Q an A With Denis Kang

effingoof, I don't think that matchup will happen, Lance and I are friends. We're the only Pro Middleweight fighters in the city though, so it's only normal for people to wonder.

JD, I agree it's a good match even tho he can be boring. However I refuse to have a boring match because in turn I get bored myself. I'm there to win but also have some fun !

Well Soulev is at a disadvantage with it being in a cage he has a great sprawl and is strong and typical of Russians very tough but I see him being taken down in the clinch when you get him pressed up against it and him being on the bottom is not going to be fun for him !

Let Kang quiet the internet hype!


do the damn thang...

when are you bringing me up to Vancouver to train!? Heard there's a lotta asain chicks up there...

ah shit if there is asian chicks then i am going with Mayem

Vancouver has a huge Asian population. Hence the name "Hong-couver".

its all u can eat so its probably not top notch sushi. i hear tojos is top notch authentic as u can get, but its also pricey.



Good to see you out on this thread. You actually are a pretty big celebrity here in Corea. Not BOA or Shinhwa big, but LOTS of people know of you. I know because I have been mistaken for you more than once (even though we don't look alike).

The first couple times it was pretty embarassing. People would see me, get excited and then start asking me to take photos with them. My ego would swell, they would compliment me on my fights and then they would start making "weird" comments:

"I thought you didn't speak any Corean."

"You look smaller than I thought."

"When will you go back to Canada?"

That's when I tell them "Sorry, I am not Denis Kang." Before I wanted to tell them, "but wait! I am a MMA fighter too!" Nowadays when people are excited to see me, I tell them right away: "Sorry, I am not Denis Kang."

Anyways, getting back to you, I think that you could easily meet either BOA or Shinhwa if you wanted. You could say "hey, I am a big BOA (Shinhwa) fan. I would love to meet BOA (Shinhwa)." I am sure word would get out and they would arrange a meeting. I think that both BOA and Shinhwa's managers would see it as an opportunity to cross-market to the MMA audience who might not be big BOA or Shinhwa fans.

You could then arrange for either BOA's or Shinhwa's older sisters to meet up with your good friend, "Five o Clock Shadow."


where do you train while your in korea?

so you mean fos isn't Dennis Kang? damm I'd better stop telling my mates that Dennis Kang has been beating me up for the last year :(

Hong Francisco

I train at Choi Mu Bae's gym in Seung Reong.



Hey Denis, if you could pick your favorate Spice Girl who would you pick and the same goes for the Backstreet Boys?

TTT for Kang in the UFC!!

effingoof, I will be one of the two soon. My management has been speaking with both orgs for quite some time.

FOS, people here have been asking me if I'm 5oclock shadow. I tell them yes, now gimme my bread...
I have met McMOng and we hung out together on stage. He's fucking funny.

J.Mac, as for the Spice Girls I like Posh Spice, but unfortunately she's dating that faaayg David Bekham. Backstreet boys I likem all ...

Hey buddy, I will shoot you an e-mail give me a few minutes.

Hey Denis,

Can you please email me at lisa_p1@hotmail.com




who do you reckon to be the best team in Korea?

What's your opinion on Eun Soo Lee?

You are currently on a training vacation at the American Top Team academy - how do you like that school?  Have you rolled with Liborio?  Is their style of grappling similar to yours?

Hey Denis...

who is your favorite skateboarder?