The Tito Ortiz Way of Opening a Container

and people actually elected this guy to office.


Shocked it didn’t last more than about 6 months



Oh man…we might have some problems with the Health Dept.

remember this quote by Dana? lol

It was White who, in 2018, told Barstool , “Oscar De La Hoya is Elon Musk compared to Tito Ortiz. Tito Ortiz is one of the dumbest creatures walking the face of the Earth right now. If you take all living things and put them in a barrel, Tito is the dumbest out of everything.”


Dana don’t like Mexicans it seems.

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I remember going to the first ever UFC Fan Expo in Vegas. Tito had his own Conference across the street. It might have been the Punishment Athletics Expo or something like that. It was the same week and I remember seeing it on one of the hotel displays. I wish I went to it now.

why did he say this? jesus, how unbelievable. and the people who started cheering when he said he’s an American should be re-educated harshly with fierce daily beatings

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1,000 paper cuts


He’s gonna need a slack jacket, with all this slack he’s taking


My favorite was the leo tweet


which one?

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This one? lol


That’s like the real life version of this:

“Describe the perfect date”


As a LEO, being at the end of July, I fully support all the hard work and sacrifices our Aquariuses make every time they put on a uniform.


Lmfao yes that one!

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Only that chowderhead would make a how-to video on chopping onions with a fucking machete.

I think it might be the worst example of cutting up a vegetable I’ve ever seen

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I love Tito. One of my favorites to watch. I met him with my brother at 2 Bellator events. We talked to him at the first one for probably like 20 minutes. He was wearing a purple suit. As we are talking Mayhem comes by and goes, “Whats up Tito? You Big headed bitch.” Mayhem was just being Mayhem and was joking. Tito goes, “I’ll show you a faggot bro?” and started laughing. Me and my brother were like he didnt say faggot.

When we saw him the next time he was wearing the same suit. We start bullshitting again and he remembered talking to us before. We are all kind of fucking around and my bro goes, “Tito, same suit as last time man. What gives.” He goes, “More suits means I make more money. And when I have more money more people want it.” I was like “Neat.” I love Tito.


Next time somebody gets in my face this is my go to line!

“You got a problem motherfucker?”

I’ll show you a faggot bro!



It was fuckin hilarious to me because Mayhem had no ill will to Tito, he was just fuckin around. Tito with his response was insanely confusing.