To date, only 11 UFC fighters have done this

Have greater than 90 percent finishing rate

Never been KO'd/TKO'd

Fought on the same card as a sibling?

High kick knockouts in main events

Lost the first 4 rounds and came back in the 5th to win the fight. 

Won another championship after losing one?

won a champion fight by submission?

Wow, great question!

I have one too. I'm thinking of a former champion.. Who is it?

I have a better thread title: What has been done by 0 UFC fighters?

Who can guess correctly?

To date, eleven fighters have won a UFC fight via leg kicks.


Worst… payoff… ever.

OP maybe don’t make threads anymore.

Brought a man to ejaculation using only their feet??

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BringBackHeadbutts -

To date, eleven fighters have won a UFC fight via leg kicks.

Sort of hate you for making me keep wanting to check this thread, but that is a cool stat. Thanks for letting it out before the fights started.

BringBackHeadbutts -

To date, eleven fighters have won a UFC fight via leg kicks.

Does that include Weidman over Silva? Interested if a check is considered a leg kick KO, never thought about it

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RedGone - 
BringBackHeadbutts -

To date, eleven fighters have won a UFC fight via leg kicks.

Sort of hate you for making me keep wanting to check this thread, but that is a cool stat. Thanks for letting it out before the fights started.

Agreed. Very interesting.

I actually like this thread. Goo job op. 

To date only one fuck wit on the UG has posted utter dog shit

spmaskell -

To date only one fuck wit on the UG has posted utter dog shit


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