This guy smack talked R. Franklin

it was not a fake confrontation, that i can assure jimmy was pissed after this.

Rob Kahn:  You should invite this guy to train.  Not to humiliate him or anything, but just help him get on the right path.  Don't force him to roll if he doesn't want to, don't tease him about his previous "experience" etc.  He's clearly delusional about his skills and abilities, maybe if he trained a little he'd be a better person for it.

The disrespect for a world champ like Franklin is enough. Where do people get off talking shit in MMA? A true fighter never talks shit.

Ha,ha,ah,ha. Doesn't everybody know a guy like that?

yep, there are many of these guys. However he takes it to a new level with his 42 time world champ shit, because his tattoo says he's a 42 time world champ....

...but most important, Rich's finger looks to be in decent shape. Does anyone know if/when the plate comes out?

i went on the Bubba show today and this whole subject came up again. anyone hear it today?

Rob Kahn

franklin was lucky... he was almost #43

Rob - Please tell us what happened on the show.



ill post a full recap in a bit. suffuce to say he had me choking out all his staff!

Im going back on today at 330.

tune in


The guy is a bed wetter.

reminds me of the time some dude challenged Randy on the air when doing a spot on local sportstalk show they were doing in a restaurant/bar.

42 X cock sucking champion!


lol - he didnt say former ufc champ.

did anyone catch it today.

my boy allen Drilled that kid in the green room with like 3-4 shots before we broke it up.

franklin would kill this clown

Damn Rob, that is awesome!!

I am a longtime Bubba listener, even WAY back in the day when he was with 106.7 broadcasting out of Orlando and my cousin almost got into a fight with him while we were in highschool.

Those guys sound like a riot and that is great that you had a chance to enlighten them. Man, I was listening to Howard replay when I bet I could have caught you on. SHITTTTT!!!!!!
