Rat Pack caught in another lie!

Did he know you recorded the telephone conversation? You know, in many states wiretapping is illegal?... be careful.

That's not wiretapping. Wiretapping is where a 3rd party records a private phone conversation without the knowledge of the parties involved (protected under bill of rights against illegal search and seizure), unless you have a court order allowing it.

Recording a phone conversation as long as one of the parties involved is aware of it is completely legal. So if you want to record your own phone conversation there is nothing wrong with that.

As much fraud as there is in the martial arts world, it is nice to see some people exposing false claims. Especially since BJJ is a big money maker for schools right now. And it's the students that are going to get hurt when what they think they know doesn't really work.


Are you new here?

Do you know what a Barrister is?

Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?

"THEHUNTER" -------- NO! Rigan's word is not enough. People question the word of mayors, senators, governors, and presidents. I don't think....a legend he may be....Rigan Machado's word is above reproach.

..............Fine work Duck



Quit being an anonymous keyboard jerk off.

Post your full name, address, and phone #, or STFU."

No, but thanks.

What did I do to offend, btw? Just curious.


Locust- you first, post your social security and date of birth

I personally remember when one of Robson'e boys admitted Robson was not a black and would undergo evaluation? Now he's a black with references under Marcos/Rigan? Keep up the work Duck but then again this might turn out to be a dead duck?

"The guy that DOD called and taped - is he a legit BJJ BB?"

He's a legit RED BELT like Helio Gracie himself--a Grand Master, the highest BJJ level there is.

"And who's Sukata now?"

Mario Sukata is a legit BJJ BB.  When all the stuff about Robson Pereira's teacher Maurice Sakata came up, some people wondered if it was Sukata they were talking about.  My opinion is that the con job involved creating a bogus teacher for Robson who had a name that sounded like the name of some legit BJJ BB.  It's interesting to note that Robson's other teacher's name--Marcos "Macaco" Aurelio--sounds suspiciously like the name of legit BJJ BB Marcus "Maximus" Aurelio.  Pretty sneaky crap.  


I don't think the Rat Pack ever admitted Robson wasn't a BB.  His skills were suspect, though, supposedly because he suffered some kind of debilitating injury and had been out of the game a while.  So he was going to do remedial training under a Renzo brown belt and get re-ranked.  And then within six months he's a second degree black belt under Marcos Santos.


Keep up the good work Duck

"If Machado is signing his credentials, is it possible that this guy has legit BJJ BB skills?"

I have my doubts that Machado ever read the letter that bears his signature.  It's written on legal paper, and the Rat Pack owner just happens to be a practicing attorney.  I think he--the owner--drafted the letter and had Marcos and Rigan sign it.  He stupidly put the Sakata crap in the letter, though, and so drew Marcos and Rigan into making fools of themselves by vouching for the rank of a non-existent person.  When I phoned Marcos about it, he blurted out that he personally didn't know Sakata, but that Mansor knew him.  

Evidently the Rat Pack owner was too stupid to simply draft a letter having Marcos and Rigan attest to Robson's BB skills, which probably would have been a lie too, but a lie that would have spared them from becoming entangled in the Sakata business.  By the way, when I spoke to Marcos, he mentioned nothing about Pereira's skills--it was all "Robson is a good man," "Robson says he's willing to work hard with us," "Robson works construction and still wants to teach Jiu-Jitsu," etc.  Nothing like "You ought to see this guy in action.  He's fantastic when he rolls."        

To NWS: Yes, I know what a "barrister" is. I managed to avoid the turkish prison though. Pet peeve of mine when people throw around legal terms or talk about stuff being against the law when it's not since, I do work in LE and have to keep current on that stuff.

You win. Bust someone different.

"Did he know you recorded the telephone conversation? You know, in many states wiretapping is illegal"

But in many states it isnt if one of the parties is aware and doing the taping.

Wiretapping of a conversation where both parties are unaware is a different animal compared to YOU doing the taping of a convo you're having with someone else.


You're right DOD that's exactly what happened but how do you get reevaluated after suffering some debilitating injury? Then to add insult to injury you get a 2nd degree BB?

What really adds insult to injury is the possibility that he might not have suffered some debilitating injury at all--his lack of skills might have simply stemmed from his never having been a BJJ BB to begin with. 
