The Tito Ortiz Way of Opening a Container

The dangers of populism

How many votes he received is irrelevant to the fact that he was completely unqualified for the job and realized that after a couple months

“This job isnt working for me”

A prime example is that video where he seconded a motion and then voted against it. Lol. Everyone else was like are you sure?


almost everything he said during that time exemplified why he was so perfectly unsuited to the role. his refusal to countenance any kind of procedural norms, his steely focus completely avoiding any kind of political stance, his willingness to tussle with people who were apparently trying to guide him… it was like satire.

if it were made into a film, the genre would be satire/horror. unsuitable for bureaucratic mindsets.

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Whenever I need a sensible chuckle, I come back to this thread





He kept slipping on the floor and voting for the wrong thing


I still read the title as:

Tito Ortiz: The Way of The Can Opener


You don’t want to see Tito try to open a can with screwdriver

Teeto is an honery Brero boy.

Not a very original name, imo

oh shit, is his cantina still open? I’m sure we all read that the food was laughably bad on opening night.

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haha if restaurant start ups suffer, i figure it would usually be because the obsessive chef wanted to spend so much time and money perfecting things… massive delays, funding issues, but then you work out how to cook faster and smarter…

the cantina is different. opened up shop and started knocking out basic food with disastrous errors. seems so weird to me that they would open the business, hoping for success, without a meticulous psychopath of a chef, checking every fucking detail.

instead, they’ve opened up, then tried to work out what to cook. so bizarre.


I had to check to see if it was still open after I saw this thread again and to my surprise… Tito’s Cantina opens at 4pm today!


no fucking way lol

Seems like they were just going for a “cool” bar/hangout spot where you can go to have drinks and feel like you associate with an ex-fighter/celeb. They painted and decorated to have a badass atmosphere. I saw some instagram post where they highlighted staff/showed they have hot chick employees.

Sure they have food, but it’s going to be really expensive and “whatever” quality. You’d think Tito, being “Mexican”, would have some real barrio connections with people that can make legit good mexican food. The Big Mac Taco thing I saw that they were selling made it clear he does not. That’s not even Chi-Chi’s level bland/fake mexican food, that’s just weird. He’d probably be better off going the Chi-Chi’s route with the menu to get the casual Aplebee’s/Chili’s type crowd. Bland/generic entrees/appetizers dressed up like it’s fancy so they can overprice it. The average schmuck loves that kind of food.


The head chef is some guy they poached from a hotel restaurant

I remember reading the article about it

Lol Tito probably has the executive decision regarding food. We’ve all seen Tito try to chop an onion :sob::sob:

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Did he change his nickname to the Cape Coral Bad Boy?

“Been in the industry for 20+ years, it never ceases to amaze me how easy people who have no experience think it’s going to be. Just cause your friends gassed you up about your T-Mac tacos or whatever the fk doesn’t mean you should open a fking RESTAURANT. S**t is HARD.”


“Nothing says authentic Mexican food like tacos on a hamburger bun with Big Mac sauce”

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That was Tyler. He got fired within a couple weeks. He was a young, cocky black guy who had no fuckin idea what he was doing and couldn’t cook for shit. Just pushed whatever he wanted out the window, which was inedible. There is a new cook. I use the word “Chef” when they can tell the difference between a corn tortilla and a hamburger bun. There are so many health violations on a daily basis. Their turnover from GMs to “Chefs” is incredibley detrimental to the progression of keeping the F/A/L up to par.


Out of 198 yelp reviews, Titos Cantina is sitting at 2.5 stars out of 5

Average is Average