Schaub takes advantage of friends

Osbot - I heard big dick bandits is an inside joke cause Big Brown has a little itsy bitsy Vienna wiener.

Just saying that's what I heard.

I think you'd be surprised. 

Oldschool18 - Demolition- no he doesn't stop anyone, but would you feel comfortable knowing you're taking a 5 to 1 favorite against a friend without telling him first? Why not disclose that? Soo shady.

I would have no problem doing it, they don't have to take the bet, they're grown men. 

Schaub said he's only interested in super what universe a fight involving schaub super? He specifically said shogun... Turok is back boys! Phone Post 3.0

Blue please Phone Post 3.0

Are you saying Bravo isn't qualified to evaluate a fight and then decide whether the bet Schaub is offering is smart or not? Phone Post 3.0

Scumbag Adam - Are you saying Bravo isn't qualified to evaluate a fight and then decide whether the bet Schaub is offering is smart or not? Phone Post 3.0

OP will not address this point because it undermines his intent by posting this thread. OP is a douche. What did Bravo lose to Schaub? The money he won from Schaub? Anything else....nope.

Rock the Gaspare - 
Osbot - I heard big dick bandits is an inside joke cause Big Brown has a little itsy bitsy Vienna wiener.

Just saying that's what I heard.

I think you'd be surprised. 

So not a Vienna sausage.

a jelly bean?

Affliction- easy with the name calling. Not very constructive and really immature.

Scumbag Adam- I never questioned Eddie's expertise or knowledge of MMA. My point is that Schaub is well aware of the odds and is willing to to take friend's money on hugely favored fights. If there's nothing wrong with it, then why doesn't Schaub state the odds? or give Eddie odds?

Eddie won money taking a slight underdog in St Prieux. Schaub decides easy way to get it back is to "honeyd@ck" a friend into taking a 5-1 underdog. Let's see how their bets play out down the road and tell me I'm wrong then.

Evan the beard troll account to get something to talk about on the show? Phone Post 3.0

Schaub "honeydicked" Callen again on the most recent TFATK (in his own words) when he got Callen to agree to bet on Josh Mario John and Brendon took Aldo. His biggest bet yet, one month of t-shirt sales profits for the month of July. After the bet, Brendon revealed that July was going to be their biggest T-Shirt sales month yet and Callen started getting really nervous. Now I sort of hope just for shits and giggles that Aldo comes in hurt and gets stomped out. Should make for some good banter.

Eddie should have John Anik on speed dial to consult before betting with a sharpie like Schaub.

He honeydicked bryan on the aldo fight or made it seem like he did. It could go either way. Phone Post 3.0

Malaka Yamoto - Yeah that's called being smart and not throwing your money away, if Eddie was ok with not seeing odds than thats his fault. I'll take my mom's house if she bets against Rousey or some crazy shit. Bitch should know better.

I won't say you have no friends OP but clearly none of them are men. Maybe boys but not men.
He bought a Porsche.

Doesn't sound like not throwing money away. Phone Post 3.0

apparently OP got honeydicked

Rumble busted my Sweedish Meatballs -
KenShamrockWOOOOO - He honeydicked bryan on the aldo fight or made it seem like he did. It could go either way. Phone Post 3.0
Knew this would get posted Phone Post 3.0
I knew that you knew this would get posted. Phone Post 3.0

You think if Schaub wasn't angle shooting he'd at least bet 1 underdog, right? Weird.

Can't wait until he tries to goat his buddy Callen into taking Bethe Correia.

What bet did you lose? Phone Post 3.0

You are different op. Phone Post 3.0

Oldschool18 - You think if Schaub wasn't angle shooting he'd at least bet 1 underdog, right? Weird.

Can't wait until he tries to goat his buddy Callen into taking Bethe Correia.

He has made 3 bets. The Cummins v. St Preux fight was damn near even. The Edgar v. Faber fight he took the heavy favorite to win back his previous loss. For the Aldo v. McGregor fight he picked the slight favorite in Aldo. None of this sounds crazy to me. Bravo is not dumb, which you imply with every post. No way Callen picks Correia over Rousey.

Affliction Boy -
Oldschool18 - You think if Schaub wasn't angle shooting he'd at least bet 1 underdog, right? Weird.

Can't wait until he tries to goat his buddy Callen into taking Bethe Correia.

He has made 3 bets. The Cummins v. St Preux fight was damn near even. The Edgar v. Faber fight he took the heavy favorite to win back his previous loss. For the Aldo v. McGregor fight he picked the slight favorite in Aldo. None of this sounds crazy to me. Bravo is not dumb, which you imply with every post. No way Callen picks Correia over Rousey.
He does if he gets honeydicked. Phone Post 3.0