TapouT sold? end of an era

Tracy Lee > Tru all day every day.

Putting a new roof on a building, stacking lumber at a yard, running a paver or crack selaer in 100 degree heat or training for a fight, those are the types of  things that require someone to "work their ass off" not taking pictures with a camera that does all the work for you.  Have you ever worked a day in your life? How hard do you think it is to take photos??

Makes you wonder what Mask would think about this... Phone Post

13fingers - 
Uchi - I'll take the 'Exclusive' as a steaming pile of garbage until someone actually reputable reports some legitimate facts.<br /><br />Lets be honest, the majority of the internet MMA media behaves like a bunch of rats scrounging for any piece of cheese they can get their teeth into on, with journalistic integrity and restraint taking a backseat for the sake of breaking Something (anything). Perhaps it is the byproduct of everyone trying to get a piece of the rapidly expanding fledgling sport, but that doesnt mean the behaviour should be condoned.<br /><br />While I don't know Tracy Lee, I can't blame her in this instance being frustrated by yet another 'rumor' (and its not being presented by a rumor..not when its a 'breaking exclusive with 'sources'') that is tossed out there when it involves a group of individuals she has personal ties with.<br /><br />Some of you guys screaming 'White Knights!' in typical kneejerk fashion end up looking more ridiculous than those you criticize.

No shit, that is why she should blow it off. You started off well in this reply...then stopped thinking. Take this FORUM as it is.

Perhaps she should, buts its hypocrisy to complain about why she should with a greater level of fervor and vitriole than she ever exhibited in any of her posts. And contrary to your opinion, I think theres some aspects of this forum that shouldn't be taken as is, and I hope the mods make the necessary changes to address them. Another topic/s for another time though, eh?

 The amount of disrespect on this forum lately has gotten out of hand. Internet anonymity at an all time high- damn girl is everywhere photographing professionally. I don't understand how anyone can hate on her for doing more than what many folks on here do with most of their lives.

Give the bullshit a rest.

thank you for the defense from all my friends...

It's one thing to post a rumor- totally different thing to write a story that is all based on rumors.. that's where I have my issues with this.. I do know more than it's my place to say- the story will come out soon.

And i'm not threatening to leave, and have only said that once, maybe...

MMA.tv is a huge part of the sport that I love, as is sherdog. Even when it seems I'm not around, I'm here lurking...

livedevil - 
tbizzle - How can u call a professional photographer (someone who actually makes a living at it) within a particular sport or profession a groupie? So Erin Andrews and Rachel Nichols and whoeverthefuck else that reports with ESPN on other sports is a groupie also right? *************************************** 13fingers = dumbfuck IMO Phone Post

Her photography isn't being scrutinized or questioned. The quality of her photos speaks for itself.

The unprofessional part of her that she presents on the forum is questioned because she bashed someone for writing or linking to a developing story, implies it is factually incorrect yet doesn't elaborate at all. She claims she has more inside knowledge than anyone else and intentionally never posts it here.

It's like going to a business and scoffing at the other patrons while telling them, "I have more money than you but I would never shop here!" That type of behavior is universally ill-received. Despite acting like a childish bitch here she believes she is entitled to some kind of respect or recognition.

Maybe she isn't like that during face-to-face conversation but that is a moot point. On this forum she is a very ugly individual.
^^^^ All valid points.  My point of contention is that 13fingers called her a groupie.  She's a professional photographer for MMA and gets paid to do a job.

In my mind a groupie is a female who follows rockstars, sports stars, etc. just to be around them, parties, and some other naughtier things come to mind. Maybe she does all these things, I have no fucking clue whatsoever, but unless he's got proof of such things, I think it's best he not use that particular word to describe her. 

And yes I realize that he apologized for calling her a groupie.  Not defending her, don't know her from Eve, but IMO she's a professional not a groupie. 


tracylee - 

MMA.tv is a huge part of the sport that I love, and sherdog fucking sucks & can kiss my ass. Even when it seems I'm not around, I'm here lurking...


livedevil - 
tbizzle - How can u call a professional photographer (someone who actually makes a living at it) within a particular sport or profession a groupie? So Erin Andrews and Rachel Nichols and whoeverthefuck else that reports with ESPN on other sports is a groupie also right? *************************************** 13fingers = dumbfuck IMO Phone Post

Her photography isn't being scrutinized or questioned. The quality of her photos speaks for itself.

The unprofessional part of her that she presents on the forum is questioned because she bashed someone for writing or linking to a developing story, implies it is factually incorrect yet doesn't elaborate at all. She claims she has more inside knowledge than anyone else and intentionally never posts it here.

