Supplements for muscle building

After losing a little over 60 lbs in the last 6 months, I'm at a point where I'm wanting to focus on adding muscle to my frame now. Not looking to bulk up significantly, but feel 10-15 lbs of lean mass would be nice. I understand that my caloric intake needs to go up, but what supplements should I be taking to assist. Thanks in advance.

Creatine Phone Post

Whey protein, Creatine and get your diet right.

Thanks for the help.

@ JamesDean...when you say "get your diet right", what do you mean specifically?

Eating good proteins, fats, fruits and veggies and lots of it.
Nothing prepackaged, no junk.

Grass fed beef.

Farm fresh eggs.

10-15 lbs of lean muscle is pretty significant. Phone Post

whey isolate, creatine, glutamine. Diet and training 1st though obviously or supps are of no use


1 should be a part of every meal

JamesDean57 - Eating good proteins, fats, fruits and veggies and lots of it.
Nothing prepackaged, no junk.

You forgot the carbs bro. Fucken shit loads off em. Phone Post

OregonChaelClosedDueToBandWagonCrash -
JamesDean57 - Eating good proteins, fats, fruits and veggies and lots of it.
Nothing prepackaged, no junk.

You forgot the carbs bro. Fucken shit loads off em. Phone Post

Brown rice, sweet potato, oats etc. you know the good shit. Have some simple sugar like a Gatorade with you post workout protien too. Phone Post

OregonChaelClosedDueToBandWagonCrash - 
OregonChaelClosedDueToBandWagonCrash -
JamesDean57 - Eating good proteins, fats, fruits and veggies and lots of it.
Nothing prepackaged, no junk.

You forgot the carbs bro. Fucken shit loads off em. Phone Post

Brown rice, sweet potato, oats etc. you know the good shit. Have some simple sugar like a Gatorade with you post workout protien too. Phone Post

I try to keep carbs below 100 gm per day myself.

JamesDean57 -
OregonChaelClosedDueToBandWagonCrash - 
OregonChaelClosedDueToBandWagonCrash -
JamesDean57 - Eating good proteins, fats, fruits and veggies and lots of it.
Nothing prepackaged, no junk.

You forgot the carbs bro. Fucken shit loads off em. Phone Post

Brown rice, sweet potato, oats etc. you know the good shit. Have some simple sugar like a Gatorade with you post workout protien too. Phone Post

I try to keep carbs below 100 gm per day myself.

Good for getting lean. Building muscle not so much. Phone Post

OregonChaelClosedDueToBandWagonCrash -
JamesDean57 -
OregonChaelClosedDueToBandWagonCrash - 
OregonChaelClosedDueToBandWagonCrash -
JamesDean57 - Eating good proteins, fats, fruits and veggies and lots of it.
Nothing prepackaged, no junk.

You forgot the carbs bro. Fucken shit loads off em. Phone Post

Brown rice, sweet potato, oats etc. you know the good shit. Have some simple sugar like a Gatorade with you post workout protien too. Phone Post

I try to keep carbs below 100 gm per day myself.

Good for getting lean. Building muscle not so much. Phone Post

Ive heard of people on low carb or even ketogenic diets who gain lean muscle mass. I think its all about proper rest and a calorie surplus. I myself have done keto and low carb and have seen gains when I eat a slight calorie surplus. Phone Post

jesus christ. I get like 100g of carbs per meal

I try to keep carbs below 100 gm per day, it dose not always happen.

If I get to out of hand with carbs I will gain weight really fast.

Iv'e lost about 100 lbs so far, and I damn sure don't ever want to go back there.

yea we have opposite metabolism. If I ate like you i'd disappear.

<blockquote>NeoSpartan - yea we have opposite metabolism. If I ate like you i'd disappear.</blockquote><br />

I would be happy if just a little bit of me would disappear.

There are no magic pills or potions available that will give you more energy, make you run faster, make you gain muscle or improve your skills. Having the discipline to eat a balanced Personal Eating Plan of normal foods each day is the only “secret formula”. The term “balanced diet” is often misinterpreted. It is not a computer-generated menu of special High-Tech foods. It is the proper amount of normal foods purchased in the grocery store.


Some may assist in the process, but none actualy build anything. Even anabolics don't build anything. Take some D-bol and sit ont the couch (watch what happens).

Today the health food industry is a multi-billion dollar business. Why? Money, money, money. More fraud and half-truths exist in the area of nutrition than in any other segment of the fitness industry. We are a gullible public. For years we’ve been told to take a pill or potion for any ailment that we have. We want a quick fix. Enthusiasts have discarded the basic food groups for amino acids, vitamins, fat burners, and energy bars. Athletes are the most gullible. Often they have little or no knowledge of what they’re taking. Some will try anything if they think it might give them an edge. Unfortunately many people taking supplements are less inclined to eat a balanced diet, and often choose pills and potions instead of eating meals

Eat real food first. Supplements should be supplemental.


Checkout Fighter Diet. The woman Pauline Nordine knows her stuff. Lots of ebooks. It has tons of info on nutrition and adding muscle. And if you're only getting no more than 100 grams of carbs you're not eating nowhere enough vegetables. Plus as stated earlier tough time adding that much lean muscle mass. Phone Post