Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

BTW I believe the reason Carlson broke from the rest of the clan is because Helio was ordering him about like he owned him and he didn’t like Helio so went alone.


Ya think?

But yeah it was effed up. Rockson had it all, but threw it away.

good posts


Rickson and Kim were ALL business. It paid off for them.

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And the fact that they left Rorion out of the picture made it better.

I’m impressed by the audiobook, which I got for free, I just might buy a printed copy. I heard it has pictures. I like pictures.


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There was a picture of Helio on Rickson’s IG a few years back with the caption “more than a father, more than a teacher” blah blah. It seems his opinion of him has changed a lot since then. As I said above, maybe he is just waking up to the truth about the cult he grew up in and wants to get it off his chest by publishing a book about it.

Maybe he lost a lot of money from covid closing his schools down and decided to get the creditors off his back by publishing a book about it.

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Kron’s school closed too. Heard he moved to Montana.

I didn’t get that Rickson doesn’t have a deep love for Helio. I think he just didn’t like some of the things that Helio did and beliefs he held. I think be believes Helio was the greatest JJ teacher ever and that he was a good father too. It was refreshing to me to see him say as much and not paint Helio as infallible or faultless.


U4EA you still a Mod?

I don’t think so since the new site came in. I was originally only supposed to be a mod on the boxing forum but also was on the other forums. I hardly ever used my mod powers.

Do you still have your keychain? :grinning:


Hold on.

I still have my one, still in the wrapper, from the lot I sold on here. It’s in a drawer somewhere.

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I have this one in one of my drawers in my headboard.I’m not losing it like the last one that I bought from Japan.The damn chain broke & I lost it.


That’s nostalgic. Yeah, we’re old.

I still have the spreadsheet: -
Payment: 25/08/2013 01:56
Posted: 25/08/2013 12:19
Date received: 07/09/2013 00:00

Why did you want to know if I was still a mod?

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Because it seems like the forum has lost a lot of mods since the change.

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Yeah, I only thought about the mod thing a couple days ago coz I hardly used it. Only time I used it was to freeze spam threads and to delete posts on the keychain thread by that “let it bleu” guy (or whatever his name was), claiming the keychains were counterfeit.

See if old age hasn’t taken my memory… didn’t you post a pic of the package when you got it and said “This is my old address so feel free to send a box of dogshit to it”?

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Sorry I had to go to the store.

I do remember telling people that is my old address.I’m not positive on the dogshit part,but that is something that I would say.