It's like going to a business and scoffing at the other patrons while telling them, "I have more money than you but I would never shop here!" That type of behavior is universally ill-received. Despite acting like a childish bitch here she believes she is entitled to some kind of respect or recognition.

Maybe she isn't like that during face-to-face conversation but that is a moot point. On this forum she is a very ugly individual.

It's not my place to talk about the things that I have learned- so I don't. the point is simple. i dont come on here on a normal day to brag about what I know and what I don't. And I'm not bragging- i'm just pointing out that many people often have knowledge and don't feel the need to be the one to break it. and I never said whether or not it was factually incorrect- i pointed out the whole thing is written based on rumors. if this was written on a major newspaper or site instead of an mma blog, then it would never fly and the criticism would be huge.

this is an mma forum...this is the place where stuff like this gets discussed.

this is the same thing as a fight rumor.

its relevant to discuss here....as if there is a moral high ground or something. give me a break.

 good for them chash out now. MMA HAS PEAKED.

Stop fooling yourselves people, Tracy Lee is one of the hottest chicks you will ever see and we're probably going to make babies in the near future, so take it easy.

Haters will hate. Existential fact. 

so can we start making fun of these clowns now? i mean before they were supporting the whole fighters thing (and making money selling clothes) since buffet owns it now.

LOL at Tracy being upset. All she did is call out Mr. TMZ of MMA and say provide the facts.

tracylee - 
It's one thing to post a rumor- totally different thing to write a story that is all based on rumors.. that's where I have my issues with this.. I do know more than it's my place to say- the story will come out soon.

Not everyone has that benefit of having insiders out the wazoo, and being the first in line to get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. While you shouldn't (and aren't being) criticized by me for having it, you also shouldn't be so hasty to drop posts like the ones you have. It makes you look like you're almighty and stuck up.

You have worked hard to get where you are. You should be commended for such. However, many others aren't at that level yet, and want to be there. The way to get there, at least in the journalism/broadcasting spector, is to develop reputation for being the first to break stories. Lemme give you a true fact, 90-95 percent of facts START as rumors.

And for clarification, there's facts and there's rumors.

"Sources informed me" constitutes a rumor with some valid backing behind it. The gentleman who posted this article did so because he was given some kind of info that this may.. Key word, MAY, be going down. I don't see him trying to pass it off as fact, per the gospel in any way, shape or form.

The journalistic field is a cut throat one, everyone's scurrying for that breaking lead, to be the first to report it. When someone of authority gives you a lead, run with it as a rumor. If the rumor becomes true, then you look like the genius who broke it. If not? It's a rumor, 50-50 chance of being accurate.

If all media sites in this (and other sports) posted just facts, we'd read the same rehashed crap over and over.

Just my insight. It's not trying to be excessively critical towards you Tracy, and I'm not going to retort to "boobs" or "groupie" comments. No point in that.

 I once asked Tracy to go out on a date with me... a movie at the Santa Fe station... she said "no....." I felt so little....

tracy too nude photos of me

just sayin

Nanook -  "boobs"
Nanook said boobs


 TracyLee - SInce you have inside information on this, can you confirm whether any of the rumors are true?  Just curious?  I own some shares of Berkshire B so any inside information is good (or is it illegal?  I dont know?) 

Nanook - 
tracylee - 

It's one thing to post a rumor- totally different thing to write a story that is all based on rumors.. that's where I have my issues with this.. I do know more than it's my place to say- the story will come out soon.

Not everyone has that benefit of having insiders out the wazoo, and being the first in line to get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. While you shouldn't (and aren't being) criticized by me for having it, you also shouldn't be so hasty to drop posts like the ones you have. It makes you look like you're almighty and stuck up.

You have worked hard to get where you are. You should be commended for such. However, many others aren't at that level yet, and want to be there. The way to get there, at least in the journalism/broadcasting spector, is to develop reputation for being the first to break stories. Lemme give you a true fact, 90-95 percent of facts START as rumors.

And for clarification, there's facts and there's rumors.

"Sources informed me" constitutes a rumor with some valid backing behind it. The gentleman who posted this article did so because he was given some kind of info that this may.. Key word, MAY, be going down. I don't see him trying to pass it off as fact, per the gospel in any way, shape or form.

The journalistic field is a cut throat one, everyone's scurrying for that breaking lead, to be the first to report it. When someone of authority gives you a lead, run with it as a rumor. If the rumor becomes true, then you look like the genius who broke it. If not? It's a rumor, 50-50 chance of being accurate.

If all media sites in this (and other sports) posted just rumors, we'd read the same rehashed crap over and over.

Just my insight. It's not trying to be excessively critical towards you Tracy, and I'm not going to retort to "boobs" or "groupie" comments. No point in that.

 well said.