WMMA Discussion Thread


marinashafir I am so grateful and blessed by the outpour of support and love I've gotten after this last last.. I'm just going to keep on keepin' on and keep on not giving up..

raquelpaaluhi: There was a time I was 2-4. It's all about the journey! A positive attitude will bring you so far. Keep it up, lady!

I am curious to know what outpour she's referring to...
Every MMA site on the Internet mocked her, and I saw not-so-flattering threads on Sherdog etc. Phone Post 3.0

Looks like Marina will be filming a movie next month. Cris, Miesha and Holly also begin filming their movie next month



Guess who's making a movie next month. This guy! With 3 of and superstar !

JustAnotherMMAFan - I am curious to know what outpour she's referring to...
Every MMA site on the Internet mocked her, and I saw not-so-flattering threads on Sherdog etc. Phone Post 3.0



I have no idea but I agree, every tweet I have seen about Marina has been negative. What does apear to be obvious is that Marina is not giving up on MMA.

Marina vs Peggy Morgan,  Marina vs Fiona Muxlow or maybe a rematch with Amanda.. Marina did say that she wanted to see Amanda Bell again

Marina vs Fiona is the fight to make.

Fiona doesn't have KO power, and is primarily a grappler...think even purple belt?

Would be an expensive flight, but would be a huge opportunity for Marina to give herself an honest opponent with scoutable footage. Phone Post 3.0

Ronda getting ready for her fight on Aug 1st. I know it has been mentioned before but I do agree that after the IV ban getting down to 135 might be a problem for Ronda

Sunkist1207 -

Ronda getting ready for her fight on Aug 1st. I know it has been mentioned before but I do agree that after the IV ban getting down to 135 might be a problem for Ronda

This. Phone Post 3.0

DalyDentedDecimated'sDome -
Ray Elbe - Marina vs Fiona is the fight to make.

Fiona doesn't have KO power, and is primarily a grappler...think even purple belt?

Would be an expensive flight, but would be a huge opportunity for Marina to give herself an honest opponent with scoutable footage. Phone Post 3.0

Fiona Apple, maybe

LOL. VU. Phone Post 3.0

Ray Elbe - Marina vs Fiona is the fight to make.

Fiona doesn't have KO power, and is primarily a grappler...think even purple belt?

Would be an expensive flight, but would be a huge opportunity for Marina to give herself an honest opponent with scoutable footage. Phone Post 3.0
I was thinking that the three horsewomen should fight themselves! That's a guarantee that one of them WILL win.

I don't think that Amanda Bell or Amber showed k.o. power except for the Marina fight. It's more like Shafir having a malfuctioning chin than the other girls having great power in their hands.

Shayna Baszler would be the perfect match, as both are grapplers, and Baszler never k.o.ed anyone in 25 professional matches! Phone Post 3.0

Ray Elbe - Marina vs Fiona is the fight to make.

Fiona doesn't have KO power, and is primarily a grappler...think even purple belt?

Would be an expensive flight, but would be a huge opportunity for Marina to give herself an honest opponent with scoutable footage. Phone Post 3.0


Even though Fiona's profile is on the Invicta site, she excused herself from MMA after her loss to Cris and I'm not sure if she is back yet. Peggy is a purple belt in BJJ and like Marina, her chin is still developing and in my opinion, she doesn't have major punching power either . Irene Aldana hit her once and she went down. Marina in my opinion needs to go back to basics and continue to improve on what she is already good at or if she is adamant that she wants to be a striker, humble herself and go and train with Jason Parillo and Cris.

Karnak - 
yabadaba - 
Karnak - 
yabadaba - 
Karnak - 
yabadaba - 
Karnak - 
yabadaba - 

^^ If you want to claim that Ronda fighting a stick pushed into a plant pot would generate more buys than Ronda vs Cyborg you shouldn't complain about being called out as a troll.

And yes, if Gina came back she could rival Ronda and Joanna in popularity.

Yeah, because it's really hard to see the point I was trying to make, was completely infused with serious amounts of hyperbole lol? Saying Rousey's always a bigger draw in her own right, is to highlight how stupid any this talk of Cyborg positively elevating women's MMA really is; evidenced in her open weight class era bullshit, pushing WMMA pretty close to the brink of becoming a complete non entity.

So think of it this way... The way you don't like to see the new movement in WMMA, I personally find the classic Cyborg dick riders totally embarrassing, as I feel they constantly bring a way more a troll-ish aspect to discussing WMMA, than anything I've ever said on this particular enhanced parasites behaviour too.

Plus after tasting the horrible freakshow experience with your MMA GOAT/love interest, Gina's made it more than perfectly clear that she's NEVER coming back to MMA either; so I don't fully understand your reasoning behind relating '09 Carano's popularity, to 2015's 135 UFC Carano's potential popularity either...?

