The Tito Ortiz Way of Opening a Container

he obviously can’t sing, but it’s fun when they have something like that in their bag and they can just drop it real quick.

lol i don’t really think dre is known for being a lyracist. his thing is producing. i wonder if he even writes many of the words in his songs.

i do like his tough guy delivery though.

Steve jobs said back in 1989 before he passed, don’t give your kid an Iphone

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ATTN: FUTA1 - Tank is making fun of you on the Jaxxon podcast!


Tank just turned 57 years old.


Awesome pic. Just listened to Tank on Rampage’s podcast and he said he got his name Tank from the Clint Eastwood movie Every Which Way But Loose so makes that pic even better.


Didn’t know the name Tank was based off Clint’s character. Good info.

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Don’t bring personal family into life.


Kids shouldn’t have a cell phone until they’re an old mature

Joking aside, I do agree with that.

No kid should have unfettered access to a cell phone or iPad until they’re like at least in middle school

One of my daughters friends, she’s 10, has a TV in her room already and she has a cell phone with TikTok and Snapchat. What the fuck are they thinking?

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Kind of looks like Mick Foley in that pic.


Shit I’ll have to listen to that.

Rampage podcast is good despite the co host being a faggot.

I guess Tank just lives a few doors down from Clint and they’re great buddies now.

Lots of dinners and BBQs with Clint these days.


Tito stole one of Tank’s personal checks.


I heard a different version.

Years ago (15+ years) I read a book which I think was called NHB Revolution, although I cannot find a book of that name on the interwebz/amazon. It had a pic of Royce armbarring DeLucia in the UFC on the cover.

Back in the day SEG heard rumours of a street fighter in Huntingdon Beach called David something. They went round bars in the area until they found him and said they wanted to pay him to fight in the UFC. At the time he had no nickname so they asked if he didn’t mind if they called him “Tank” to which he replied “If you are going to pay me to fight you can call me Shirley for all I care”.

He is, by all accounts, a genuine sociopath. At UFC 6, Pat Smith had to withdraw from the event due to explosive diarrhea (yes, that is what he said, it’s down on wiki as “stomach cramps”), giving Taktarov a squash match with the alternate Anthony Macias (over in 9 seconds) so he was a lot fresher for the final. Oleg outlasts Tank in the final and wins. Tank went to take the elevator and when the door opened, there was Smith. Tank was furious at him for making it easy on Taktarov so he went into the elevator and beat the shit out of Smith. He was suspended for that.

During his suspension, SEG refused to pay him (there were also issues with him assaulting Allan Goes and threatening John McCarty’s wife). Tank didn’t like that and sent a bullet to SEG’s head offices engraved with Art Davie’s name and “Pay me”.

So apparently it was no pro wrestling type persona - he was a genuine sociopath. He would turn up to the UFC event he was fighting at, fight in the cage then go to the bar, get hammered and then go looking for fights.

Some people are just not to be fucked with.



That’s not really a different version. Tank was just saying how they landed on the actual Tank name and he said in his words that it was because of the Tank Murdock character from that movie. He also mentioned what you said here about they could call him Shirley or anything and he didn’t give a shit.


I remember an early interview with Tank and he said getting paid was a bonus, as he always looked at the winner as the one who rode in the backseat of the police car instead of the ambulance. He also, said fook the fans.

Fight 揍 GIF by ChuChu X BoBo X FrankFox

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Lol. Tank kicked it off shitting on Tito and went on for like half an hour. It was a bit awkward considering both the hosts are good friends of Tito’s. It was good stuff though so they just laughed along with it. Young Tito and Randleman destroying a vending machine to steal all the snacks was a great story.

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Why do I kind of picture in my head the car smashing mode in street fighter


my uncle was a wild man from huntington beach. he knew tank a bit. said he’d bet the guy has killed people.

also the fact that him and clint eastwood bbq together is pretty fucking amazing.


That would be one BBQ to attend.


Tito’s 3 favourite characters from Street Fighter II are Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden and B.A. Baraka.

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