Rickson's beautiful jiu-jitsu

Hollywood-Mo, there are far more people who want to bash down the Gracies than want to big them up. Several of the people listed have wasted no time in putting down Royce for instance.


So the guy slamming Rickson fans wants to be Joe Rogan?

One thing I've noticed about Rickson's matches is that none of them are boring to watch. I've not seen one yet that doesn't have awesome transitions, reversals, etc. And Rickson it seems doesn't play for points, he plays for submissions. He's always moving, always attacking.

That did look like one of the Machado's. Did anyone figure out if it was Rigan? The story of I think it was his first match against Rigan is pretty cool. Hadn't slept in a day or two cause his son was being born, but he went and competed and despite being tired, still won. He's got heart and spirit like few others.

I would have liked to have seen him and Rolls go at it. I still think it's so tragic that Rolls died at so young of an age. People spoke of Rolls the same way they speak of Rickson, and Rickson always lost to Rolls. Of course Rickson was young too. Still, something I wish for, but will never see.

No one has to/needs argue for Rickson. His accomplishments speak for themselves, as do the many other top tier BJJ/MMA fighters who speak for him, who know FIRST HAND mind you of his ability.

End of argument.


HOllywood and Joerogan are rediculous. I will take All of the current anpast black belts words over theirs.

To all the people talking bad about Rickson, here is a quote from Teddy Roosevelt:

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."


Rickson's Grappling is said by many to be a Step ahead of anyone else, but that Clip is boring. Sad that there is next to no Media on him in Competition.

I knew better than to post on the UG instead of the BJJ forum, but did so anyway. Arghh...

The people who dont see how beautiful and ADVANCED his technique is have NO clue about jiujitsu. Seriously, it's better to keep your mouth shut than to say things about his "dated" techniques or that he doesnt look impressive. Keep training for another 10 years and look at the video again...you might get it.

Also, why is MMA being brought up on this thread? I posted a sport BJJ match and commented on his beautiful jiujitsu...there wasnt the need to bash him for his MMA career.

Let me explain ONE reason why his jiujitsu is so beautiful: His perfect execution of the basics. Do you realize how impressive that is? Imagine a basketball player who made every shot he took or a batter who had a perfect record. That's what his BJJ looks like. He makes it look easy, even though he's going against another black belt.

AND, if you think the old school black belts werent "black belts" by today's standards, try rolling with one of them. Even older, they'll still hand you your ass.

Andre is correct.

Another good vid:


Rickson jiu jitsu set to music by the Mission U.K. Now there's a good

Rickson's jiu jitsu is beautiful, and his technique is flawless.

WOW..amazingly smooth

Great post andre...

"Carlson didn't say others were not on his level. He said many times that Sperry, Busta, or Liborio could beat Rickson."

Carlson Gracie quote on why Rickson was the best BJJer of the 80´s:

"He won everything. In my team there was no-one who could fight him. There were a few good light-weight ones, but the best is the heavy-weight, because they win the open. No-one cares for the light ones."

Andre has sweeped the correct with Rickson-like technique.

Very Sweet.

Rickson is the man!

oh man!

"Rickson is the best IMO I consider him the best submission grappler ever period,"

When the late Carlson Gracie was asked:

"Who was the best in Jiu-Jitsu: Rolls or Rickson? "
Carlson answer: " Of course it was Rolls. He was a lot more technical, a phenomenon."

"The people who dont see how beautiful and ADVANCED his technique is have NO clue about jiujitsu"

-I have been training bjj for many years, and the techniques Rickson used in that video are not awe inspiring. Granted, should you turn back time and watch that video live 20 years ago...I'm sure it'd be a different story. That's why I respect the Gracies: for their development of a great sport.

However today watching that vs. watching a current clip of Garcia...well you can't really compare. Todays best like Marcelo are simply much smoother, more technical and more creative bjj players. That's just a fact of life / evolution of a sport.