WMMA Discussion Thread

Invicta FC 13: Cyborg vs. Van Duin Medical Suspensions

Faith Van Duin: Suspended until Aug. 9 with no contact until July 31.


Irene Aldana: Suspended until Aug. 24 with no contact until Aug. 9.

FOX Force Five - Her "win" against Megumi was horseshit
Like all of Megumi's pseudo "losses". Phone Post 3.0

Sunkist1207 - 

Do you agree with Josh? In your opinion, is he making general comments or talking about someone in particular?

Why is it in the US in #WMMA that tons of ladies will fight amateur but then never turn pro or fight 1 or 2 times and then quit?

I'd argue that there's almost no real need for women to fight amateur in the US. The pool is so thin at pro, just start at pro.

Most amateur rules are close enough to pro anyways. Might as well fill up the pro ranks & have fighters get legit records

The only people who would be really upset at the hit the amateur circuits would be promoters getting fights for free 

I don't think he is talking about anyone in particular and he is absolutely right.


Just look at someone like Taylor Stratford.  She went 9-1 during an ammy career that lasted nearly two years.  Her only loss was to Ronda, and she holds wins over two current UFC fighters and one Invicta fighter.  She wound up getting injured before turning pro and was never heard from again.  There is no reason that chick shouldn't have been getting paid.

Production starting soon starring .


Steve4192 - 
Sunkist1207 - 

Do you agree with Josh? In your opinion, is he making general comments or talking about someone in particular?

Why is it in the US in #WMMA that tons of ladies will fight amateur but then never turn pro or fight 1 or 2 times and then quit?

I'd argue that there's almost no real need for women to fight amateur in the US. The pool is so thin at pro, just start at pro.

Most amateur rules are close enough to pro anyways. Might as well fill up the pro ranks & have fighters get legit records

The only people who would be really upset at the hit the amateur circuits would be promoters getting fights for free 

I don't think he is talking about anyone in particular and he is absolutely right.


Just look at someone like Taylor Stratford.  She went 9-1 during an ammy career that lasted nearly two years.  Her only loss was to Ronda, and she holds wins over two current UFC fighters and one Invicta fighter.  She wound up getting injured before turning pro and was never heard from again.  There is no reason that chick shouldn't have been getting paid.


Thank you and please accept a vote up. Taylor was on Twitter asking if Cris  Cyborg was wearing a "cup" in her fight shorts so she is still somewhat "around" keeping up with WMMA. Do you by any chance know what her injury is? I think she is training because I am 90% certain that at some point she was signed to Invicta. I do agree with you that there was absolutely no reason for Taylor to be an Amateur for that length of time








Taylor and Dana recently


Tay was so damn good as an ammy.  She hits like a truck and her boxing is clean.  Her dad was a pro boxer I believe.  She is also former training partners with PVZ.  She is active on social media and had an acl or some knee injury, then in rehab tore it again and had sveeral set backs.  It has been a few years since her last fight but she seem to be actively training and rehabing.  I saw her fight at tuffnuff several times.  (someone should fact check the injury and training stuff don't quote me on exacts)

Karnak - 
yabadaba - 
Karnak - 
yabadaba - 

^^ If you want to claim that Ronda fighting a stick pushed into a plant pot would generate more buys than Ronda vs Cyborg you shouldn't complain about being called out as a troll.

And yes, if Gina came back she could rival Ronda and Joanna in popularity.

Yeah, because it's really hard to see the point I was trying to make, was completely infused with serious amounts of hyperbole lol? Saying Rousey's always a bigger draw in her own right, is to highlight how stupid any this talk of Cyborg positively elevating women's MMA really is; evidenced in her open weight class era bullshit, pushing WMMA pretty close to the brink of becoming a complete non entity.

So think of it this way... The way you don't like to see the new movement in WMMA, I personally find the classic Cyborg dick riders totally embarrassing, as I feel they constantly bring a way more a troll-ish aspect to discussing WMMA, than anything I've ever said on this particular enhanced parasites behaviour too.

Plus after tasting the horrible freakshow experience with your MMA GOAT/love interest, Gina's made it more than perfectly clear that she's NEVER coming back to MMA either; so I don't fully understand your reasoning behind relating '09 Carano's popularity, to 2015's 135 UFC Carano's potential popularity either...?

Times changed, the sports moved on, and yet people want to hold on to the very things which saw WMMA stagnate and fade, because of the very same reasoning which not so long ago saw WMMA stagnate and fade... HUH!

What point are you trying to make? That Ronda outdraws Cyborg? Of course she does and by a wide margin - nobody disputes that.

