Serra on GSP's heart


We'll see whose career goes where after this fight.


"Serra landed a LUCKY punch (oh god, he said it), that wobbled GSP and put the fight in Serra's hands."

Yeah, but in all seriousness, GSP didn't really land ANYTHING (significant) before the "lucky" punch. This indicates to me that Serra's stand-up is TIGHT since he was able to nullify GSP's arsenal (GSP threw punches, kicks, etc. in which none of them really landed). So with that said, I don't see GSP "dominating" Serra this time around either like so many of you think.

If you are picking Serra,great means GSP wins.
Kiss of death for Serra.

serra prolly

It was almost 100% GSP taking Serra lightly in that first fight. Did anyone give Serra a chance then?

It won't happen this time.

"I agree that GSP hadn't done anything leading up to that moment in the fight, but I really feel that it was GSP almost "slowrolling" serra, going a bit light because he really did consider him a friend, and GSP seems like the kind of gay . . . I mean guy . . . that would have a hard time fighting a friend. I don't think that will be a problem this time."

I seriously hope you're kidding, because if you're being serious, you're delusional.

"It was almost 100% GSP taking Serra lightly in that first fight. Did anyone give Serra a chance then?

It won't happen this time."

He did take Serra lightly, and that's completely GSP's fault for being overconfident/arrogant/naive. He only scheduled a 4 week training camp, and left for 1 of those weeks for Europe to party right in the middle of it. GSP was foolish, and paid for it. After getting smashed like that, GSP's made a lot of changes (new MMA coach, new training camp, boxing gym, S&C coach, etc), and you can bet he's already begun his training camp for the Serra rematch.

I think that both of these fighters will be a little hesitant in the first round
and then GSP will try and take sera to the ground and soften him up, i do
not see sera getting subbed, so think this fight will go to the points and
GSP will win a split-decision IMO. Could see this fight going a 100 diff
ways, hope it will be as exciting as everyone is anticipating.

"Serra by another one in a million KO."

Wouldn't that be a "two in a million" ko?

Serra has a good mental game as dose BJ.
Hughes likes things his own way and when they dont he dosent like it.
GSP is a bit like Matt but can dig deep.
I think if you fight and whoever it is you have to believe in yourself and fight to win... if you play safe and try to get the decision without risking anything... you will lose or be in a hard fight.... pick a stratergy fight and if it goes tits up you still went for it.... the moment you play safe is the moment you become paralyzed and your tech will not work... I honestly believe this.... if you play safe I have noticed you start to try to out muscle the guy and you gas quicker.... if you go in and throw caution to the wind your body and mind become free and your emotions get put to the back of your mind.

I have to say this and everyone has heard it but I get what the guy said.... you have to put yourself in a neutral position and be aware of your options but not get caught up in winning and loosing and just fight.

Fighting is one of the most stressful things you can do... it is mental physical and emotional.... its great and you discover alot about yourself.

"so think this fight will go to the points and GSP will win a split-decision IMO"

Two questions;

Do you ever think in someone else's opinion?

What makes you think one of the judges will score the fight wrong?

"Serra landed a LUCKY punch (oh god, he said it), that wobbled GSP and put the fight in Serra's hands."

How do you account for the fact that Matt was easily in control of the stand up before he put GSP on queer street and the fact that Matt put Karo straight to the floor as well?

"How do you account for the fact that Matt was easily in control of the stand up before he put GSP on queer street and the fact that Matt put Karo straight to the floor as well? "

Serra was controlling the standup by making GSP uncomfortable, mostly. Rewatching the fight, I didn't see any significant punches landed by either guy before the Serra hook to the back of GSP's head. Matt was looking relaxed and was throwing combos. GSP was looking hesitant and missed on a lot of kicks (landed a couple) and threw 1 good counter left hook off a Serra low kick. Serra wasn't picking GSP apart by any means before the back of the head shot, but GSP wasn't doing anything himself.

Serra's right to Karo that sent him down was perfect, on the chin. It wasn't an odd back of the head shot. Serra didn't do much else on the feet and got taken down and dominated on the ground with Karo on top. Serra has heavy hands, no doubt.

"Hughes and Kos were two guys who were completely overwhelmed by a superior fighter."

Hughes sure, but not Kos. He won the first round on at least two cards, and GSP never did anything to him standing or on the ground -- I'd hardly say he was "completely overwhelmed", the fight was too uneventful for that. It was a typical takedown/control decision.

"Hughes sure, but not Kos. He won the first round on at least two cards, and GSP never did anything to him standing or on the ground -- I'd hardly say he was "completely overwhelmed", the fight was too uneventful for that. It was a typical takedown/control decision."

Not overwhelmed, but pretty well dominated. Kos inexplicably did win the first round on 2 judges cards, despite the fact that he spent less time in top control than GSP did that round, threw fewer strikes, landed fewer strikes from top, and didn't pass guard at all (GSP did pass). A case of the guy who ends up on top getting the round in his favor from a judge, even though he did less.

And I wouldn't say GSP did nothing to Kos on the ground or on the feet. Round 2 saw GSP get an immediate takedown and pass Kos's guard repeatedly. GSP spent about 1:30 in side control stepped over Kos's head with a kimura, and the only thing saving Kos from being submitted was hanging on to his board shorts.

Rd 3 had GSP picking Kos apart with kicks and punches. Kos was never rocked, but he got hit repeatedly until attempting a takedown, which GSP sprawled out of and ended up on top himself, finishing the fight with GNP.

GT99 needs a hug

serra isn't subbing anybody in MMA, much less GSP

Serra's got a good chance. Hell the 1st time wasn't a fluke, IMO.

Serra loves to fight, and has spent the majority of his career in the Octagon w/ the best.

Everyone rekons Serra gt pwned by Karo, which yes really he did. but i have a small recolection of Serra connecting a HEAVY right hand with Karo, if my memory serves me well, that punch would have ko'd any1 99% of the time, but props to Karo he took it well and won the fight convinceingly.

All i'm sayin is that i do think GSP will win the fight hands down,but Serra's best shot at winning is definately his hands, i think someone mentioned it earlier in the thread, Serra has the BJJ credentials but it just hasn't worked for him in MMA,which i might add is so true. but his best shot is definately his (underestimated) heavy hands.