Rosenthal here

 It`s Josh Rara trust me.

You're one of the best, always glad to see you in there-assures me that the fight will be handled correctly. Phone Post

honest mistake, all things considered you seem like a good dude.

crowbar -  It`s Josh Rara trust me.

Yeah, I knew it was. I used an icon from my iPhone and it turned into a '?'. I just edited it. Thanks, crowbar! I hope all is well with you. :)

Excellent job as always Josh. Been saying you're the best ref around for many years now; long before Ariel's first interview with you and long before Dana was asking who you were when he found out you were reffing the Lesnar/Carwin fight, heh.

Yeh i'm having a hipster moment, but excellent job yet again. It's a good thing you were reffing the Hendo/Shogun fight, cause a lot of refs would have stopped it too early and would have ruined what turned out to be one of the greatest, if not the greatest, fight ever.

MissRARA - 
crowbar -  It`s Josh Rara trust me.

Yeah, I knew it was. I used an icon from my iPhone and it turned into a '?'. I just edited it. Thanks, crowbar! I hope all is well with you. :)
we missed you last night Miss , LBFN


ABE FROMAN - You and Herb are the only refs I trust. When every other ref stops something it's always on a premature basis and we're always left guessing.  

The MMA world is filled with refs that like to stop things as soon as any substancial amount of damage happens, simply look at the Cung Le fight where the ref stopped the fight for a flurry to the back of the head. Refs are supposed to be invisible and 90% of the time these other guys like to put themselves in the middle of the action disrupting the fight.

There are 2 refs who make the right calls and you are one of them. Thanks for not cheating us out of one of the best fights in history.

I wish you and Herb were the only refs in the business.

<br type="_moz" />   

Abe Froman is 100% correct. (never thought I'd say that)

Hong Kong Phooey - 
MissRARA - 
crowbar -  It`s Josh Rara trust me.

Yeah, I knew it was. I used an icon from my iPhone and it turned into a '?'. I just edited it. Thanks, crowbar! I hope all is well with you. :)
we missed you last night Miss , LBFN

Awwwwwww!! Was Mr. Peoples there? LOL

 Thanks Tamara,I repeat the kind sentiment. 

Smugcloud - Thank you for not stopping the fight. Now care to explain what you are always smiling about? lol I joke.

I love the fact that Josh's always smiling. The man loves what he's doing.

Thx for giving us the chance to watch those extra two rounds. Great job out there. Phone Post

ronin jdr - Thanks for all the support and kind words, i truly appreciate it. As far as the "last Round" comment, my paper work for the fight said 3 rounds, My bad. Funny though when Dan told me 3 more rounds.
It was an true honor to officiate over true legends of our sport. They both showed how great their hearts are.
Thank you

Holy lurker Batman!

Shalom! You need to see about getting a raise from BLAF. Can he do that? Is he responsible for giving you a raise? We need answers!

Harlem - 
MissRARA - 
Hong Kong Phooey - 
MissRARA - 
crowbar -  It`s Josh Rara trust me.

Yeah, I knew it was. I used an icon from my iPhone and it turned into a '?'. I just edited it. Thanks, crowbar! I hope all is well with you. :)
we missed you last night Miss , LBFN

Awwwwwww!! Was Mr. Peoples there? LOL

 No. He has RARA radar. The Yacman was there though and mentioned you. Caligrrl with Herb13, phooey, our buddy Billy Jack and Graciegirl was there watching her brother win a big fight by big bombs. Stephen Magdaleno. I'm going to do a write up and show some cali love with her UG sign and shirt.

Awwwwwwww I did miss out!!!! I definitely have to go to the next one!

Josh, considering the lesnar/carwin and shogun/hendo fights, I think you might have the best instinct of any ref I've seen. I would have stopped both those fights (in the 1st and 3rd rounds, respectively) and screwed mma out of some incredible comebacks. Keep up the good work.

Josh, what metal bands do you listen to? \m/ Phone Post

Sweet Daddy Bear - Keep up the good work. You and Herb Dean exemplify what refereeing should look like.

This. Phone Post

This guy is the fucking best.

Thanks for posting. I think everybody wants to be an MMA ref on here. Most would crumble when it comes down to making split second decisions.

Thanks for not stopping the fight early. So many great fights get ruined like that... The first one that comes to mind is Diaz vs. Daley... People always praise Big John McCarthy but I've seen him make loads of bad calls and I hate seeing him ref because he tends to stop fights really early. I remember the Lesnar/Carwin fight as well and although I HATE Lesnar and wanted Carwin to finish him I'm glad you let that fight go on because I mean... look at the outcome.

We need more refs like you in the sport. Too many refs seem quick to judge when a fighter has given up when they clearly have not. Props. Keep up the good work.

I respect most things you have done...Im from the bay area also and remember you from you playing music.

So from one musician to another........What the fuck were u thinkin on this call?

Im mean like really?

You can clearly see him tap plus u can hear him yell tap.

Not sure your thoughts on this but i'd like to know.....Thanks i look forward to your reply