Schaub calls out...

someonestolemysocks - As far as a jiu-jitsu match against Mir, Schaub is open to that, too.

"He'd have his hands full," Schaub said.

He can't possibly believe this shitt, can he? Phone Post 3.0


"I'd outstrike Mark Hunt"


yes he does, he's one of those people that believes those "Believe in anything and it will come true", and doesn't learn through new evidence that it's hogwash.


"I believe in my skills, I'm confident I can beat him" = Confidence

"I can outstrike a guy who I have never proven I can strike nearly as good as, and I can submit a grappling legend in MMA" = Delusional

cfv - Id actually root for Mir. He needs to stop calling out the old guard. Phone Post 3.0
Garb IMO Phone Post 3.0

Delusional Turok!


Hope he gets starched by Mir or whoever else.

Half expected a Randleman or Coleman call out. Phone Post 3.0

I'd rather see him fight Travis Browne. Phone Post 3.0

It would be hard for him to LNP for his job AGAIN with MIR, so there's that... I guess...

I believe someone overheard Turok saying "Tim Sylvia better watch his ass".

IWantToSpearBritney - Make it happen!
Build Mir back up, or he can retire with a W Phone Post 3.0
. Phone Post 3.0

doerksenfan - Lol @ Turok. VU when I can.

I hear Brandon Vera was Schaub's first choice.
. Phone Post 3.0

Feed him to Stipe.

epwar -


Jeez, this dude needs a new nickname.  How about Turok because he is a dinosaur hunter.

VU Phone Post 3.0

Hahaha Turok. OP killed it. Phone Post 3.0

I hope Frank breaks Schaub's arm. Phone Post 3.0

Bring back Carwin to show Schclaub what's up. Phone Post 3.0

stevekt - I hope Frank breaks Schaub's arm. Phone Post 3.0
Request immediate lifetime ban for this poster. Wishing terrible harm to a fighter is outrageous. Phone Post 3.0

Mike126 - Why the fuck does everyone hate Schaub? Smart guy with a bright future if he gets his shit together. Phone Post 3.0

(Just in case your post wasn't sarcastic)

People hate him for the exact reason this thread was started - he calls out dudes who are considered past their prime so he can hopefully get a "name" in his win column.  Dude just lost to Arlovski and looked at the top 15 and called out the one guy with the worst record there (actually I can't understand why Mir is still listed there). It's cheap and he's been doing it for years.  People don't like that.

He's getting Couture of he manages to go through Mur Phone Post 3.0

Outlaw'd by Lytle -
stevekt - I hope Frank breaks Schaub's arm. Phone Post 3.0
Request immediate lifetime ban for this poster. Wishing terrible harm to a fighter is outrageous. Phone Post 3.0
You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one. Phone Post 3.0

If Schaub is calling out big names, Josh Barnett is looking for a fight.

I'm not trying to call Josh a gatekeeper by any means, but if Brendan can beat Josh then he is actually in the mix as a potential contender. If not, he slides off the PPV into prelim-land, one more loss could be the death blow. If Josh can't beat Brendan, he has lost two in a row to guys who had just lost to Arlovski and Bigfoot. Not a good look for either guy.

There are more exciting matchups that could be made, but for my loot this is a truly relevant HW fight.

Is he worthy of such an iconic nickname? Phone Post 3.0

LOL I dislike Brendan a lot but if he took on the nickname Turok I would gain some respect/like for him. Always will hope he gets sent swimming for his soul like again Rothwell though. Phone Post 3.0