Tito: I would beat Jonny in my prime

Now are we gonna get years of Tito talking shit and what If's?


You guys are insane! Tito healthy and in shape would have fared well against Jones, the 2000 Tito that is..Apples to Oranges.

Jones would have a hard time with the pressure and attack mode Tito had. I'm not saying he couldn't pull it off but don't bash Tito for his bravado, he had a serious run.

Funaki Masakatsu #1 - 
dahosse -
Funaki Masakatsu #1 - Tito was fucking awesome in his prime, before his back injury crippled his wrestling skill and explosive power. I pick JBJ to win this fantasy matchup due to his reach and wrestling ability but anybody laughing it off like he'd just walk through Tito like it was nothing is way off base. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
I'd actually pick Tito here. His low-leg attack, speed, pressure and cardio sound like a recipe for beating JBJ. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
Good observations. The major question I have is if Tito can get close enough to shoot a successful takedown without paying dearly for it due to Jones' long reach. <br><br>Tito's clinch strength was INCREDIBLE back in the day. If he can clinch with Jones and get double unders, I think Jones will be put on his back. When Tito lifted Vladdy like he was a ragdoll from the clinch, that was amazing considering the caliber of wrestler Vladdy was. <br><br>Combine this with his excellent cardio, he is going to give Jones a very tough fight. Anybody laughing it off like some joke just hasn't seen what Tito used to be. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

seems like you two are the only people who actually remember how tito was. i like both of your takes and observations.

it also jacked that people are saying he fought sub par dudes. with wins over wand,belfort,griffin,matsyushenko, cote,metzger,kondo,taking rashad to a draw,and damn near gettin the triangle on machida does show he earned the right to run his mouth a lil.

i wonder if alot of these guys puttin down him and the people he fought against realize that tito has fought like 10 UFC champs,1 pride champ,and not to mention a couple pancrase champs

Back in 82' I coulda thrown a football over those mountains! Phone Post

Tito couldn't beat Jones' bone even if he worked at an Asian massage parlor.

Well the question really revolves around is how good was Tito at closing the distance against guys with a reach advantage. Then you would have to wonder how Tito faired in later rounds.

Im not entirely sure about closing the distance but he had good cardio back then to maintain his abilities of fighting JBJ in a 5 rounder, just reflects around that one question, as I think closing the distance against Jones, through pressurimg him, is a key element into beating him

And even when you get into the clinch its no easy road either, as Jones' clinch isnt widely talked about, but is solid from there as much as his reach Phone Post

Leigh - I don't think its fair to criticise Tito's competition as he can only fight the guys they put in front of him. They fought in an era when MMA was basically underground<br><br>However, the guys back then were not the athletes we see today and they weren't as good. As someone pointed out, who did Tito beat in his prime? Some tough guys for sure but not guys like Shogun and Rashad and certainly not bones. Prime Tito might have made it to round 3 <img src="/images/phone/droid.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Chuck was put in front of him, he wouldn't fight him. The only way Tito in his prime would even get in the cage with Jon Jones would be if it were 2000 and Jon was 10 years old.

If there's a hot tub time machine or Bill and Ted's excellent Adventures phone booth time machine, the 23 year old Tito somehow meet and fight a 60 year old Jon Jones. Tito would still lose.

War tito ! Phone Post

Its hard for other fighters to except a guy like Jones, he is a complete package.

Tito was the first mma fighter I was a fan of, but the reality is he wouldnt stand a chance against Jones. No how, no way. What fight would give you any indication that he could hang in there? Jones is on another level.

Tito had his run against some really weak competition in his prime. When you look back over 205's history, you realize Tito's skillset wouldnt get him nearly as far today, or in recent times as it did earlier Right place, right time.

While JBJ has a far more well rounded skill set than Chuck had, the one easy place Chuck was comparable is in TDD. Tito was forced to fight Chucks fight because he couldn't get inside, couldn't shoot on him and couldn't get him down. Every time he tried he got blasted. Tito had to stay outside and just wing overhand rights and hope one landed.

What in the hell makes anyone think Tito would fare any better against a bigger, faster, stronger and more well rounded JBJ? Makes no sense.

Embarrassing that he'd even say something so stupid.

Vincanni - Embarrassing that he'd even say something so stupid.
Then again, it's Tito. We're used to this kind of garbage coming from him. This is the same guy who has excuses lined up for future losses. Phone Post

lol this is bull tito fought cans.. some decent wins like wand vitor bader and griffin but no chance

I actually think chuck in his prime might have beaten jon jones

Excellent counter puncher who hits very hard excellent sprawl and very good at getting to his feet.. very good foot work and a good chin and a ring general .. jon jones can be hit I think with chuck if he lands it might be different plus I think hes the right build long arms 77 inch reach big upper body.. just my opinion think it would be competitive at least

Liddel wouldnt have anymore of a chance against Jones than the guys he has fought so far. Rampage mauled him twice, Couture killed him the first fight. Jones poses the same problems they do, just differently. That flying knee that ruined Shogun's night would have put Chuck on nyquil street.

Keep dreaming Tito. I really think he believes that if he says something enough times, people might eventually believe his nonsense.

Prime Tito would be AT BEST a gatekeeper in the UFC today.

fightcity - Ah let him have his delusions its pretty much all he has left as far as a fighting is concerned...

 Brutal (but what I was thinking)

Even today he would beat me down though so I wasn't gonna say it first. :-)

dahosse -
NotJustA12er - Tito can't take body shots. That's why he retired . He was exposed by Machida and Evans . Phone Post
Exposed, exshmosed- Tito was in his prime in 2000ish. When did he fight Evans? 2009? And that knee machida hit him with was a bunkerbuster. Which he ate. Don't hate on him for that one. Phone Post
Who exactly attacked Tito's body between 2000-09 ! No cunt .......
Ur point is just a circumstantial fact that doesn't mean shit ?
What I am saying is now machida and Evans have basically showed a blueprint how to finnish him , every present day fighter with a brain would employ to beat him . Phone Post