Wand 'ashamed', wants rematch

Not my place to tell another man how to make a living, but from a competitive stand-point i have no desire to see Wand fight anymore.

Tough to go out like that im sure, but thats how it ends for most high level fighters

What's weird is in the Jardine fight Wand's striking was different. Very straight and crisp punches. Never saw that again though.

How people don't consider ALL UFC fighters to be A level, blows my mind. They may be a UFC gatekeeper, but to stay in the UFC (the world's top MMA organization) you have to be A level, period.

B/C/D level fighters fight in smaller shows. IMHO every fighter on the UFC roster is immediately A level until proven otherwise. Leben has proved himself to be A level time and time again, otherwise he'd be gone by now. Phone Post

eltigre - 
jjj2121 -  He's also incredibly sloppy on the feet and I think it's comical that you say he's always comical to say that he's always a couple bolos from a title shot.

 Jesus Christ is that an exact quote?  I'm really groggy today...good Lord that is awful.

Proteus The Invincible - I say give Wand one more chance. Give him someone at the bottom of the UFC Middleweight division who's coming off a couple losses. It's only fair to let him have his final chance against another guy who is in the same spot. He was coming off a long layoff and fought Leben like an idiot. He could absolutely have won that fight, but he came at Leben in the worst way possible. If Wand wants to stay he needs to show that he can fight technically and fight with his brain, just like he did against Bisping.

I hate seeing Wanderlei get knocked out, but the man is a true legend of the sport and has shown that he still hasa little something to give if he quits brawling with people. He has no business fighting someone in the top ten at this point, but that doesn't mean that he can't bring it against someone low in the division. The man just went through surgery so he could keep fighting, he's given so much to the sport, and all he's asking for is one more shot.

Wanderlei Fucking Silva fighting a "bottom of the ladder" guy coming off a couple losses and likely to be cut is even worse than him losing to a gatekeeper and deciding to hang em up.

That's like making Chuck Liddel face Sean Salmon instead of just retiring. No thanks.

Wanderlei faced some opponents that are much worse than bottom of the barrel UFC Middleweights even in his prime, so it's not like he hasn't fought multiple fights of that nature before. Also, I just like watching good fights. To me it's not about big names competing against each other, it's about the fights. Just going out there and fighting is how guys like Wanderlei became legends in the first place. I think that if he wants to get in that cage and have one last chance to fight, then he should be allowed to because he has earned the right to have his final chance.

jjj2121 - 
eltigre - 
jjj2121 -  He's also incredibly sloppy on the feet and I think it's comical that you say he's always comical to say that he's always a couple bolos from a title shot.

 Jesus Christ is that an exact quote?  I'm really groggy today...good Lord that is awful.

dont worry about it.

That tito win took a lot out of all of us in the Futa1 Army.

Some soldiers still havent slept yet.


KwikTempah - this is a hardcore troll job , not easy to back out of , needs to be committed and it looks like he is !! Phone Post

1 Phone Post

lookoutawhale - 
jjj2121 - 
eltigre - 
jjj2121 -  He's also incredibly sloppy on the feet and I think it's comical that you say he's always comical to say that he's always a couple bolos from a title shot.

 Jesus Christ is that an exact quote?  I'm really groggy today...good Lord that is awful.

dont worry about it.

That tito win took a lot out of all of us in the Futa1 Army.

Some soldiers still havent slept yet.


Tito returns to the UG to make a thread and follows that up with a devastating finish over a top 10 guy that lasted 2 minutes.

2011 has been good for the Futa1 Army.


That was worse than watching Chocalate Al go down vs Franklin

He went down faster then a prom queen

fighters face wear and tear, Wand has been fighting for how long now? 10-15 years? if not longer?
and he started in the NHB days...

he's not the same, he will always be Pride Wand to me. It's ok, Legends get old, but they never die.


People calling for Wand to retire cause of this loss are retarded. He did better against Leben then he did against Vitor. and that was just as brutal---but over 10 years ago. fighters lose fights, let them keep going until they wanna stop.

people saying they can't stand to see him take another beating, you're probably watching the wrong sport. when 2 people fight, someone SHOULD lose.

Neil Funk -
jjj2121 -  To be out nearly 18 months, work your ass off and then get blasted out of there in under 30 sec by a TUF reject.


seriously though, Wand needs someone to step in a'la Chocolate Al and save his brain from further punishment.

I agree Phone Post

im the sports longest fan along with a few others and Silva is my all time favorite.Any true fan of Silva should not want to see him fight again.Dont get me wrong Ill always root for him to win but hes a shell of his former self.

formulate - People calling for Wand to retire cause of this loss are retarded. He did better against Leben then he did against Vitor. and that was just as brutal---but over 10 years ago. fighters lose fights, let them keep going until they wanna stop.

people saying they can't stand to see him take another beating, you're probably watching the wrong sport. when 2 people fight, someone SHOULD lose.



Vanderlei was not out cold...not truly KO'd or even seriously hurt. He ate a flurry of punches and got pushed back, but Vitor simply does NOT hit as hard as Leben with one punch....Also, he was never brutally KO'd at that point in his career.

The Leben KO comes after some SERIOUS brain damage inducing TRULY BRUTAL KO's...OUT COLD vs TRUE heavy hitters like PRIME HW Cro Cop's left high kick of death...The hook of Dan Henderson...and brutaly smashed and turned off by Quinton Jackson.

The Leben KO came AFTER those 3 BRUTAL Ko's...that's 4. His chin is shot.

Any REAL fan of Vanderlei would NOT want to see him get turned off like that ever again...Those high impact concussions absolutely have an effect on brain health and could seriously effect his later years and quality of life...This is serious shit.

Anyone who says otherwise is an immature piece of shit with his head up his ass.

By UFC MW standards;

A - Silva
A/B - Sonnen, Okami
B - Stann, Maia, Bisping, Belfort
B/C - Munoz, Leben, Santiago, Belcher

B/C rating for Leben seems fair, if you are basing it on the UFC, not all the MMA fighters in the world. Phone Post

I didn't even include PaulHarris (B/C) Akiyama (B/C) and Mayhem (who knows). And Munoz might be a straight B. Phone Post

You obviously don't understand what A or B level means.

gibboau - By UFC MW standards;<br><br>A - Silva<br>A/B - Sonnen, Okami<br>B - Stann, Maia, Bisping, Belfort<br>B/C - Munoz, Leben, Santiago, Belcher<br><br>B/C rating for Leben seems fair, if you are basing it on the UFC, not all the MMA fighters in the world. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

TheOriginalTUFer for white knight of the year lol.

I find it interesting that many posters express extreme dislike for Leben after the Wand fight.

It seems to me that Leben doesn't give a two shits about "elite fighters" and what not. The guy just likes to fight. Plain and simple. Every single time he's on a card, he goes out with all he's got and lays it on the line, win or lose. The dude is a natural fighter and it would be a crime for him to do anything. He deserves the same respect as wand, chuck, shogun, fedor, Anderson, etc. not for his accomplishments, but for his spirit. These days it's becoming rare to see a fighter so willing to throw everything he has into that single moment. Guys like Leben and all the other "true fighters" I mentioned earlier deserve a special place in the history of this sport. There will never be another Chris Leben. Phone Post