MMA Underground Forums

Not even Fedor

Brock will lose to Frank Mir....

melvinferd - kerr was a better wrestler than kurt

Kerr was a college champion, Kurt Angle was an Olympic gold medalist.

[fna - JOB - You're making a huge assumption based on someone you've seen so little of. You haven't seen how Lesnar will react to a good shot on the chin.. Lesnar is still learning the game.. A decision win over Herring and a TKO of a 46 year old guy 70lbs his junior doesn't equate to alot.LOL!!! I love how Randy was a threat to Fedor and Randy vs Fedor was the fight everybody was clamoring for, but since he decided to stick with the UFC and fought Lesnar instead of Fedor, he's a 46 year old small HW now.  Crazy how he went from Fedor's most credible threat to an aging small HW, just because he fought Lesnar instead of Fedor.  Didn't even have any fights in between the rumors and somehow majorly declined in everybody's eyes.  The Brock hate on the UG is ridiculous.I like the 70lb his junior part too.  It was 45lbs at the weigh ins, probably 55-60 come cage time....and now less than a year since the fight it's up to 70lbs already.  Its like the biggest fish I ever caught story.... come 5 years time, the story will be Randy fighting a giant he was giving up 3 feet and 500lbs to.]

The only one who thought Couture was a threat to Fedor was BLAF and the fight was claimed to prove him wrong.

His wrestling is his only upside. and he showed it against Randy that he is capable of beeing takin down. so i doubt people fear him. he has one mindset going into every fight.and thats hammerfists. his cardio is crap and his boxing is worse then any fighter iv ever seen.
Technique over Strength everytime. Mir will make a fool of that moron again for just standing ontop of him doing nothing lol

 Has there ever been a guy as overhyped as Brock in MMA?

Where does he talk crap out of his ass? I keep hearing this from everybody that dislikes him. Last week at the TUF finale, he didn't say a single negative thing about Mir. Postfight vs Mir he gave him nothing but respect, same to Randy. Seems everybody is saying he's a cocky shit talker based off the Herring fight where they allegedly had words backstage right before their intros.


wasnt his latest lip service in his interview about MIR having a "toy" belt or some nature? it was the one where he was at home cuz his wife had the baby.

its like he trying to downplay Mir's win over wasnt like it was a"decision" where it can be debatable...he loss clearly to a Submission on championship night..MIr having the belt is legit.

i dont see what "respect" he giving him regardless what he said cuz his credibility just shot back.

Fedor has gone against bigger and stonger beast of men more times than brock has ...brock track MMA record is a joke so lets not even bring that up.

The Mouth -  Could beat Lesnar.
Anyone who thinks there is a heavyweight on the planet right now that can beat him is absolutely delusional.

His speed, size, strength and wrestling will have him owning that belt until he decides to quit fighting or enters Evander Holyfield past prime still wanting to fight phase.

Ever heard of submissions?

 "Fedor will sub Lesnar off his Back"

I love that Fedor subs two guys off his back in his career, one of whom knows nothing about MMA and one of whom trains nothing but doublelegs, and suddenly it's a given that no one can survive on top of him.

orcus -  "Fedor will sub Lesnar off his Back"

I love that Fedor subs two guys off his back in his career, one of whom knows nothing about MMA and one of whom trains nothing but doublelegs, and suddenly it's a given that no one can survive on top of him.


 "Fedor has gone against bigger and stonger beast of men more times than brock has"

I doubt he's ever fought anyone stronger. Bigger? Let's see -- fat, worthless Zulu; sluggish HMC who had no MMA training or experience; and Schilt, who has no wrestling whatsoever and a minimal ground game (and Fedor did not finish him despite being on top the entire fight).

EckY -  Has there ever been a guy as overhyped as Brock in MMA?


its rather sickening isnt it!!?!!?

orcus -  "Fedor will sub Lesnar off his Back"

I love that Fedor subs two guys off his back in his career, one of whom knows nothing about MMA and one of whom trains nothing but doublelegs, and suddenly it's a given that no one can survive on top of him.


honestly untill this has be shown otherwise we gonna have to pretty much go with this

in another way i guess it shows just how much he is on his back ...otherwise its " pounding" one's face in...but i do see your point

Joey132 - His wrestling is his only upside. and he showed it against Randy that he is capable of beeing takin down. so i doubt people fear him. he has one mindset going into every fight.and thats hammerfists. his cardio is crap and his boxing is worse then any fighter iv ever seen.
Technique over Strength everytime. Mir will make a fool of that moron again for just standing ontop of him doing nothing lol



actually i would like to see MIR knock his head off just so there is NO question or uncertainty of who won . just keep it standing n wanna see how Brock does.

 It takes a delusional person to know one....

imo waste of a thread.

NHB USA -  It takes a delusional person to know one....

imo waste of a thread.


 right back at ya!

hes fuckin 2-1.

not even 3-0

hes not shit

the ufc hw division is mmas big joke

mma's big joke

ufc hw division