Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

Watch you mouth call youself pedantic.


It must be a gift

Iron Man Reaction GIF

Think I see my first instructor in that vid from Effingham lol was that a legit event? I’m at work and don’t have time to watch

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I’m gonna tell my kids this is UFC 1.


Are you shitting me? Watch the intro on bart’s instructional, compare the two, (just to be clear, the two being the effingham event and barts instructional)employ every critical thinking skill you posses and get back to us with your deduction. Goddamn!!! I’m excited to witness this validation of the Socratic method in action. Now Let’s go So-crates and Brandon!!!

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I said I’m at work and don’t have time to watch, I skimmed 30 seconds and the guys I saw looked real enough but I don’t care to watch the rest

My first instructor was from the general area and said there used to be random fights like this sometimes, I was just wondering if this one was real or not


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If there ever was a fraud.

Well…yes. But he and Mike Bitonio put on one hell of a fight. Bart was game that night.

How dare you. He knocked “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” OUT COLD.


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HOLY SHIT :open_mouth:

Ken didn’t know what hit him. He’s lucky to be alive.

Those roundhouse kicks looked lethal.

Granted. That was Bart’s first real fight. It’s a shame he lost his next two matches.

He lost every kickboxing match as well.

Overall record:

Kickboxing: 0-2

MMA: 1-2

Total: 1 win, 4 losses

But at least he’s no Ashida Kim or Frank Dux. A couple of real frauds.

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There is a lot to talk about here as it applies to an MMA discussion forum.
That is all good.
Evwn if you want to be a shithead about certain things – it comes with the territory of an internet discussion forum.

That said – these guys aren’t Al Capone or Bonnie & Clyde.
They aren’t Hitler or Stalin either.

So unless you know them personally – or have done some kind of credible extensive research you are willing to share – calling them "“bad people”’ on am anonymous internet forum, is in very bad taste.

As we all grow older, we have many revelations about our “idols”. We learn that all humans are flawed, even our parents and childhood “heroes”.

A little perspective is needed.

As adults, we have the ability to apply context and fluid human understanding.

These things are important – ESPECIALLY when discussing people we haven’t met, and situations we were not a part of.

Having an opinion is one thing.

But making bold declarations when you are obviously far removed from the reality of things – is something a young teenager would do.

I myself have been critical of people who seem to think Rickson would have been a world-beater in MMA.
I try to put his accomplishments in real context based on my knowledge – while also honoring the obvious realities of his skills and accomolishments.

In other words…I qualify opinions, and acknowledge that many of them are from a distance.

You however do no such thing.
You make bold statements as if they are inarguable.
Your “opinions” generally lack context – and usually lack respect.

I’ve been in this forum for a little while, and have been very close to combat sports in general years before I ever had internet access.
And I say this:
When it comes to knowledge of MMA and combat sports in general – you are one of the worst posters I have seen in terms of overall knowledge, contextual understanding, and appropriate hespect.

So fuck off.

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Rule of thumb: if they’re wearing headgear, it’s probably a regulated amateur event.

I’d never seen any of Vale’s fights until today when this got mentioned. His record is pretty bad, but holy shit is Andy Hug a tough debut kickboxing opponent for a 38 year old guy.

He looks ok in the Kazunari fight though. Definitely not great but also not a fraud

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Perhaps calling him a fraud was harsh. I was referring to his pro-wrasslin/shoot matches. He has legitimate martial arts credentials: He’s a 10th dan in American Kenpo, was trained by top notch Catch Wrestlers, and may have learned some Jujutsu (Japanese style).

It’s a shame we never got to see his full potential.

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I imagine there were a few guys from that era who maybe would have had a shot at being good, but we’re just too old to develop by the time the sport was starting to manifest itself in the early/mid 90’s

For sure not regulated in Illinois back then lol the first guy I trained under said he used to bring guys to fight in things like this all over the place, really crazy to see it from right down where I was though

they were regulated, vales own organization sanctioned them, every amateur event had the same rules and equipment. It wasn’t some ad-hoc backroom bullshit, they flew under the athletic commision radar by passing themselves as being a sport karate type martial arts tournament

Vales no fraud. He trained with wrasslin’ fujiwara and Tony Palamore, who was a former pka champion. Bart had won some pka style smoker fights, but that, along with toughman, is the extent of his legit record. Barts’, like conans’ problem was being an intimidating physical specimen, but slow thinker, and at the higher echelons, everyone is a fast thinker.