TUF 3 finalist on episode of Cops!

Mat Santos -  I will fight him at 170. If he gives blood right.before. I would still say he would have a strength advantage. Phone Post

no sure there is any way Josh makes 170, but big ups to Mat for his willingness to back it up! 

I like your style, sir!

Fuckin pigs

 dont talk back to cops. when u do everyone involved becomes a dick.

I normally never side with cops but in this instance I dont think they were wrong at all, they didnt take the fools to jail they actually cut them a break. and he did make a valid point cuase the dude whos beer they drank could have just as easily turned around and started swinging. If those guys would run into the wrong person and pull that shit well we all have seen people Ko'd over some bullshit

It wasn't the point of drinking someone else's beer, those two kid's attitudes is what the problem was. Those two kids are young, stupid, and an embarrassment to the Marine Corps. He should have arrested them. Phone Post

 I've worked with law enforcement.  80% are probably power-hungry pigs and 20% are really nice guys with integrity that actually feel they can make a difference. I fear that Josh is quickly becoming part of the 80%.  Geez, how do you go from that nice guy with the blue hair to the robo-cop?  Amazing...

lol @ all of you guys that would let some dude walk up to you and drink your beer then walk away like nothing. Talk about being Alpha'd!

Bisping beat the shit out of him. I'd that doesn't cause an inferiority complex nothing will. That kid was lucky he didn't shoot him. Phone Post

Lol@the cop hate.... We have pussified America and all these 99%ers expect everyone to talk to them like their mother does. Grow some balls. If your gonna give a cop shitty attitude then expect him to give it back and harder than you.

Cops are trained from day one to control each encounter. Not back down and "ease" their way out. Phone Post

That chick cop was on just as much a power trip as Haynes. Phone Post

As an AD member myself those two were acting like jackasses.

They should have acted like they were being talked to by someone with the appropriate authority as the interaction started. I hate military members who act like they are owed something because they are deploying.

Should've arrested them and handed them over to security forces. Zero reason to need a police sergeant to come down for that nonsense.

start swinging, he would of been left in a pool of blood shanked in the neck.

I agree about the bullshit the suspect was talking, but getting handcuffed over drinking a beer???? Get the fuck out of my face with that shit Phone Post

Tractor - I agree about the bullshit the suspect was talking, but getting handcuffed over drinking a beer???? Get the fuck out of my face with that shit <img src="/images/phone/droid.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

On the strip of Vegas they will have more need of control than a lot of other places. If this was in the middle of a small town I would agree with you but the Vegas strip with tons of people floating around makes control of your suspect a bigger issue.

Police will usually lean towards the more cautious approach just because when the don't things can go bad for them quickly.

He wasn't handcuffed over drinking a beer. If you don't understand that walking up on a cop who is in the middle of doing some work and acting like an idiot is going to get you anything but trouble then you're an idiot.

Josh is a good dude.

Haynes has a Bachelors Degree in Computer Information Systems from Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon.

Haynes has three children Sabrina, Thor (born in May 2001), and Maximus. His first son, Thor, had a cancerous tumor on his brain stem but survived after surgery.

But hey let's saddle up on the side of some young dipshit who put on a uniform because he probably had nothing better going for him.


think Josh didn't handle the situation well?

imagine how their CO and the MPs would have handled it...

using their Military service as a blank check to treat civilians how they see fit?

something tells me that would not have gone over very well...

josh is a good dude. super nice and is like a rhino when you work out with him. lots of knowlede too.

helped me out a bunch when i was visiting in Vegas and was at the first pro session when Tapout Gym opened.

this will be a good career for him

Wat the fuck is he doing calling his Sargent over a kid drinking a beer? Any real cop would have handled that situation with a lot more common sense and a little less ego.

it was also edited on tv.

take that into consideration.

The USA is looking more and more like a wild wild west version of the former Soviet Union. Congratulations.