Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

I don’t remember. But I remember Iha getting messed up by Trigg and Uno.

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Probably. They are weird in a tranny sort of way and they look down on anyone who isn’t from Brazil so I guess I’m trash to them.

Look At Me Sport GIF by Volleyball World

Bosset had a Shorin Ryu school in Inglewood at the time. Ray Wizard (BKF) was not that far away.

A lot of Black dudes who fought in the early UFCs were from Southern CA (Charles, Frazier, Wizard, Bossett).

Iha was a very good BJJ Purple Belt who changed his belt to Black on the plane ride over. That’s what I understand. That’s probably why some of the Brazilian BJJ community didn’t embrace him.


I am fairly widely credited with being the first person to used the phrase, “Be First!”

I also told Machida, “You know… you should use some karate when you fight.”


Why would you try to promote another art or person doing the same art as you? they wanted all the different MA Styles in the mags that claim to be the best. And yes ppromoting “THIER” style of BJJ, not another sub style or another guy who does BJJ. Fukin DUH! AGAIN, they were also trying to promote Gracie JJ/BJJ as the best art.

so its your fault majority of his fights are boring as shit?


Rorion’s all time greatest hit is when he was being interviewed along with carlson, carlson spoke no english at the time. Rorion said carlos was just the janitor and laundry boy for helio at the academy, as soon as he finished speaking, he turned to carlson and said something in Portuguese, carlson not speaking a word of english, nodded his head in agreement to whatever rorion had said to him in Portuguese, making it appear to the english speaking audience that he was agreeing with rorion’s comment about carlos. When carlson later discovered what’d he’d agreed to, he about went on the warpath for rorion’s scalp.


Go on

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In this evening newsmagazine video covering a Pennsylvania NHB event held in 1979, at the 3.21mark shen is shown screaming his patented stroke of genius known as the concept of “be first”
little known fact:
Shen was the stunt double for tommy lee jones for many years, rumour has it he even stood in for jones on blind dates.


The word “shoot” connotates a legitimate match, and has for at least the last 150 years. The term “shootfighting” was trademarked by bart vale to describe his style of tracys kenpo combined with some of the finishing holds he learned while working for the reborn UWF, and later the PWFG. Those two promotions were part of a movement within the japanese puroresu community called "shoot style", so called because they used a much more realistic style than the traditional pro wrestling of the time. Most of bart vale’s shootfighting competitions promoted in the states were amateur and 100% legitimate, more than a few old timers here fought in them at one time or another. In the late 80’s bart was able to pass off his UWF/PWFG shoot style matches in japan as legitimate to the kenpo/TKD crowd, which the collective bunch of couldn’t find their ass with both hands and a flashlight and knew nothing about legitimate fighting, and so were fooled. Prior to vale co-opting the name, shootfighting was generically used to describe LEGIT events like tigermask’s 100% legit event he simply called “shooting”, that was founded in 86’, and pancrase, founded in 93’. The so-called works in pancrase consisted of 99.8% of Funaki, Suzuki or ken carrying opponents to a more competitive match rather than squashing them in under a minute.Funaki and Suzuki bet the farm on pancrase and needed to succeed or face bankruptcy. A few of the true works- Ken, when leaving full time for the UFC, did drop his KOP title to suzuki, who then himself dropped it to Frank. The ken-hume match was advertised as an exhibition from the get go, it was a bone thrown to traditional puroresu fans to help put asses in seats.
Clueless noobs will read your asinine bullshit, and not knowing any better, will believe it and repeat ad nauseam, spreading the tentacles of ignorance farther with every host the parasite of ignorance effects.


I wrote my post in response to the assertion that no skilled fighters were intentionally excluded from the first UFCs.

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Sure they weren’t lol. There’s a bridge I’d like to sell you.


I have some ocean front lots in the mondak i’ll sell you, it’d be wise to invest your bridge windfall

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well the other thread all the “no MMA” talk is kind of funny considering the fewer rules in some of the fights these guys competed in.


to expand on my post, this is one of Bart’s “shootfighting™” events from 96’ held in Illinois. uploaded by bujin

A tape from Bart’s first “shootfighting™” instructional series, circa 1989. The intro is footage of his professional “shoot style” matches in japan that he was passing off as legitimate.

Contrasted with this Tigermask shooting event from 88’, note that tigermask is using fingerless gloves and an octagonal ring.

one of these things is not like the others


Ha! My pedantic yammering has killed this thread deader than charles nelson reilly. And i didn’t even have to break out the handa jiujitsu big guns