Rickson Footage

RICKSON dominates.. no doubt.. He'd destroy sakuraba.. yet not enuff money to make it happen.. check the gracie Miami site.. good rickson stuff there.

I think Sakuraba would beat him soundly.

Alot of back and forth on this topic, I'm not sure where I stand....his peers talk about him very highly of his BJJ/ground skills, none of them has ever said a bad word, that's gotta mean something.

"RICKSON dominates.. no doubt.. He'd destroy sakuraba"

Maybe but I never understood why he never fought him, and to say he had nothing to prove or that the money was not enough sounds weak. There are a few stories of Rickson fighting for honour and the Gracie name....so why not show up Sak...he showed up the whole Gracie family.

Because Sakuraba has no aura (willingness to lose to Rickson in a fake fight). Rickson said this himself. Yoshida lost due to an unconvincing subtle decision. Yoshida controlled the fight 80% of the time. In my score book, Yoshida was the winner. He had much more energy left after the fight than Silva. When a Japanese TV reporter asked Silva, "Are you interested in fighting Rickson?", he replied. "Rickson? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahah. Boom, boom, boom. That's it. I don't need any more than 30 seconds to destroy him.".

"He had much more energy left after the fight than Silva"

Well that's a dumb lie.

"Boom, boom, boom. That's it. I don't need any more than 30 seconds to destroy him."

So? What's your point? That Yoshida is just as deluded as your are?

"Stop trolling Kai."

If only he were trolling.

It's a fact. Face it.

pedking is trying to get to 300 post. from there he will get his free juido gi

You are close to 6000.

so i will get my free juido lesson from u

LOL at thinking Rickson could beat Sakuraba.

It would only go to the ground if Sakuraba wanted it to. To the person who wonders why Rickson never fought Sakuraba, it's because he is scared of him. He claims he will fight but then he names a ridiculously high price than he knows no one can afford.

I once asked Rickson Gracie how good he was and he said..."Just give me the fucking pizza's dude and get away from my house!"

Royce went out and won real fights and you guys
call it an infomercial, where do you people come
from, or did todd get a new screenname?

Every single one of these people on this thread commenting on Rickson's abilities in a negative way have never even stood in the same room as the man.

Before talking about this film that film, this internet site, this person laid down, this person wasn't any good ect. Go get your gi & stop by his academy, on any day of the week any day of the year, If the place is open & you train, and don't have to tap & to many people there, then come on the internet & talk about how good he isn't.

Till then shut the hell up.

pdeking- You are an absolute idiot. It's a fact, face it.

im sure rickson is everything they say, but..i still think he should have fought just one top guy. not mark kerr or some other huge guy. just someone his weight. like a sakuraba or a frank shamrock. if he would have fought sak or shamy and subbed them, his legacy would be cemented forever and all these silly threads would never have been written.unfortunately he critisized alot of people and never fought them for whatever reason.i think thats what rubs people the wrong way.

If Rickson came on this forum right now, all you shit talkers would INSTANTLY jump on his jock!

He wouldn't be a legend in his own family if he wasn't THAT good.

Besides, every religion needs it's Jesus (or buddha, or muhammed,etc.).

I can't believe no one has brought up the Gracie Invasion tape from the late 80's which the brothers went to a judo club and worked out with the people there. Rickson looked well like Rickson and Royler got called a bitch after tapping someone. Some good shit there.

i have that tape. it's Hayward Nishioka's club...and the GRacies make the judo guys their bitches. Noone is even close to hanging with the BJJ guys...and the judo guys are whining and mad about it.

oh well.

"I have no doubt he is that good at BJJ. The problem comes when you guys start mixing that up with MMA..."

100% correct.

S'up choke?