Times changed, the sports moved on, and yet people want to hold on to the very things which saw WMMA stagnate and fade, because of the very same reasoning which not so long ago saw WMMA stagnate and fade... HUH!

What point are you trying to make? That Ronda outdraws Cyborg? Of course she does and by a wide margin - nobody disputes that.

Think of it this way... Dana White believes that Ronda vs Cyborg would be the biggest fight in women's MMA. Does that mean he doesn't like to see the new movement in WMMA? Does that make him a classic Cyborg dick rider? 

Yeah, few dispute Rousey a definite draw NOW, but a niche of moron's/liars still hold on to the idea that Cyborg will entice more of the casual audience, to sky rocket Rousey's PPV potential into a new stratosphere; Narrrr, not happening.

As a promoter, Dana can/should talk all the bull shit he wants to talk; but the MMA bubbles belief in Cyborg being this equal to Rousey, doesn't translate to a rational thinking, where being a niche freakshow translates into positive promotion, or high PPV buy rates.

It's clear the hardcore's want to see Rousey face a handicap, and will look the other way on anything/everything which makes this proposed fight nothing but a potential freakshow, to a mainstream PPV audience too. So step out of the bubble, and ask again, how is Rousey facing Cyborg her biggest fight...?

One cuts weight at 145, to walk into the cage at 170, as the other used to fight 145, walking into the cage at 150. One has zero fan base outside of niche element of the sport, the other is a growing U.S./international mainstream star. One fights in a stable division which has personalities and opponents with wining records, the other in a phantom zone where neither has exited for years.

I could go on, but if Dana saying Rousey does 2 million PPV buys, on the back facing Cyborg makes sense to you, then hold on to that dream buddy....

Yeah, because it's really hard to see the point Dana was trying to make, was completely infused with serious amounts of hyperbole lol? Rousey vs. Cyborg would be the biggest fight in WMMA to date but I doubt it would do 2 million PPV buys.

So not only do you expect the biggest name in the sport to bend over backwards now, for an opponent few outside of a tiny niche care about, you also expect Rousey to promote a proposed freakshow fight to the mainstream on her own too, and have it be the biggest WMMA fight yet, all thanks to Cyborg presence LOL... delusional.

You, like other hardcore fans in the bubble, remain completely oblivious to the bigger picture here; a picture where Rousey's drawing power is independent of who she fights, and relies very little on a strictly MMA audience, who've never meant that much to the sports, or Rousey's, biggest PPV buy rates either.

You want the big PPV numbers, you have to nationalistic support, or cultivate the mainstream casuals. And this is where the entire idea of Cyborg being relevant to a pay wall falls flat on it's face, with a ugly wet thud. Cyborg has neither of those bases to boost UFC's PPV potential.

We can agree to disagree over whether it's Dana White or you who is oblivious to the bigger picture.

Many of your responses seem to be random comments about Cyborg or Ronda that have very little to do with anything I've posted. For example, when did I say I "expect the biggest name [Ronda] in the sport [WMMA] to bend over backwards" for anything? Ronda holds all the cards and I expect she will refuse to fight unless it's at 135 lbs. 

More than anyone else on this thread you seem to be obsessed with Cyborg.



LOL, I'd be perfectly happy never discussing the divisive nature of Cyborg, but reading the MMA bubbles views on this catch weight bullshit, are often truly maddening to somebody like myself, who still remembers how bad WMMA looked like not so long ago, living within this particular anything goes kind of mind set.

Some don't like it, but WMMA absolutely needs the kind of order weight classes provides. As the element of the freakshow most people can barely tolerate with the men, will never be tolerated for the women, NEVER.

I mean the image of this being a professional sport, is the only reason women can be paid decent money now. So you start pushing the lie of big money potential in the female freakshow side of this, and WMMA won't get a second chance to establish itself again.

This is it... right now, and they'll be no third chance. People running WMMA fuck up now, we'll never see any of this reach it's potential.

If Rousey vs Cyborg happens it will be the biggest fight in WMMA to date (regardless of the weight class). Your obsession with Cyborg does not change this.

The picture below  was posted by Sgotwalks in this thread(Sgotwalks, I hope you dont mind me posting the picture here)




Pictures like this really make me sad. Its great to see Sarah but I am sad that a nine year WMMA with a record of 17-3 and signed to the UFC is working security. There is absolutely nothing wrong with security work please do not get me wrong but there is no reason why after being in the game for so long, a full time veteran in the sport working for a major promotion has to take other jobs to support herself.

