Stu Hart...legit grappler or sadistic asshole who hurt non resisting guys


Bret Hart made Stone Cold a star.


a lot of the old time guys were very familiar with the guard. Yukio Tani and Taro Miyake of the handa jiujitsu dojo wrestled thousands of matches, Tani mostly in england(Tani was considered the best CACC wrestler in Northern England), and Miyake around the world. Toots Mondt(who invented pro-wrestling as we know it)studied and worked a lot with Miyake. Tanabe, who taught at the Handa dojo wrecked the kodokan in several challenge matches and forced the kodokan to include newaza, in able to be competitive(kano hated it). After Toots made wrestling purely theatrical it seemed to be lost though. It survived a little while longer in the amateurs, there’s film of several 1930’s era NCAA Championships where you can see alot of half guard. I myself, a long time wrestler, was completely flabbergasted at this weird thing where my opponent would willingly go to his own back, and consequently got crimped a dozen or so times rushing in to gleefully smash my opponent through the mat


Yeah barging in and jumping a sleeping man 2 on 1? Then litterally running and threatening legal action when he comes looking for you?

Fight is one on one both guys ready nit that pussy shit.

Try harder very bad example

Nothing kills a thread faster than when i start my Handa shit. R.I.P


Dude you are just stirring up shit now.

Breathe, sit back and stop being logical for a second, put yourself in a wrasslin fans shoes, you will see the light. You will never see videos of these guys beating up other killers because they are not just fake fighters but that movie fight clubs slogan was based on wrasslers, never talk about fight club.

These dudes were super secretive, like huge juiced up real life ninjas. Ninjas are the toughest in the world, imagine if a real ninja fought UFC, not scott morris ninja but real ninja.

Just sayin, lay off the truth and accept the fake truth

Only video proof is Floyd Mayweather beating up big show

Size dont matter, boxing>wrasslin, not a sexret rumor, we saw it live



steve jennum bro

what you are looking for is the unicorn, a fair one on one bar fight doesnt exist for 99% of bar fights.

but MMA/UFC guys have been getting in bar fights, and winning/losing plenty.

another good one was Uriah Faber getting destroyed by a few guys in south east asia.

The word was never get into a car Harley was driving if you valued your life. A case of beer and 100 mph on back roads, it’s a wonder anyone lived.

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Urijah punished his guy and then had to get on his boogie shoes later.I think that he did get cheap shotted with some brass knuckles though.

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Ken deserved that beating as well.

You’re most likely 99% right. I don’t remember who it was but they had guys who could really wrestle and would encourage fans so they could hurt them to show them it wasn’t fake. Of course there is the classic “fuck around, find out” segment…

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I was a wrestling fan when I was a kid into my young 20’s. That being said, it was always this myth surrounding Stu Hart and the “Dungeon”… I don’t know personally if Stu was a tough guy when it came to hand to hand combat but much of the stories I have heard is of him taking liberties with young up and comers or those who respected him (due to training under him) and putting him in wrestling holds with little to no resistance from the other party. Always seemed really much like a respect thing, similar to inoki in Japan with the young boys or whatever they are called. I haven’t heard of a story with Stu destroying some people his own age, young or old… I am not the most schooled wrestling fan though, so I can stand corrected… Anyway, I always heard good first hand stories about how nice Owen Hart was. So, I don’t know if this is a testament to how well of a father Stu was, but there is that.

Well considering Mick FUCKING Foley was thrown THROUGH a steel cage from about 20 feet in the air onto the ring, took a dive off the side of a steel cage, landed in thumb tacks, taken barbed wire baseball bat to the back quite a few times, I would say that is a testament to how bad ass Adrian was. Adrian had a flamboyant gimmick, but I have also heard he was a bad ass.

Not the same Adrian, but I am sure you knew that… LOL

Iron Sheik in his day was probably one of the baddest MOFO’s in wrestling.

Warrior was a fucking unit.

You are always wrong.

Nasty Boys were harassing a female. THEY were the assholes.

Granted, Ken shouldn’t have charged into their room. Once they left the bar he should have let it go.
But to say Ken DESERVED to get beaten almost to death while he was unconscious, is ridiculous.

BTW they were about to throw his body over the second floor balcony before people intervened.
Would he have deserved to die too?


Yeah lol

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It’s still real to me dammit!

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