WMMA Discussion Thread

Alexa Grasso looking dreamy at ufc Mexico, I demand pictures. Phone Post 3.0

arielhelwani: White met with Grasso and Aldana tonight. He said they both want to win Invicta titles then come to UFC, so he is obliging.

Saddened - arielhelwani: White met with Grasso and Aldana tonight. He said they both want to win Invicta titles then come to UFC, so he is obliging.
Nice, I still demand pictures she was looking dreamy. Phone Post 3.0

Saddened - arielhelwani: White met with Grasso and Aldana tonight. He said they both want to win Invicta titles then come to UFC, so he is obliging.

Thank you for the update Saddened. Another member said that Grasso and Aldana are a package deal. I hope their stock doesnt go down if they both lose their next fights. In my opinion, Irene can be a model, she has a great "look" 

The future!! alexa_grasso and @irenealdana_





JustAnotherMMAFan - He used to post as The Alchemist. Phone Post 3.0


That is crazy. I wonder why he dislikes Cris so much


Tecia Torres def Angela Hill by unanimous decision. 

I was reading that some fans found the fight boring but in my opinon, Tecia had to do what she had to do and was very smart not to stand and trade with Angela. She exposed the developmental areas in Angelas game. In my opinon, Angela like Jojo Calderwood is going to have a hard time unless she starts training on her takedown defense. If Waterson can get past Magana, I wouldnt mind seeing Torres vs Waterson

Quotes from the PFPC

Torres: I really felt the altitude in the first round. If I fight here again, I’ll be here more than two weeks.


Torres: I don’t think that was a good enough performance for a title shot.

Sunkist1207 -
Saddened - arielhelwani: White met with Grasso and Aldana tonight. He said they both want to win Invicta titles then come to UFC, so he is obliging.

Thank you for the update Saddened. Another member said that Grasso and Aldana are a package deal. I hope their stock doesnt go down if they both lose their next fights. In my opinion, Irene can be a model, she has a great "look" 

The future!! alexa_grasso and @irenealdana_





Voted up, u didn't disappoint. Phone Post 3.0

Sunkist1207 -
JustAnotherMMAFan - He used to post as The Alchemist. Phone Post 3.0


That is crazy. I wonder why he dislikes Cris so much


Tecia Torres def Angela Hill by unanimous decision. 

I was reading that some fans found the fight boring but in my opinon, Tecia had to do what she had to do and was very smart not to stand and trade with Angela. She exposed the developmental areas in Angelas game. In my opinon, Angela like Jojo Calderwood is going to have a hard time unless she starts training on her takedown defense. If Waterson can get past Magana, I wouldnt mind seeing Torres vs Waterson

Quotes from the PFPC

Torres: I really felt the altitude in the first round. If I fight here again, I’ll be here more than two weeks.


Torres: I don’t think that was a good enough performance for a title shot.

The problem with Torres / Hill fight was that Torres got the takedowns in rounds 1 and 2, and didn't do anything. Pure lay'n'pray.
In round 3, she pretty much muscled Angela Hill against the cage, and didn't do anything again. Wall'n'stall.

I found the fight atrocious. Phone Post 3.0

DalyDentedDecimated'sDome -
Aleksandra Albus Gstring - 
Sunkist1207 -
Saddened - arielhelwani: White met with Grasso and Aldana tonight. He said they both want to win Invicta titles then come to UFC, so he is obliging.

Thank you for the update Saddened. Another member said that Grasso and Aldana are a package deal. I hope their stock doesnt go down if they both lose their next fights. In my opinion, Irene can be a model, she has a great "look" 

The future!! alexa_grasso and @irenealdana_





Voted up, u didn't disappoint. Phone Post 3.0

I"m worried about Aldana's fight with Tonya Evinger.  Evinger is a working class girl, she does construction or something like it in her day job. That gives her hard muscles and grip strength.  And she is older in her mid 30s, so that gives her old lady strength.   Looking at the slender Aldana, i she is stronger than she looks but Evinger will win.

and that is Dana's nightmare scenario - he wants the sex appeal of Aldana in the UFC but doesn't want to hear the MMA purists' complaints when he brings in Aldana despite the upcoming and Evinger languishes in Invicta.


Tonya is dangerous but Aldana and Grasso are the future, Aldana the next invicta bantamweight champ. Phone Post 3.0

JJ v Penne should be a great fight, it will have to be to overcome the stench of Torres v White. Not everyday you see a Hispanic fighter get booed after winning in Mexico. Phone Post 3.0

Well, that wmma sucked didnt it?

Thats why I prefer to have several wmma bouts in a single event, even if there are other events with none. Because if your fight is the only one, then your poor performance represents WMMA, while if there are others, then you just had a sucky fight.