Think of it this way... Dana White believes that Ronda vs Cyborg would be the biggest fight in women's MMA. Does that mean he doesn't like to see the new movement in WMMA? Does that make him a classic Cyborg dick rider? 

Yeah, few dispute Rousey a definite draw NOW, but a niche of moron's/liars still hold on to the idea that Cyborg will entice more of the casual audience, to sky rocket Rousey's PPV potential into a new stratosphere; Narrrr, not happening.

As a promoter, Dana can/should talk all the bull shit he wants to talk; but the MMA bubbles belief in Cyborg being this equal to Rousey, doesn't translate to a rational thinking, where being a niche freakshow translates into positive promotion, or high PPV buy rates.

It's clear the hardcore's want to see Rousey face a handicap, and will look the other way on anything/everything which makes this proposed fight nothing but a potential freakshow, to a mainstream PPV audience too. So step out of the bubble, and ask again, how is Rousey facing Cyborg her biggest fight...?

One cuts weight at 145, to walk into the cage at 170, as the other used to fight 145, walking into the cage at 150. One has zero fan base outside of niche element of the sport, the other is a growing U.S./international mainstream star. One fights in a stable division which has personalities and opponents with wining records, the other in a phantom zone where neither has exited for years.

I could go on, but if Dana saying Rousey does 2 million PPV buys, on the back facing Cyborg makes sense to you, then hold on to that dream buddy....

Yeah, because it's really hard to see the point Dana was trying to make, was completely infused with serious amounts of hyperbole lol? Rousey vs. Cyborg would be the biggest fight in WMMA to date but I doubt it would do 2 million PPV buys.


Big night for ? at the , awards for & Photo:



UFC champion Ronda Rousey has reignited her war of words with Floyd Mayweather after beating him to a best fighter award, saying: "I wonder how he feels getting beaten by a woman for once."

Rousey was awarded the Best Fighter ESPY on Wednesday night, beating UFC contemporary Donald "Cowboy" Cerrone and boxers Gennady Golovkin, Terrance Crawford and pound-for-pound champion Mayweather.

And Rousey, in accepting the award, could not resist taking Mayweather to task over his history of domestic violence against women.

Mayweather pleaded guilty to two counts of battery against Melissa Brim, the mother of his older daughter, in 2001 and 2002. In 2003, he was arrested for fighting two women at a Las Vegas night club. On top of that, he pleaded guilty to a domestic violence charge in 2011 and served two months in jail.

Mayweather also once famously said of Rousey: "I have no idea who he is." And the UFC champion wasn't going to let that lie ether.

Standing on the red carpet with her ESPY award, Rousey said: "I can't help but really say that I wonder how Floyd [Mayweather] feels being beat by a woman for once." Before adding: "I'd like to see you pretend to not know who I am now."


Congratulations to Ronda for winning her ESPYs awards. Several people have commented on Twitter that Serena Williams should have won for best Athlete and in my opinion, she should have. What say you?

Many fans on Twitter commented that Ronda's ESPY wins are great for WMMA.  The wins are a huge acheivement for Ronda but I am not sure how that will have an impact on WMMA. I have said this several times and with respect, WMMA in the UFC has only benefitted two parties, the UFC and Ronda.

I mean no disrespect by bringing this up but Many people are saying that Ronda is being hypocritical for her comments towards Floyd Mayweather but she posted the picture below a few days ago.  We all know that  Mike was convicted and sentenced to prison for Rape but also said this in his Autobiography -


Excerpts of the book provided by its publisher, Warner Books Inc., included Tyson's recollection of the best punch he ever threw.

"It was when I fought Robin in Steve Lott's apartment. She really offended me and I went BAM. She flew backwards, hitting every wall in the apartment," Tyson recalled. "That was the best punch I've ever thrown in my entire life."

Tyson also details a sadistic viewpoint on sex. "I like to hurt women when I make love to them. . . . It gives me pleasure," Torres quotes Tyson as saying.


rondarouseysuch a great opportunity to practice performing under pressure - under the eye of an idol @miketyson 


Holly Holm defeated Marion Reneau by unanimous decision- What say you about the fight?

With respect, I still havent developed an appreciation for  Holly but she did a great job at keeping the distance. 

Sunkist1207 - 

Many fans on Twitter commented that Ronda's ESPY wins are great for WMMA.  The wins are a huge acheivement for Ronda but I am not sure how that will have an impact on WMMA. I have said this several times and with respect, WMMA in the UFC has only benefitted two parties, the UFC and Ronda.


That is utter horseshit.



