MMA Underground Forums

Not even Fedor

kooldover - hes fuckin 2-1.

not even 3-0

hes not shit

the ufc hw division is mmas big joke

mma's big joke

ufc hw division 
Who's division is better?  All HW MMA must be a joke to you.

The Mouth -  Could beat Lesnar.

Anyone who thinks there is a heavyweight on the planet right now that can beat him is absolutely delusional.

His speed, size, strength and wrestling will have him owning that belt until he decides to quit fighting or enters Evander Holyfield past prime still wanting to fight phase.



orcus -  "Fedor will sub Lesnar off his Back"

I love that Fedor subs two guys off his back in his career, one of whom knows nothing about MMA and one of whom trains nothing but doublelegs, and suddenly it's a given that no one can survive on top of him.

I love the complete gaps of logic you show when commenting on fighters you don't like.

Nobody said that "no one" can survive against Fedor off his back, just that a guy with very limited submission training would probably lose to a guy with years of submission training who has used submissions successfully before.

orcus -  "Fedor will sub Lesnar off his Back"

I love that Fedor subs two guys off his back in his career, one of whom knows nothing about MMA and one of whom trains nothing but doublelegs, and suddenly it's a given that no one can survive on top of him.

How often does fedor end up on his back?

In case when he did end up on his back, how many times did he reverse and gain top postion where the finished the fight?

That is all.

No way does Lesnar beat Fedor at this point in his career, Lesnar is too raw a fighter at the moment I think he will trouble Fedor but Fedor would still sub him eventually.

Brock can't out strike Fedor, and if it goes to the ground Brock is done.


Voted Down

WOW 2 x

mouth is trolling

lifeaftrprison - Mouth,

U r CRAZY! !

Shit I bet a local guy would beat that clown! i.e. Burch!!!!!!


LOL thread starter.

sillypants - LOL thread starter.


LOL @ taking 7 pages to get this mentioned cuz i am sure the laughing started long ago

fedor is better than all current heavyweights by a significant margin in multiple areas. against brock lesnar, he is a much faster striker both offensively and defensively, can transition mid-strike into a takedown much more smoothly, has significantly better submissions and submission defense, has a significantly better bottom game than brock's top game which consists of passing and pitter pattering with his hammers, has significantly more self-control in a fight and can likely pace himself better due to that, has actually trained every martial arts he uses for more than 5 years... we'll just stop there, i could go on.

point is, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. the only fight in which you can say, "yea, brock was clearly the better fighter" is his very first fight against the asian who clearly stood no chance, and heath herring. past-prime couture stood toe-to-toe with him, challenged him in wrestling with significantly more success than one would think he would be able to have considering brock's size, and frank mir has subbed him.

brock is so overrated because of his size, it's ridiculous. now if brock was a highly skilled fighter, this would be different. he is a highly skilled wrestler with amazing physical attributes, but virtually all highly skilled wrestlers also have amazing physical attributes anyway, so to me, he is just another 1-dimensional wrestler, just a particularly promising one.

"In case when he did end up on his back, how many times did he reverse and gain top postion where the finished the fight?"

Only one I can think of is Randleman, who sucks.

he has subbed many guys with similar skill sets to brock"

Name one.
Randleman and Coleman have spent their entire careers training by shooting doubles on each other. Lindland is not even a big middleweight. Hunt has zero wrestling and zero ground. Tim has mediocre wrestling and no speed or agility. HMC is a kickboxer with gigantism and no MMA experience whatsoever.

So please, tell me the "many guys with similar skillsets to Brock" that Fedor has subbed. Which guys have Brock's wrestling, are dedicated to training (including BJJ), have serious punching power, massive size and strength, and good speed and agility.

 "fedor struggled with hunt...yeah massively what an epic comeback from fedor"

What do you call it when you slap an armbar on a fat kickboxer in the opening seconds, get reversed, and spend the next 6 minutes on your back with him in side control working a kimura? Do you say, when you finally get the sub at minute 7, that you had no trouble?

