Remember when US college wrestling and BJJ were considered good bases for MMA fighters?

he is the lion and cwtr

it is

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Triple post meltdown faggot

There is only one person allowed to use the phrase faggot round here, and it ain’t u Jack

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Judge Joe Brown GIF

Consensus is that it’s u Jack!

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no its replying to 3 posts …speaking of triple u have 3 screen names at least This one,The Lion and CWTR

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I’m gonna need you to expand on this one.

Oh lord. This shit again? When in doubt, instead of replying with facts to counter what he’s saying, point out his join date and act like your older join date means anything. “Ooohhhh! You got two screennames!!! Hey everyone, he’s a troll! I’ve been a member longer than he has so that means I’m 4ight and he’s wrong!” Get the fuck out of here with that high school bullshit. You used to be cool years ago, but lately it’s just checking join dates and calling people trolls. Angry guy yelling at clouds.

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has nothing to do with his join dates and he has 3 screen names and they are obvious.If you read u will see others are calling out the same multi names as i am.Never once said I been a member longer than anyone and never once called him a troll You can always put me on block or skip my posts and Ill go back to not knowing you exist

Are you ConorWinstheRematch?

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People can represent whatever country they want.
But nothing will ever be stranger than this.


Wrestling and bjj will always be the foundation of MMA. You will always have to be pretty good at both of a stud in 1 to be top level. Combat Sambo just happens to encompass both of those. Of course there will be exceptions, but they are few and far between.

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So what? Seriously, why is it such a big deal to you how many screennames he has? You sound ridiculous.

Don’t know I exist? Yeah, okay. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Really good Russian fighters do really well in the UFC.

Same with other nationalities when the fighter happens to be really good.

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because he spams the board with crap…

i do agree sambo is now right up there with wrestling and BJJ and some of these russians are awesome fighters

So if he did it under only one screenname then it would be okay with you? Be honest Darren, you’ve been ranting and raving about screennames for YEARS! “Ohhh, The Lion has like 6 screennames. I think CRE is Thaiguy and I can prove it!!!” Like I said, you used to be cool, but the last few years you’ve turned into a screnname conspiracy fanatic.

If you don’t like people spamming the board, why don’t you just take your own advice?


Careful. If you respond to me one more time then I’ll become your most replied to forum member!


i solve problems Always liked a good mystery.I havent started a thread in a while.Thanks for informing me all the stuff in the profile Its pretty cool feature I never noticed it before,Ill leave the alternate screen names alone if it makes u happy

ive went back n forth with so many people over the years I forget ,what were we arguing about ?