DalyDentedDecimated'sDome -
Aleksandra Albus Gstring - 
Sunkist1207 -
Saddened - arielhelwani: White met with Grasso and Aldana tonight. He said they both want to win Invicta titles then come to UFC, so he is obliging.
    <br />
        <span class="User-344401" id="userPost53761632">Thank you for the update Saddened. Another member said that Grasso and Aldana are a package deal. I hope their stock doesnt go down if they both lose their next fights. In my opinion, Irene can be a model, she has a great &quot;look&quot;&nbsp;</span></p>
        <span class="User-344401" id="userPost53761632"><img alt="" src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e15/11426504_1596877803909338_854665129_n.jpg" /></span></p>
    <div class="stream-item-header" style="color: rgb(41, 47, 51); font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 12.8333330154419px; background-color: rgb(245, 248, 250);">
        <span class="User-344401" id="userPost53761632"><a class="account-group js-account-group js-action-profile js-user-profile-link js-nav" data-user-id="21586418" href="https://twitter.com/danawhite" style="color: rgb(136, 153, 166); background: transparent;"><strong class="fullname js-action-profile-name show-popup-with-id" data-aria-label-part="" style="color: rgb(41, 47, 51);">Dana White</strong>&nbsp;&rlm;<span class="username js-action-profile-name" data-aria-label-part="" style="font-size: 13px; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed;"><span style="color: rgb(177, 187, 195);">@</span>danawhite</span>&nbsp;</a><small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);">&nbsp;<a class="tweet-timestamp js-permalink js-nav js-tooltip" href="https://twitter.com/danawhite/status/609974346841518080" style="color: rgb(136, 153, 166); background: transparent;" title="11:43 PM - 13 Jun 2015"><span aria-hidden="true" class="_timestamp js-short-timestamp js-relative-timestamp" data-long-form="true" data-time="1434264191" data-time-ms="1434264191000">6h</span><span class="u-hiddenVisually" data-aria-label-part="last" style="position: absolute !important; overflow: hidden !important; width: 1px !important; height: 1px !important; padding: 0px !important; border: 0px !important; clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px) !important;">6 hours ago</span></a></small></span></div>
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        <span class="User-344401" id="userPost53761632">The future!! alexa_grasso and @irenealdana_ <a class="twitter-hashtag pretty-link js-nav" data-query-source="hashtag_click" dir="ltr" href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ufcmexico?src=hash" style="color: rgb(158, 20, 48); background: transparent;"><span style="color: rgb(196, 114, 130);">#</span>ufcmexico</a> <a class="twitter-atreply pretty-link js-nav" dir="ltr" href="https://twitter.com/ufc" style="color: rgb(158, 20, 48); background: transparent;"><span style="color: rgb(196, 114, 130);">@</span>ufc</a></span></p>
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        <span class="User-344401" id="userPost53761632"><img alt="" src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/e15/11379039_533615716777704_318343639_n.jpg" /></span></p>
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        <span class="User-344401" id="userPost53761632"><img alt="" src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/e15/11380128_289093207881500_340913907_n.jpg" /></span></p>
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        <span class="User-344401" id="userPost53761632">&nbsp;</span></p>
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        <span class="User-344401" id="userPost53761632">&nbsp;</span></p>
<span class="User-344401" id="userPost53761632">Voted up, u didn't disappoint. <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/droid.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></blockquote>


I"m worried about Aldana's fight with Tonya Evinger.  Evinger is a working class girl, she does construction or something like it in her day job. That gives her hard muscles and grip strength.  And she is older in her mid 30s, so that gives her old lady strength.   Looking at the slender Aldana,  she is stronger than she looks - her punching mechanics remind me of the piston power punches of Jedrzejczyk.  But Evinger will most likely win


and that is Dana's nightmare scenario - he wants the sex appeal of Aldana in the UFC but doesn't want to hear the MMA purists' complaints when he brings in Aldana despite the upcoming and Evinger languishes in Invicta.


I agree. I see tonya winning the fight. Phone Post 3.0

The plan is for Irene Aldana to win the Invicta title and go to the UFC but I don't think she gets pass Tonya.

nowaydo - The plan is for Irene Aldana to win the Invicta title and go to the UFC but I don't think she gets pass Tonya.

I'm going with the youth and power of Aldana. Should be a helluva fight though.

Sunkist1207 -
Saddened - arielhelwani: White met with Grasso and Aldana tonight. He said they both want to win Invicta titles then come to UFC, so he is obliging.

Thank you for the update Saddened. Another member said that Grasso and Aldana are a package deal. I hope their stock doesnt go down if they both lose their next fights. In my opinion, Irene can be a model, she has a great "look" 

The future!! alexa_grasso and @irenealdana_





So dreamy.. Phone Post 3.0

luctaro - Well, that wmma sucked didnt it?

