

Regarding haveing the mettings for the rules at 5pm and 10:30pm was not quite right. Yes the 5pm rules did take place, however I (Carlao not Monson) adn Parrumpinha stayed until 11:30 for the next rule meetting and it never happened.

I can see a lot of improvement that can be made to this and any other tournament.

The first that comes to mind is why would Relson not award any points for passing someones half guard?????

Half guard can be a defence and offence position, is a form of guard, and in every other tournament is a pass!!!!!