You don't think every fighter on the roster is benefitting from WMMA in the UFC?  Those chicks were making under $5K/$5K in Invicta (many of them under $2K/$2K).  Hell, Tonya Evinger just made $5K/$5K to defend the Invicta title.  That's HALF of the UFC MINIMUM.  There is a reason why all the great atomweights from outside the UFC are bulking up to make the jump to strawweight, and all the flyweights are either bulking up or slimming down to make the jump to 135 or 115.  They want to make more money and get more exposure.


Also, let's keep in mind that without WMMA in the UFC, Invicta would likely be out of business.  The UFC is basically operating as Invicta's sugar daddy and keeping them afloat.  Where would WMMA be without Invicta?

Sunkist1207 - 

Holly Holm defeated Marion Reneau by unanimous decision- What say you about the fight?

With respect, I still havent developed an appreciation for  Holly but she did a great job at keeping the distance. 



I thought Holm fought conservative and didn't make any new fans, but she clearly outclassed her opponent.



I disagree that she did a great job keeping the distance.  She didn't have to do anything.  Reneau never tried to close distance except for a few desperation clinch attempts on the rare occassions when Holly let her hands go and started lighting Marion up.

Steve4192 - 
Sunkist1207 - 

Many fans on Twitter commented that Ronda's ESPY wins are great for WMMA.  The wins are a huge acheivement for Ronda but I am not sure how that will have an impact on WMMA. I have said this several times and with respect, WMMA in the UFC has only benefitted two parties, the UFC and Ronda.


That is utter horseshit.



You don't think every fighter on the roster is benefitting from WMMA in the UFC?  Those chicks were making under $5K/$5K in Invicta (many of them under $2K/$2K).  Hell, Tonya Evinger just made $5K/$5K to defend the Invicta title.  That's HALF of the UFC MINIMUM.  There is a reason why all the great atomweights from outside the UFC are bulking up to make the jump to strawweight, and all the flyweights are either bulking up or slimming down to make the jump to 135 or 115.  They want to make more money and get more exposure.


Also, let's keep in mind that without WMMA in the UFC, Invicta would likely be out of business.  The UFC is basically operating as Invicta's sugar daddy and keeping them afloat.  Where would WMMA be without Invicta?





You and I have had this discussion previously and with respect you are not understanding my point which is fine I appreciate your opinion. However, if you don't mind, let me ask you this, with the exception of Ronda, Miesha, Paige and to some extent Joanna,  who else has benefited by being in the UFC?

When was the last time you saw Sarah Kaufmann in Brazil promoting a fight card? Why wasnt Lauren Murphy, Heather Clark, Leslie Smith or Angela Magana in NYC modelling the new Reebok fight Kit? Why did Sarah Moras who fought last night, have to beg for almost a year on Twitter to get that fight? Why did Raquel Pennington co main event UFC 184 but only got $10k fight purse?

 Faith Van Duin fought Cris Cyborg and earned $6k fight purse but obviously recieved enough in sponsorship money to to afford to fly out her  boyfriend, two daughters and training partners to the Las Vegas from New Zealand at roughly $1500 per person. I gurantee you that more people know who Faith is today but if you ask them what they think of Larissa Pacheco, I am not convinced that the answer will be the same


Steve4192 Where would WMMA be without Invicta?

Where would WMMA in the UFC be without Ronda or other UFC marketable fighters?


Larissa Pacheco 20 year old signed to the BW division in the UFC 10-2 MMA 0-2 UFC

Sunkist1207 - 




Big night for ? at the , awards for & Photo:


Thats awesome I didnt think she had a chance in hell to get them.

Tru - 

Tay was so damn good as an ammy.  She hits like a truck and her boxing is clean.  Her dad was a pro boxer I believe.  She is also former training partners with PVZ.  She is active on social media and had an acl or some knee injury, then in rehab tore it again and had sveeral set backs.  It has been a few years since her last fight but she seem to be actively training and rehabing.  I saw her fight at tuffnuff several times.  (someone should fact check the injury and training stuff don't quote me on exacts)





I recall the fight Taylor had with Ashlee Evans Smith. The  first few seconds,  Taylor came out blazing like a mini Cris Cyborg.


edit- the video for anyone who has not seen the fight

Looks like I get to do a Meet & Greet with at Boston Pizza Emerald Park ,Aug 20th...spread the word!!

Bethe Correia getting ready for her fight on the 1st Aug againtst Ronda Rousey- There were a few member who thought Faith had a chance at beating Cris, in your opinon, does Bethe shock the world on the 1st?





Sunkist1207 - 

Bethe Correia getting ready for her fight on the 1st Aug againtst Ronda Rousey- There were a few member who thought Faith had a chance at beating Cris, in your opinon, does Bethe shock the world on the 1st?





Anyone who claimed Faith had a chance against Cris was either trolling or delusional.  The same applies to anyone who claims Bethe has a chance against Ronda.