tapout mouthguards

Pfannenstiel - I have used the Gladiator one before it would kill my gums and i would always have to file it down a bunch of times. If I had to choose one it would deff have to be the Tapout one. It comes with 2 and the boil and bite works great. I have taken some hard shots with this in Training and in the fight I am currently 8-1. This mouth piece is legit I dont see what everyone is complainn about here.
This was the start of attacking my company posted by a Tapout employee I'm told , then you follow with my fighter got one but did'nt like so his quotes are related to the boil and bite, all to convenient to me.

I have utterly no beef with TapouT.  However, Icedog is good peeps.

if, as circo above has stated, TapouT never intended for there to be confusion between the custom and the boil-and-bite, this thread should not cause any controversy whatsoever.  it is pointing out something which all parties agree:  that TapouT sponsored fighters use mouthguards that are not necessarily the ones sold.

Steve - you are correct. Thank you.

Not quite sure what all the hype is about. Anyone on this forum who has ever worn a MG will tell you its about personal preference. I don't think anyone is saying Glad is a bad MG. Some may like the Tapout and some may not. Its about personal preference.

What is NOT appropriate is to mislead, create or omit factual information to benefit you or your company. I am the owner of the company that makes the MG and the person who made the decision to put sponsored fighters in Glad MG's because its a custom THAT fighter wanted. Some like the Glad some don't. Again, personal preference.

What's happened here is the owner of Glad has decided to create hype around the fact that I bought, paid for and used his product for a pro that requested it ! I challenge anyone to find any place where we had testimonials about the Glad that were used for Tapout. We just want fans to see our patented MG's on fighters just like a pair of shorts or a t shirt.

Quite simply, we have a bitter and disgruntled businessman that is upset with the Tapout MG ads on this site.

I was forced to post the facts and that I have. Time to get back to business. I would surmise the owner of Glad is busy as well and has many business issues to address as do I.

Thanks to everyone for supporting our sport and those working to support fighters.

circo .

What is NOT appropriate is to mislead, create or omit factual information to benefit you or your company. I am the owner of the company that makes the MG and the person who made the decision to put sponsored fighters in Glad MG's because its a custom THAT fighter wanted. Some like the Glad some don't. Again, personal preference. 

 As I indicated, I don't see anything misleading about what icedog posted.

Icedog..you ship to Canada??

 ttt for justice!

Well...anyone want to send me a gladiator and a tapout? I'll take each and do 5 (or 10...) rounds each of boxing, kickboxing, MMA, grappling (over the course of a couple weeks!) and report back.

That's one way to settle it.

<-- nearly choked when the lining on his Shock Doctor came loose.


 ttt til you get some justice.

 Fuck boil and bite. I have had one out of about five come out properly and fit well, including "high tech" ones like shock doctor. The ones with the plastic goo that you mould to your teeth are much better if you really want a cheap guard. Custom is the way to go if you have the money, and it's about the same price as buying three or four shitty ones that don't fit, and much cheaper than getting chips buffed out of your teeth.

I haven't used Gladiator or Tapout guards, but that's what I've found with mouthguards in general.


I just bought a custom guard from icedog because of this thread... cant wait to get it

"Custom is the way to go if you have the money, and it's about the same price as buying three or four shitty ones that don't fit, and much cheaper than getting chips buffed out of your teeth."

If you can afford to trane you can afford a custom mouthguard. If you've never tried one you won't believe the difference. Granted they don't work for all based on some responses here but for me it was a dramatic difference (I have an over-bite). Its better than not even knowing its there in that its actually a good feeling to be wearing it.... comfort + safety. No floating around, no spit sucking, you can talk fine and literally wear it for hours and barely notice it.

Oh, and by afford I mean from someone over the net ... my dentist charged $350 and was not making money on it. When I told him about Custom guards and their price he bought one from them himself.

I can't see how anyone would prefer a boil and bite to a custom.

