Was Modern MMA Born In Irvine, CA?

From the CSAC Affliction thread:

kazja13 - September 13, 2008 kazja13.com the corrupt commissions exposed. This will be D-Day on the commissions.

With the heavy build up you are giving 09:13:08 I expect hidden pictures of Armando Garcia giving Dana a lap dance in drag.

cindy o

Go to sherdog I posted alot of proof before I was banned. I am sorry I have friends and you don't. Just for them saying it you go bipolar with your shriveled up _ _ _ _. September 13 2008 it is all going to be laid out for you and OWNED E.T. to get it. This thread was on Cage of Rage which was the first event to use the Octagon. Chalk up one on the list.

I can't post proof on this site and when I did on other sites I was banned. Also on some I would post it then go back and the proof would be yanked. Un shrivel put some lotion on and have some patience until September 13 2008.
I will answer all your questions.

One I really Laugh my ass off at is how can some dumb ass boxing commissioners write rules for MMA. This I will cover in great detail all the ones involved and the Martial Arts Advisory committee. Relax and unshrival.

kazja13 - I can't post proof on this site and when I did on other sites I was banned. Also on some I would post it then go back and the proof would be yanked. Un shrivel put some lotion on and have some patience until September 13 2008.
I will answer all your questions.

One I really Laugh my ass off at is how can some dumb ass boxing commissioners write rules for MMA. This I will cover in great detail all the ones involved and the Martial Arts Advisory committee. Relax and unshrival.

Why do you assume this will be like Sherdog? Nothing you have written or posted here has been pulled. So post what you have. This is not Sherdog.

 ^^^ Exactly! His ass won't be banned and he knows it. Kazja's just a delusional opportunist who tries to take credit for things he HASN'T done...

-like writing the Unified Rules

-getting the ring approved in CA

-getting the octagon approved in NV

... and lie about everything else like

-how Sherdog is a Zuffa controlled forum (LMFAO)

-the CSAC got a fake injunction against him in 1999 so he wouldn't be competition for the UFC until they got set up in freakin' 2005

- how his show was the inspiration for the UFC in the US... even though the Gracies's have put on the Gracie Challenge in Brazil since 1935!

ROFLMAO at "Kazja the Clown!"


Cindy O


may be up this weekend.

I will prove all my claims.

Have a nice day. Go drink your prune juice it might help out your shriveled _ _ _ _.

LMAO how you are. I read some other threads. Everyone thinks your a old _ _ _t.

He's got kazja13.com/ up and running..

Kazja... what is the point you are making with Kirk's letter? I read it and I am not sure what it is that you find is of significance. Is it that Kirk worked for the commission before? This has been established.

BTW in your intro you call him Kirk Hendrix again. If you read the letter his name is Hendrick.

Owned Entertainm - Kazja... what is the point you are making with Kirk's letter? I read it and I am not sure what it is that you find is of significance. Is it that Kirk worked for the commission before? This has been established.BTW in your intro you call him Kirk Hendrix again. If you read the letter his name is Hendrick.

I am working on the site feeling it out. I am going to stay on this subject for sometime. This letter proves I sent them tapes and documents on the sport of mma before they owned the UFC. They were fence sitters. After they saw that California approved the sport in 2000 and all the positive media I received. They had to make a move with the info I sent them.

Thank Cindy O she put a fire in my ass to get the true story out. I will decipher this letter to the max. Ask questions only on this letter and I will answer them.

Go to comments to get the whole story. I will only answer legit questions.

OK.. so how is it negative that the commissions were positive to you? It wasn't as if they wrote you and told you they would never regulate MMA, then turned around and regulated the UFC a month later. It seems they were very open to the concept and to you putting on an event.

This is a bullshit government letter. I have a whole trunk full of letters and tapes that I am finally going to get out. The next letter will show they approved me for amateur MMA in Nevada. But when the UFC was bought all amateur was banned.

Cindy where were you in 2001. I was in the trenches fighting to make this sport legal.


kazja13 - Owned Entertainm - Kazja... what is the point you are making with Kirk's letter? I read it and I am not sure what it is that you find is of significance. Is it that Kirk worked for the commission before? This has been established.BTW in your intro you call him Kirk Hendrix again. If you read the letter his name is Hendrick.

I am working on the site feeling it out. I am going to stay on this subject for sometime. This letter proves I sent them tapes and documents on the sport of mma before they owned the UFC. They were fence sitters. After they saw that California approved the sport in 2000 and all the positive media I received. They had to make a move with the info I sent them.

Thank Cindy O she put a fire in my ass to get the true story out. I will decipher this letter to the max. Ask questions only on this letter and I will answer them.

Go to comments to get the whole story. I will only answer legit questions.

LMAO!!! The heading on your site regarding this letter says:

"This letter was sent to me by Kirk Hendrick when he was working for the NSAC. Also Lorenzo Fertitta the Owner of the UFC was on the commission. I sent them the unified rules plus taped events using the rules. Look into the letter and ask questions. I will be glad to explain everything."