Thats why I prefer to have several wmma bouts in a single event, even if there are other events with none. Because if your fight is the only one, then your poor performance represents WMMA, while if there are others, then you just had a sucky fight.



I wouldnt say the fight "sucked": I say this respectfully but we have seen some questionale male MMA fights  in the UFC. I do appreciate your point that the casual MMA fan would more than likely be less encouraged to watch WMMA after seeing this last fight but in my opinon, there was no way Tecia would stand with Angela so she had the right game plan to win. The one great outcome is that we had another WMMA fight on a PPV card!

Meet Peggy "The Daywalker" Morgan a 6ft 1 BJJ purple belt fighting in the 145lb division in Invicta. Peggys MMA record is 3-3


Peggalso tried out for TUF. In my opinon Peggy looked really good in her fight with Marshall and was one of my picks to make it to the final. On the show Peggy was defeated by Sarah Moras  then lost to Jessamyn Duke in the TUF Finale and subsequently  released from her UFC contract. 

Bethany Marshall 4-1


 Sarah Moras


Meet Revelina Berto 3-1 FW who is currently a free agent. If her last name sounds familiar, it should. Revelina is the younger sister of Boxing Welterweight Champ Andre Berto



Revelina tried out for TUF season 18 but was submitted by Jessica Rackozy

Karnak - Sunkist1207

Zuffa do promote/develop talent at 135 though... it's just within the same backdrop of Zuffa also having a huge star/popular champ, which makes promotional efforts taken with the other women, seem respectively miniscule in comparison; even when everything else concerning the way Zuffa deal with the men, suggests otherwise...

Just speaking about the promotional work done with the 135 division. I think your being completely disingenuous if you maintain ideas of Zuffa's negligence of it's premier female weight class. I mean your aware of how this promotional game both positively, and negatively, works for EVERYBODY, not just women... right?

Tate, Zingano, Eye, and Holm, are obvious promotional favourites. McMann, Kaufman, Davis, play the role of contender killer, or contender maker; and this in a division everybody who fights the champ, also receives huge spotlight for a month or two, in ways few male contenders will ever receive while in the UFC.

What more heavy lifting do you expect Zuffa to do here? What more do you expect the top 6-7 135 women to receive, before they gain significantly more than established male fighters, who would argue it already unfair that so many women not named Rousey, receive as much attention as they do right now?


Thank you for your responses and contribution to this thread. Please excuse me if I am only responding to specific points because I feel as though we have already covered most of what you are saying

Karnak-Zuffa do promote/develop talent at 135 though.

With respect, you and I must have different definitions of promote/develop because I have mentioned and given examples in our exchanges to prove that the only fighter outside of Ronda that the UFC have given opportunities to is Miesha. This is no disrespect to Miesha, why shouldnt she take advatnage of what is being offered to her. 

Karnak- Plus I find it odd to read you questioning why I think an all female UFC card (with no Rousey) a complete failure, and then go to propose a successful UFC card headlined by Cyborg, as if it somehow benefits all WMMA... huh, excuse me lol.

If you dont mind me asking, what in your opinon is a "complete failure"? One can argue that some of the male dominated UFC cards have not been a success. You honestly dont think  Cyborg vs Rousey headlining an all WMMA PPV wouldnt do well?


Karnak- Why would you throw away the hard work to get WMMA in the UFC, to someday talk an extinction level event headlined by Cyborg, like it's a financial/promotional benefit to anybody... crazy lol.

I say this respectfully, what hard work? WMMA in the UFC has only benefited Ronda and the UFC. Joanna Champion fights Jessica Penne in 4 days..where is the hype and promotion for their fight?

Cyborg vs Rousey will more than likely be the biggest WMMA fight the UFC can make in the near future.With respect, we all know what the outcome of a Tate/Rousey III fight will be and from the feedback here, fans are not really interested in seeing Ronda fight anyone not named Cris. Dana himself knows the PPVs and gate for that fight will be crazy and that is why the UFC negotiated with Cris so she wouldnt sign with Bellator


Karnak- Tate, Zingano, Eye, and Holm, are obvious promotional favourites. McMann, Kaufman, Davis, play the role of contender killer, or contender maker; and this in a division everybody who fights the champ, also receives huge spotlight for a month or two, in ways few male contenders will ever receive while in the UFC.

-With the exception of Tate, I respectfully disagree. Please show me the evidence where Eye, Zingano and Holm are constantly respresenting the UFC brand and marketing the fight cards. Why should a fighter only  recieve the spotlight when they fight the champ?

DalyDentedDecimated'sDome - 

Karnak, Sunkist, i think the two of you polite gentlemen need to sort out your irreconcilable differences in a old fashioned duel




Haha! I enjoy a great debate so I have no problems :)

It's fighter check-in day at ! First to arrive, looking focused as she signs the posters is !