Till investigated by Police following offensive social media posts

Because in this day and age. Being persecuted on Social media is worse than going to jail or facing trial.

You guys are fucking brainwashed the way it’s always “leftist this Demotard that”. Why not address the issue we are taking about instead of bringing it back to your faggot bipartisan debate.

It’s fucking retarded. No wonder the states is in the situation it is

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Great post. How ghey of society to be so ghey

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So show me a conservative who wants to ban misgendering or memeing transgenders. I’ll wait bro.


So true… with the issue of freedom and liberty there is a very strong right/left divide right now.

There use to be people on the left that believed in it… but they’ve been kicked out of their side and are no longer accepted… so they’ve either gone independent or moved over to the right.


We don’t do some things as good as other countries, healthcare comes to mind but our system is way better than yours for free speech. Lol at you getting defensive because you know how stupid the police investigating a political cartoon is


The liberals/democrats/SJW’s love their freedoms, but the difference is they want to surrender their rights for increased safety.

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Do you not live in America??? Free speech is used everyday. I hear the N word and faggot and other words thrown at other people almost every day. The result is hurt feelings, sometimes some fists thrown, but NEVER police or authority intervening.

The internet is the only place in America where you get cancelled or in trouble for speaking freely.

There is a reason our founding fathers took note from history and other countries and made a right for UNwanted and UNpopular speech. If you don’t understand why that’s so important I don’t know what to say to you.


This. People have their livelihood destroyed and their lives ruined. Ya, you can say it, but you bet your ass they’ll come after you if they don’t like it.


I could post examples for hours.

I’d hate to be the guy pulled off a murder case to investigate an IG meme


This guy is actually telling us that this isn’t a political issue. That the right will be the ones shutting down free speech over a trans joke. That the radical leftists won’t be up in arms about this.

Lol what a fucking idiot.


Remember the days when nothing was off limits for comedy? Good days. You had the choice to tune in or not.

I also remember that even those who were targeted for amusement found it funny. Comedy in many ways was an equaliser that taught us not to take ourselves seriously.

There’s a distinct difference between good comedy and being malicious; sadly society won’t allow it anymore because it might upset every 1/1,000,000 people.


Kramer , Michael Richards was probably one of the first victims of cancel culture, never would have been cancelled if it wasn’t filmed and uploaded online

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You know things have gotten out of control when black liberal comics may have to apologize

Edit: I didn’t even realize he claimed his account was hacked. What a cop out that is. Must be so hard to be a comedian these days.

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There was a comedian over there that was arrested for a joke he put on YouTube or Tik tok … he literally had taught his dog to do a Hitler salute and that was all it took to have cops come to his house and arrest him . I’m sure someone else has heard of this case

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That was count dankula up in Scotland. Scotland has a completely different legal system to the rest of the country. It’s also one of the most aggressively progressive places in the entire world. Scotland is the UK’s California.