Remember when US college wrestling and BJJ were considered good bases for MMA fighters?

dont know who thai guy is either,Ya id rather it be under 1 name But i guess in a sick sence it humors me with the multi names

Who said we ever argued? I specifically said “You used to be cool”.

You know this whole thing seems kind of silly since I’m going after you but don’t have a real problem with you. I’m just feeling sick, in a bitchy mood and blaming you for shit other people do. My bad man.

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Just like Americants think they’re a white country when it’s run by Jews, and is populated by blacks and Mexicans who cuck them out of jobs and women.

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posts like these

winston wolf is one of the best posters on this forum.

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Russia produces more really good fighters than anywhere else. Nearly the entire ACA roster could compete in the UFC.

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Alt detected :joy:

I generally respect your opinion, but :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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thanks Wiggum your one of my all time favs as well

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nobody did U tried to point out we had a lot of conversation with that chart

apology accepted I dont hold grudges Especially on a forum .U also have some valid points Deep down the multi names humor me

opinions vary Somehow Ill survive

Look at this insecure idiot talking to himself peoples opinions have him so rattled.

Probably forgot to switch to one of his alt accounts :sweat_smile:

scroll up at ur anti american comments.I can say in all honesty this is my only account u cant

It’s my only account. Now what?

I shouldn’t even have to humour your crazy old man ramblings.

i dont believe you

Don’t give a shit. Go find some tangible proof I’m an alt like a mod backing you up or shut the fuck up, stop derailing my threads, and go be senile somewhere else.

proof is in the pudding but Im done here

This guy will be the next LHW Champ