Not even Fedor

antmaneraser - He probably could've ended Herring if the took the back RNC are like second nature to wrestlers


i thought as a wrestler that of all subs...the Rnc would be a natural "go to" resort...guess not and it showed.

glad to see some ppl are seeing a lil "light" on what iwas talking of all along :)

lol at this thread.

i will be laughing when mir subs him again.

supersaiyan - Brock has nothing to even talk about when it comes to Fedor...lets save that when he actually accomplishes something worthy mma wise.

ding ding ding!!!

 Ill say this.  I have a business account, have been here for 6 years and have MULTIPLE credible people on here that will vouch I know my shit.

You can say whatever you please about my opinion here, but Orcus is the only person to think logically on this thread.  I hate Brock and Im pissed he is where he is... fact remains what I am sayin gis absolute fact.  He is a LEGIT 265 man with undeniable athletic ability and a camp that churns solid MMA talent.  Brock will be the UFC champ as long as he feels it necessary.  NO ONE right now in MMA will beat him.  Period.

people drool way to much over the size of lesnar. i dont understand where people get the "unbeatable" notion from. its a fight and anything can happen, even more so when veterans are fighting rookies.

p.s. lesnar has already lost in the UFC so if you think he will never lose you are ignorant.

nyhcloyalty - 
The Mouth -  Could beat Lesnar.

Anyone who thinks there is a heavyweight on the planet right now that can beat him is absolutely delusional.

His speed, size, strength and wrestling will have him owning that belt until he decides to quit fighting or enters Evander Holyfield past prime still wanting to fight phase.




I love how he hops like a large bunny rabit.  lol you would think when fighting a leg-lock specialist, you would learn some defense!  At the least, the basic fundementals of leg-lock escapes right?


B_Goetz - 
melvinferd - kerr was a better wrestler than kurt

Kerr was a college champion, Kurt Angle was an Olympic gold medalist.

correct me if im wrong, but in the same year as the olympic trials didnt kerr beat angle? i remember reading that angle didnt even score a point against kerr. kerr couldnt go to the trials due to any injury.

brock is a bad matchup for fedot. he would take him down at will and most likely get a cut stoppage or tko. the only way I could see fedot winning is catching him with his stand up

I really doubt fedor could reverse brock with his ape arms but you never know. cant wait for bernett fight!


I love how he hops like a large bunny rabit.



jongkiman - Fedor will sub Lesnar off his Back, Will Zulu'd/Sylvia'd Lesnar standing up, and will crush Lesnar's face if Fedor's on top with his lightning brutal GNP, now TS what does Lesnar got to offer against Fedor besides his Buff Muscles?


WatchinMMA - I really doubt fedor could reverse brock with his ape arms but you never know. cant wait for bernett fight!

If 46 year-old Randy Couture could do it, why couldn't Fedor, who has reversed or gotten up from under EVERYONE who has ever managed to take him down?

Nog, Randleman, Arona, Coleman ... These guys know a little bit about holding a guy down...

Brock is definitely legit. He took a shortcut to the UFC title, but he earned it when he got the chance.

The thing about Fedor is, that he always seems to look bad on paper. He was supposed to lose to:

Heath Herring first fight (listen to Bas before the fight).
Mark Coleman first fight (no chance against a superior wrestler).
Big Nog first fight (no one gave him a chance at all).
Randleman (he had no solution for someone as athletic as Kevin).
Crocop (he'd supposedly been ducking Crocop, would not be able to take Crocop down, and would be lucky to make it out of the first round).
Mark Hunt (after Hunt beat Crocop the forums were full of people predicting a quick Hunt KO).
Andrei Arlovski (AA was simply too athletic, hit too hard)
Tim Sylvia (Fedor was supposedly afraid of him, and wouldn't be able to handle the reach advantage).

It was also often posted that Anderson, Liddell, Gonzaga, GSP, Machida, Cain, Mir, Rampage, Barnett, and even BJ Penn (seriously, do a search) would beat him.

Fedor is supposed to lose against almost everyone he fights, but in the end he always seems to find a way to win. Brock is just another guy in a long line of fighters who 'should' beat Fedor. Actually beating him is another question. Hopefully we'll get a chance to see it someday.

lifeaftrprison - Mouth

I will be ready for a card in the winter! Starting to get back in now.


The Mouth -  Ill say this.  I have a business account, have been here for 6 years and have MULTIPLE credible people on here that will vouch I know my shit.

You can say whatever you please about my opinion here, but Orcus is the only person to think logically on this thread.  I hate Brock and Im pissed he is where he is... fact remains what I am sayin gis absolute fact.  He is a LEGIT 265 man with undeniable athletic ability and a camp that churns solid MMA talent.  Brock will be the UFC champ as long as he feels it necessary.  NO ONE right now in MMA will beat him.  Period.


i for one have much respect for ORCUS and hes views on things and is definitely someone that can make great debates. substance based arguments he has and i actually admire someone with brains and not just spout BS on a personal level to no end..

however i think the interprentation posted by the OP is making it out like BRock will outright beatdown Fedor when the 2 dont even belong in the same sentence and just showing ignorance towards Fedor who of alll heavyweights and the mma in general , are stacking themselves against.. the man to BEAT is FEdor .(in brocks case MIR )...period not BRock. Lets try to keep in perspective.

We have not seen anything "durable"wise on Brock unlike Fedor... Anyone rememeber him being almost slammed (suplex style) by Randleman damn near on his head ? what about AA? Hong mon Chi (sp)try getting a 300lb man off you/or survive with 60lbs to give on top of it ( i have been that guy and not that guy myself)...this is where FEDOR is clearly proven 100% and came back to win ALL of ThEM and more...Brock has done NOTHING in comparison.

the mark of a true wwarrior is how he capitalizes under durress or on the losing/ vulnerable side ...not when things are going his way.


yep.... thats gonna be the image for at least another 2 weeks LOL ^^
