Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

those matches were against nobodies and amateurs, but he was making his bones.

That makes A LOT of sense as far as his proficiency at beating up those guys in the early UFC’s vs not having overall that impressive of a jiu jitsu game.

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Ken Shamrock was the biggest threat to Royce in UFC 1 and he took care of Ken immediately. Ironically, Royce said Gordeu, the Savate-Kyokushin guy, was his most threatening opponent because he was a dangerous striker.

Sperry on Royces’ bjj matches in brazil

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That’s still his red & black right?
I’ve already forgotten but he said in his book something about red belt meaning retired from teaching or a certain age only or something, and he keeps the one Rorian gave him in his safe for the day he decides it’s appropriate.

Sure is,but I think that Rickson has changed his mind on the red belt.At first he thought that a group should decide if he is promoted instead of a single person like Rorion who gave him his red belt.He wears it out of respect now I believe.

about 3 years. Ken started in the reborn UWF. He’d never wrestled or trained in a gi,

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those matches were against some bad motherfuckers who had the balls to step up and engage in hostile territory against some guys who had the well-deserved reputation as bad motherfuckers.
The concept of enough balls to undertake this is completely foreign to a cowardly piece of marxist millennial shit


oh fuck no, rorion had been kicking ass for years prior to royce coming over.

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Calm down, homo. They’re not going to fuck you. And are you implying I’m a marxist pos? You are one disturbed creature with a grotesque mentality. You will be on ignore forever. I have had enough of your bullshit.

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pathetic, cowardly piece of shit

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he’s a faggot, hopefully he’ll leave the place for safer spaces

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You sure about this one? I remember reading that he qualified for the State championships at Lassen High School,but broke his neck?

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Ken fought in Japan 3 days before going to Denver which is, you know, a mile high, him and Pat Smith are of course matched up in the first round and Royce fights a one gloved boxer who taps to mount

Check out the mark coleman vs rickson thread, that inganeeto character acts like an Internet warrior and has the audacity to call out Wes Sims fight record when he has 0 fights and probably never trained


they didn’t use a gi at lassen, nor any of his uwf/pwfg matches

if i ever get a hold of the little cock sucker i’ll make him squeak

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Lol , he admitted he’s just talking so much bcs it’s Internet but he’s a punk

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You don’t like it when someone questions your hero? Then you’re on the wrong forum.