Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

Hmmm, I wonder what Marc will have to say about that one.

Sounds like Rickson was ducking Mark Kerr, imo. He even admitted he wouldn’t know how to beat him. He preferred to fight Japanese wrestlers because there was more money in it.

He didn’t like the direction the UFC was heading with their new rules like weight divisions, time limits, gloves, stand-ups, etc. He knew Royce’s time in the UFC was over.

And I still believe BJJ is useful in modern MMA.


That’s pretty much the same story Mark tells but reversed. He says the first round was the one where he cradled him for an extended period of time and got choked but rd 2 was when he got tapped quickly.

Of course Mark says this was only because he let Rickson work on top.


Freediving expert calls bullshit on Rickson’s claims about breathing

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you’re too lazy and stupid to read a book, so, like a child, you listen to someone read it to you. This stands alone in the realms of pathetic.


I was fascinated at times in the book and cringing at others. I loved hearing the accounts of “growing up Gracie” and it was refreshing to not see blind idolatry of Helio and Carlson. He really didn’t like some of the shit that they did and beliefs they held; and he said as much.


Carlos, not Carlson who was a warrior.


Yep you’re right. My error

Iron Man Reaction GIF

Also I couldn’t tell if Rockson OD’d or got killed, and what was the meaning behind the grim reaper drawing in the suitcase? Was it revenge by the Yakuza?

My takeaway was that it was ruled an OD but Rickson thought there could have been foul play.

I have no problem with him fighting cans for big money, but don’t shit on top fighters of the time saying they aren’t at his level and he could beat them, but only for 100 billion dollars.

If he said something like “In my prime I would have beaten them all” that is fair enough

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It’s all business

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seems worthy of police investigation

If this was a fight Mark would has kneed his head to Bolivia, and with zero Jiu Jitsu experience

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I don’t know. It isn’t all business, or Rickson wouldn’t have done all those tournaments that you pay to enter. Or fought guys on the beach for free. Or marched down the streets to Luta Livre gyms.

I just think MMA came around too late in Rickson’s career. Most guys only have so many years of feeling the passion to go out and prove they are the best, their gym is the best, their family is the best…by 96/97 Rickson had probably settled into a phase where business was the most important.


Maybe. It’s certainly within the realm of possibility.

The cradle isn’t the best spot for knees. Maybe he would have just gotten tired and choked faster. Maybe Rickson moves with more of a sense of urgency if knees are involved.

You’re right. 30 years later and we can’t stop talking about Rickson. I guess he has a little dojo set up in my head, rent free

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I wonder if he is reflecting on the possible bad influence they had on him as he gets older and wiser and maybe sees some of that behaviour reflected in his own life.

I always got the impression Rickson just wasn’t an aggressive person and wasn’t really into fighting (as opposed to the likes of Ralph, Renzo, Ryan, Royce) and was pressured into it my Helio, which is child abuse IMO. Ryron Gracie told a story of him driving in Brazil with Helio and some guy cut him off or something and they had some words and Helio demanded Ryron fight the other driver right there. Ordering people to get into needless confrontation makes you an asshole.

As I said above, Helio was clearly more like Charles Manson than Bruce Lee - a violent, egomaniacal, philandering, imperious cult leader.