Scarola#1Fan -  Couture was winning until the inadvetant shot to the back of the head that dropped him. 
Revisionist history again.......


Hmmmmm.... I think I would have to pick Fedor at this moment, but I'm actually not that far away from Mouth and his thinking. Lesnar got subbed in his first fight in the UFC, by doing something that I wouldn't have done, and I don't even train BJJ.

He got much better in the Herring fight, and then even better in the Couture fight (who everyone seems to be dismissing now).

He's had much longer to train since his last fight, and I'm very interested to see what he looks like now. His striking was basic, but he was very good at the basics. He seems to learn very fast and training every day with cumprido for the past year, I think he will be good enough to avoid subs. He certainly isn't going to sub anyone else, but he won't be a complete noob to sub defense.

If he progresses at the same speed as he has in the past two years, then I don't think that he is that far away from beating anyone on any given night. Hate him all you want, but he is a force now, and is only improving.

 "is a master of finding a way to win."

That's about as relevant and informative an analysis as saying Randy is a "master of the gameplan". It's really not very illuminating.

What it comes down to is that Fedor fights better than his opponents. It's not some separate skill of "finding a way to win". If Brock takes him down (which I imagine most of us think he would do more or less at will), and has learned enough sub defense to not get subbed from the bottom, then Fedor will not magically "find a way to win".

He would have to stop the takedown, or get a reversal, or get a sub, or whatever. You have to ask yourself how likely those things are against a particular opponent, rather than just assume that they will certainly happen because Fedor "finds a way to win".

There aren't a ton of subs from the bottom and they are rarely easy. Nogueira, often referred to as the best submission fighter in the entire sport, couldn't sub Herring even from the top in two of their fights, and has had tons of trouble subbing guys like Henderson or Yokoi or many others, even from the top. BJ had nothing for GSP from the bottom, nor did Serra; Maynard was never in danger from Clementi; Schilt and Crocop spent entire fights on their backs against Fedor without being finished; etc etc etc.

Brock knows that submissions are probably the most likely way in which he'll get caught, so it's safe to say he is working very, very hard on his defense. Coupled with his enormous size, strength, and wrestling control, and it's absolutely ludicrous to think that "once it hits the ground it's done" with Fedor, as though, based on his subs of Coleman and Hong Man Choi, Fedor has proven himself to be the deadliest man in the sport with submissions. And the reason you all think "as soon as it hits the ground it's over" isn't because you actually think Fedor is the most dangerous submission fighter, but because you simply believe he will "find a way to win".

You guys probably think Fedor will submit Barnett from the bottom if that's where the fight ends up; not because you actually think Fedor is a better sub fighter than Barnett, but because you have to believe Fedor will win.

 "And for the record, your quoting me saying "he finds a way to win" and discussing that, and then you proceed to lump me in with someone who said "once it hits the ground its over". A comment I would not be stupid enough to make."

I apologize for lumping you in. My posts are almost always directed at arguments rather than people, so I'll address a few in one post...usually I'm pretty clear when I mean "you" specifically rather than a general "you".

Yes, Fedor always "finds a way to win". In the HMC fight, against a guy he didn't want to stand with and couldn't take down, that way was a sub from the bottom. That would likely be his best chance against Brock as well. Is it very likely? Personally I don't think so, and it is far from the certainty virtually everyone on this thread thinks it is. In the Nog fight it was by stopping his takedowns and getting top position himself. Is that likely against Brock? I don't think so. In the Randleman fight it was by easily getting out from under him after being taken down and flipping him onto his back. Is that likely against Brock? I don't think so.

Its obvious fedor is not your favorite fighter based on your last line, "...but because you have to believe Fedor will win"."

Picking Fedor to win a fight because of specific reasons is one thing; picking him to win for no other reason than that he always has before is silly. If he doesn't match up well, he doesn't match up well.
Finding a way to win against guys with massive holes in their games is no guarantee of finding a way to win against everybody.