Todd22 - I just bought a custom guard from icedog because of this thread... cant wait to get it

you will NOT be disappointed. find the video of forum member brune90 knocking my ass out on youtube. its fucking brutal, and i still have all my teeth.

thank you gladiator mouthguards!!!

LoganClark - I can't see how anyone would prefer a boil and bite to a custom.

 Depends what company they work for...

 I know nothing about what is going on or do I care to find out...

But, I have got custom guard from Gladiator Mouth Guards that I still use to this day. The difference between a custom guard and a boil and bite is like comparing a honda civic to a ferrari. The fit is so much more comfortable and tight - making breathing a whole lot easier. Plus, there is no way it can fall out of your mouth. To get my mouthpiece out, I have to pull it out - there is no way it comes out on its own. To be honest, when you have a good custom guard, you cannot notice the difference in breathing - which is what most students of mine complain about when using a boil and bite mouth guard.

I bought my guard for only $65. I have owned several boil and bites before getting that one, each costing about $10-15. My custom guard still works just as good as the day I bought it, 4 years ago. So although it may cost more initially, it is actually saving you money in the long run.

I would highly recommend anyone who takes the sport seriously, or even for that matter, just someone who cares about that teeth and mouth - get yourself a custom guard.

My father, a dentist in Southern California, did some work for Gladiator a few years back - he made the mouthguard impressions for all of the fighters for the 1st 2 seasons of the IFL. The first group of guys he did for free, as a favor to me. The second season, he made an agreement with Gladiator that they would pay a nominal amount for his time, use of his impression materials, and for the cost of his dental assistant. Note that this work was not done in his office, rather in a site 20 miles from his office, during office hours when he could be seeing patients, over the course of several days, and on short notice. Again he did this because I asked him to help out with a fellow UG'er -my dad is definitely not a fan in the least and I doubt the he could even tell you what MMA stands for...

Several months after he did the work, I asked him how much he wound up getting paid. He informed me that he billed Gladiator $1500 for the work, but he had not seen a penny. He told me he called Gladiator several times, each time getting excuses such as, "The check's in the mail," or ,"I think there was some kind of misunderstanding..." or the best one, "We seem to be out of money currently..."

Needless to say I was pissed! I set Gladiator up with my father in the spirit of the UG - helping a fellow fan of MMA out. To have him rip off my father like that, after i, in a way, vouched for his credibility, was embarrassing and aggravating.

I immediately called John at Gladiator on the phone voicing my displeasure, threatening to "out" his shady business practices on the UG. Amazingly, my father after being ignored for months on end, received a check for $500 the same week I called, 1/3 of the amount that had been agreed upon by Gladiator and my father. I asked my dad if he wanted me to pursue this any further - he told me that as angry as he was with Gladiator, he didn't want to cause any trouble. He felt that Gladiator was a small, poorly run company that seemed to like to promise things it couldn't deliver. And being that they did come up with some of the money, he was okay as he was tired of wasting his time with those people.

Whilst Gladiator may make a nice mouthguard, and numerous fighters I have worked with have told me they do, they certainly leave something to be desired when it comes to business practices. How this relates to the current topic, I have no idea. I just felt like finally getting this off my chest.

Lanway Ling, MD

SNAP to the above by Lanway, response should be interesting

Not that this is relevant to this thread, but I've had two custom mouthguards done by my dentist. First one sucked after tweaking so they made a second, that one sucked as well. Was out a bunch of money for the first, the second was complimentary. Personally if I had the money I'd go Gladiator, but I understand that some people can only afford a boil and bite. If that works for them and their level of training, more power to them, but personally I'd look at the Tapout guards and other boil & bites as guards for people that will eventually be your customer should they stick with MMA.

At least your situation isn't as bad as the motorcycle gear industry. You think the Alpinestars 'pro' race suits are the same ones their pros wear? LOL. Even the Alpinestars boots on the pros are Daytonas half the time.