Sunkist1207 - 

 Short...short clip of Cris Cyborg and Gabi Garcia training earlier today at Kings MMA



kings_mma Reportagem do Japão para cobrir os treinos dessas feras. @gabigarciaoficial @criscyborg. We had a japonese channel today at kings to film a training between @criscyborg and @gabigarciaoficial. #ALLGLORYTOGOD #kingsmma #mma #muaythai #jiujitsu #huntingtonbeach #california

Oh My Goodness. If that woman can strike at all Cyborg and Rousey can forget about the 'baddest woman on the planet' title.

yabadaba - 
Sunkist1207 - 

 Short...short clip of Cris Cyborg and Gabi Garcia training earlier today at Kings MMA



kings_mma Reportagem do Japão para cobrir os treinos dessas feras. @gabigarciaoficial @criscyborg. We had a japonese channel today at kings to film a training between @criscyborg and @gabigarciaoficial. #ALLGLORYTOGOD #kingsmma #mma #muaythai #jiujitsu #huntingtonbeach #california

Oh My Goodness. If that woman can strike at all Cyborg and Rousey can forget about the 'baddest woman on the planet' title.





In my opinion, Gabi has a long way to go before she can claim that title. Gabi is one of the GOATS in BJJ and would wipe the floor with every female in MMA with her BJJ but she is still developing as a MMA.  I remember she challenged Ronda after Ronda said she would beat Black belts in BBJ and Ronda didnt respond. I am not sure what weight Gabi will fight at but in my opinion, there is no way she can get down to 155 or 145 without severe medical complications


Here is Gabi after sparring, looks like the GOAT gave her an eye massage :)

I do not read portuguese but from the bits I picked up, Gabi is honored to be training with Cris and acknowldeges that Cris is dangerous. In my opinon, more female fighters should train with Cris




Sunkist1207 - 

Ronda getting ready for her fight on Aug 1st. I know it has been mentioned before but I do agree that after the IV ban getting down to 135 might be a problem for Ronda

You hope

FOX Force Five - 
Sunkist1207 - 

Ronda getting ready for her fight on Aug 1st. I know it has been mentioned before but I do agree that after the IV ban getting down to 135 might be a problem for Ronda

You hope

FORCE Fox Five

Considering Ronda is the only 135er who needs help from Mike Dolce.....

Sunkist1207 - 
FOX Force Five - 
Sunkist1207 - 

Ronda getting ready for her fight on Aug 1st. I know it has been mentioned before but I do agree that after the IV ban getting down to 135 might be a problem for Ronda

You hope

FORCE Fox Five

Considering Ronda is the only 135er who needs help from Mike Dolce.....

She didn't need help from Dolce when she went from 152 to 135 with no preparation whatsoever on TUF.  Heck, she even took a break mid-cut to whoop Miesha Tate in a rock climbing contest.  Clearly, she wasn't all that drained.

Steve4192 - 
Sunkist1207 - 
FOX Force Five - 
Sunkist1207 - 

Ronda getting ready for her fight on Aug 1st. I know it has been mentioned before but I do agree that after the IV ban getting down to 135 might be a problem for Ronda

You hope

FORCE Fox Five

Considering Ronda is the only 135er who needs help from Mike Dolce.....

She didn't need help from Dolce when she went from 152 to 135 with no preparation whatsoever on TUF.  Heck, she even took a break mid-cut to whoop Miesha Tate in a rock climbing contest.  Clearly, she wasn't all that drained.




What you wrote is a beautiful thing but it doesnt negate from the fact that Ronda now  requires the services offered by Mike Dolce. If you refer to the picture above and this picture posted below, it is evident that Ronda is walking round at a much higher weight than she was while filming TUF

Multi-time kickboxing champion, actress, stuntwoman, and UFC 1 commentator Kathy Long will return to the cage after a six year absence when she takes on Apolonia Pina at AMK MMA in Tijuana, Mexico August 22.

Long has had a storied career as a martial artist. Having black belts in Aikido and Kung Fu, she would go 18-1 in her kickboxing career and was one of the more successful fighters to make the transition to movies decades before Gina Carano or Ronda Rousey. She has be inducted into multiple Martial Arts Halls of Fame.

Long was the first woman to call a UFC fights as she shared commentary duties at UFC 1. It would take nearly 15 years before she would give MMA a try, and defeated Avery Vilche in 2009.

Six years later, Long is looking to be the oldest woman to fight in MMA at 51. Current record holder is Suzy Wyatt, who is one year her junior.

Her opponent Apolonia Pina will be making her pro MMA debut after a solid amateur wrestling career.

No word on if this will be streamed.








Steve4192 -
Sunkist1207 - 
FOX Force Five - 
Sunkist1207 - 

Ronda getting ready for her fight on Aug 1st. I know it has been mentioned before but I do agree that after the IV ban getting down to 135 might be a problem for Ronda

You hope

FORCE Fox Five

Considering Ronda is the only 135er who needs help from Mike Dolce.....

She didn't need help from Dolce when she went from 152 to 135 with no preparation whatsoever on TUF.  Heck, she even took a break mid-cut to whoop Miesha Tate in a rock climbing contest.  Clearly, she wasn't all that drained.

Thing is we don't know if she would be able to fight then. Phone Post 3.0