WMMA Discussion Thread

Sunkist1207 - 

jessicaevileye Love my @reebok gear ... Feels good to be here with my awesome crew thanks for taking this journey with me . #UFC #evilvscupcake #chicago#straightouttacleveland #eyebelieve #Cleveland having fun makes it worth it ..


Y'all talking about Rousey weight cutting but look at dem legs and body. Eye might have a tough weigh cut too.

Jessica Eye breaks silence about abuse


It's safe to say Jessica Eye doesn't fear much of anything these days.

The fifth-ranked women's bantamweight will stare down former Strikeforce champion Miesha Tate this Saturday night with a chance to then stand across from UFC women's wrecking machine Ronda Rousey, and neither of those scenarios scares her.

But fear has played an important role throughout Eye's professional career, and it comes from the scariest place possible and the person who was supposed to love her the most.

Eye has spoken openly about the tumultuous relationship she's had with her father, Randy, ever since she got to the UFC. From an argument that led to her banning him from her debut fight against Sarah Kaufman at UFC 166 to a daughter's love that raised money for her father after he was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2013, Eye has been on a rollercoaster ride that came to a close after severing ties with her dad last year, and she's finally opening up about why.

It all started when Eye was still in grade school and she grew to fear the sound of her father's motorcycle roaring into the driveway late at night. The rumble of the engine and the deafening silence that followed haunted Eye as a child because she knew what inevitably was going to happen when her father finally came into the house.

He was going to hit her.

"I remember the first time my father ever put his hands on me, I think the first time I was in the third or fourth grade and I was in shock that he put his hands on me," Eye told FOX Sports. "For all these years growing up as an abused person and as an abused child and someone who dealt with child abuse, as an adult I still fell victim to it because it was almost Stockholm Syndrome because I always felt like I needed him no matter what."

Eye says her father would regularly abuse her and her older brother until she finally escaped his house when she was 18. Even then Eye says the abuse didn't actually stop.

It was just before the fight that would earn Eye a shot in the UFC that her father struck her. Eye was 25 years old and felt like finally being an adult would keep her dad from putting his hands on her, but she was wrong.

"My dad put his hands on me and my oldest brother Randy our entire childhoods until I was 18 years old and even one time after that on my 26th birthday when he punched me in the face right before my Carina Damm fight," Eye revealed. "When he hit me, I couldn't believe it. I was a grown woman and he hit me in my face."

Eye says thanks to her training as an MMA fighter, where she had already amassed an impressive 9-1 record, she was finally able to fight back. Her father was an imposing figure, standing well over 6 feet tall and outweighing her by 100 pounds, but Eye promised after she left his house for the last time that he would never put his hands on her again.

"I fought back in front of everybody and I grabbed him by his hair and kneed him in the gut and pushed him away and he tried to lunge at me again and at that point everybody who was there -- my sponsors who were there, my friends who were there -- jumped in and he felt helpless at that moment and I thought to myself 'you're never going to put your hands on me again' and I had my chance as an adult and a grown woman, no matter who you are, I'm fighting back," Eye said.

At that moment, Eye walked away from her father and severed ties with him all together, but when he was diagnosed with brain cancer and needed his daughter, she came right back to his side like loving children are supposed to do for their parents.

Eye couldn't stop from worrying about her father because no matter how many times he slapped her or made her feel inferior, he was still the person who brought her into this world. He was her dad, so she fell back into old patterns and quickly rushed to help him with whatever he needed while battling the crippling disease.

Eye did interview after interview talking about her father's condition and how they were battling to save his life. She started a campaign to raise money to help pay for his medical expenses while sending out heartwarming photos of the good times she spent with her dad.

But even after all that, Eye says her relationship with her father was like mixing oil and water. On the surface it looked a doting daughter helping nurse her sick father back to health. Underneath the waves, Eye was being drowned in a sea of negativity and guilt that she was being dragged back into a relationship that had been toxic ever since she was eight-years-old.

"It wasn't until my 26th birthday that he almost solidified the fact that he doesn't deserve to be in my life and I axed him. I axed him really hard and it wasn't until he came down with brain cancer right before the Alexis Davis fight that I felt compelled to go back and try to help and do what I could to make him feel good. I didn't want him to feel like he was walking into the valley of death and he was doing it alone," Eye said about her decision to help her father through his bout with cancer. "I don't know if he was sorry because he was going through brain cancer and he needed to make sure he made amends before he did pass or what it was, but I felt compelled to help him and I did and I'm glad I was there for him. It took everything out of me.

