Rosenthal here

The final round thing just added to what was an epic fight on a top quality card

TTT Phone Post

I have seen you ref many times but haven't noticed you too much.

I think that's probably the highest praise a ref can get!


 Great Ref


Excellent job as usual.
You should get the ACs to let you wear a bow tie like in Warrior. Pretty snazzy I'd say. Phone Post

 Definitely one of the best and most consistent refs out there!

You're the best ref in the business. It's always a big relief to see you in the cage to handle things.

 Josh is a 01'er?


 When I see Josh in the cage, I know the fight is going to be reffed properly. 

Best in the game IMO. Phone Post

Ref walk out T's will be the next big thing. But I think we can't get that far in case they give judges a T as well and we start see Cecil Peoples Affiction T's. Phone Post

Josh just want to say you and herb are the best refs hands down you always make the right calls and give fighters a chance to improve position and continue the fight and for that I have a lot of respect. Phone Post

chaplinshouse - 
Sweet Daddy Bear - Keep up the good work. You and Herb Dean exemplify what refereeing should look like.

Don't forget Mario. Very underrated and a BJJ/Judo black belt

 Yup. Mario too. 

Hopefully the next generation of refs is studying Josh and the like to prepare.  

Rosenthal is the best

 Great Ref.


 fantastic work Josh

Nice work Josh!! You helped that fight become what it was..

Side note: Did they not let you shave your head in 'Warrior' or was that you just benig lazy ;) Phone Post

Thanks for posting here, Josh! ♥ Phone Post