Yes, Kirk still worked for the commission but Lorenzo didn't. He gave his notice and closed out all business with the NSAC in 2000.

Are you not aware that Bob Meyrowitz had been trying to gain sanctioning in Nevada well before your 1/31/01 attempt (based on the date mentioned in the letter from Hendrick you have posted)?

Are you not aware that the NSAC attended a couple of Bob Meyrowitz's live UFC events using modified rules improving fighter safety?

You sent Nevada a copy of the Unified Rules and some of your previous event videos and that is supposed to mean something??? Why? That was the procedure... but you certainly were not first.

And they didn't need a copy of the Unified Rules from you because, you see Kazja, Marc Ratner was part of the teleconference meeting for the rules discussion in NJ late 2000 as well as the April 2001 meeting called by Larry Hazzard when the Unified Rules were amended and etched in stone by the State of NJ. But I'm sure a spare copy couldn't hurt anything, right?

Besides, the whole issue involving you and the Unified Rules is that YOU claim YOU wrote them, which isn't true. From page 2 (IIRC) of this thread:

"I was for the octagon but I did not want the UFC to have control of the sport I wrote the rules for..."

Feedback from crowbar earlier in this thread:

"In 1997, another dedicated martial artist, California's Paul Smith, joined the IFC team to become IFC Commissioner. With Paul's direction the IFC rules began to evolve and through much effort by Paul the rules are now recognized as the "Unified MMA Rules" which have been adapted by the many state commissions including California, Nevada and New Jersey."

Kazja, if you cannot come up with a Uni-Rule attempt (in writing) that supersedes the credit bestowed upon Paul Smith for his successful efforts (beginning in 1997) then your claims are not accurate. Can you produce proof that YOU wrote the UR's?

So... let's recap some of Kazja's claims:

- Kirk worked for the commission on 3/31 when he sent you the letter as well as on 1/31 when you sent in the tapes

- Lorenzo Fertitta did NOT still work for the commission as you claim

- You were NOT the first promotion to attempt sanctioning in Nevada

- You were NOT the inspiration behind the formation of the UFC

- Your tapes were NOT the first ones they saw of the sport using modified rules for fighter safety that would later be amended and become known as the Unified Rules of MMA

- You did NOT pen the Unified Rules like you claim

- You did NOT get the octagon approved for use in NV

- You did NOT get the ring approved for use in CA

- You did NOT, at any point, own the trademark for an octagon shaped fighting enclosure and mat

- Sherdog is NOT a UFC/Zuffa controlled board

From your earlier post on this thread:
"I am just going to get what I deserve for what I contributed to the sport for the last fifteen years."

- Bottom line, Kazja, you ARE an opportunist who thinks the UFC (post Zuffa) owes him something for nothing

"I will decipher this letter to the max."

LMAO! Yeah right! Your track record indicates you will tuck and run or completely evade responding to the "tough" questions. In this case, you will deem none of my comments worthy of responding to and will claim they are "not legit" as you have specified, which is exactly why you have refused to answer ANY of them thus far. Pfft!


"Kazja, if you cannot come up with a Uni-Rule attempt (in writing) that supersedes the credit bestowed upon Paul Smith for his successful efforts (beginning in 1997) then your claims are not accurate. Can you produce proof that YOU wrote the UR's? "

Actually to clarify - Paul Smith and Ryan Chenoweth were the driving force behind (and to a lesser degree Doc Hamilton and rob lynch) what would be the Unified Rules.

KeijiKadekawa - "Kazja, if you cannot come up with a Uni-Rule attempt (in writing) that supersedes the credit bestowed upon Paul Smith for his successful efforts (beginning in 1997) then your claims are not accurate. Can you produce proof that YOU wrote the UR's? "

Actually to clarify - Paul Smith and Ryan Chenoweth were the driving force behind (and to a lesser degree Doc Hamilton and rob lynch) what would be the Unified Rules.

So you can verify it wasn't Kazja who wrote the Unified Rules like he claims?


lol, i can neither confirm nor deny but I do know that Ryan and kazja are/were business partners for many years and probably are still to this day, so his influence on the rules may be there.

KeijiKadekawa - lol, i can neither confirm nor deny but I do know that Ryan and kazja are/were business partners for many years and probably are still to this day, so his influence on the rules may be there.

Then he shouldn't have posted, of his own free will on THIS thread, that:

"I was for the octagon but I did not want the UFC to have control of the sport I wrote the rules for..."

Actually, he has plastered the same thing all over MMA boards in cyberspace. He seems to like to take credit for everything he DIDN'T do, yet get pissed off when he is overlooked for what he DID contribute.


P.S. I predict he'll evade addressing my comments because the pimp hand of the truth is too sssttttrrrronnnng!


Everything will come out on kazja13.com in due time. Be patient. I will also post Paul Smiths story about the corrupt CSAC. And how he almost had jiu jitsu banned. Everything will follow. I am going to put everything I have on kazja13.com take it or leave it.have a pleasent night.kazja13.com

Ryan and I have been together from the beginning and are still partners. I will post and explain everything. WHEW!