"I was emotionally exhausted. Number one, fighting is more emotional that physical. I genuinely believe that. Maybe that's for me and it isn't for other people, but for me it's more emotional than it is physical. Going into that fight having all that and then after that loss, me and my dad had our last falling out. That was when I knew it was time to walk away forever and I knew in my heart that I did everything that I was supposed to do to be there for him and be a good daughter."

Read more by clicking the link


Sunkist1207 -
Tru - Cyborg talking about her lips and booty being all natural. How overall fight game. How she has improved and how ronda has improved. How her body would change and how she would not want it to change at 135lbs. How she will beat Ronda, her new female fitness program Pink Belt and more, with the Champ Cris Cyborg




Thank you for posting this interview. I will vote you up again after 24hrs 

Cris mentioned in the interview that Amber Leibrock wants to fight her. Amber Leibrock  made her pro debut at Invicta 13 and KO'd Marina Shafir. I appreciate Amber's ambition but with respect Cris is not Marina and she needs to get more experience before she even thinks about fighting Cris

This chick is delusional. Amanda Bell also beat Marina Shafir in 37 seconds. But Amanda lost to Faith Van Duin and to Charmaine Tweet, and both these chicks were easily demolished by Cyborg. Phone Post 3.0

Sunkist1207 -

Jessica Eye breaks silence about abuse


It's safe to say Jessica Eye doesn't fear much of anything these days.

The fifth-ranked women's bantamweight will stare down former Strikeforce champion Miesha Tate this Saturday night with a chance to then stand across from UFC women's wrecking machine Ronda Rousey, and neither of those scenarios scares her.

But fear has played an important role throughout Eye's professional career, and it comes from the scariest place possible and the person who was supposed to love her the most.

Eye has spoken openly about the tumultuous relationship she's had with her father, Randy, ever since she got to the UFC. From an argument that led to her banning him from her debut fight against Sarah Kaufman at UFC 166 to a daughter's love that raised money for her father after he was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2013, Eye has been on a rollercoaster ride that came to a close after severing ties with her dad last year, and she's finally opening up about why.

It all started when Eye was still in grade school and she grew to fear the sound of her father's motorcycle roaring into the driveway late at night. The rumble of the engine and the deafening silence that followed haunted Eye as a child because she knew what inevitably was going to happen when her father finally came into the house.

He was going to hit her.

"I remember the first time my father ever put his hands on me, I think the first time I was in the third or fourth grade and I was in shock that he put his hands on me," Eye told FOX Sports. "For all these years growing up as an abused person and as an abused child and someone who dealt with child abuse, as an adult I still fell victim to it because it was almost Stockholm Syndrome because I always felt like I needed him no matter what."

Eye says her father would regularly abuse her and her older brother until she finally escaped his house when she was 18. Even then Eye says the abuse didn't actually stop.

It was just before the fight that would earn Eye a shot in the UFC that her father struck her. Eye was 25 years old and felt like finally being an adult would keep her dad from putting his hands on her, but she was wrong.

"My dad put his hands on me and my oldest brother Randy our entire childhoods until I was 18 years old and even one time after that on my 26th birthday when he punched me in the face right before my Carina Damm fight," Eye revealed. "When he hit me, I couldn't believe it. I was a grown woman and he hit me in my face."

Eye says thanks to her training as an MMA fighter, where she had already amassed an impressive 9-1 record, she was finally able to fight back. Her father was an imposing figure, standing well over 6 feet tall and outweighing her by 100 pounds, but Eye promised after she left his house for the last time that he would never put his hands on her again.

"I fought back in front of everybody and I grabbed him by his hair and kneed him in the gut and pushed him away and he tried to lunge at me again and at that point everybody who was there -- my sponsors who were there, my friends who were there -- jumped in and he felt helpless at that moment and I thought to myself 'you're never going to put your hands on me again' and I had my chance as an adult and a grown woman, no matter who you are, I'm fighting back," Eye said.

At that moment, Eye walked away from her father and severed ties with him all together, but when he was diagnosed with brain cancer and needed his daughter, she came right back to his side like loving children are supposed to do for their parents.

Eye couldn't stop from worrying about her father because no matter how many times he slapped her or made her feel inferior, he was still the person who brought her into this world. He was her dad, so she fell back into old patterns and quickly rushed to help him with whatever he needed while battling the crippling disease.

Eye did interview after interview talking about her father's condition and how they were battling to save his life. She started a campaign to raise money to help pay for his medical expenses while sending out heartwarming photos of the good times she spent with her dad.

But even after all that, Eye says her relationship with her father was like mixing oil and water. On the surface it looked a doting daughter helping nurse her sick father back to health. Underneath the waves, Eye was being drowned in a sea of negativity and guilt that she was being dragged back into a relationship that had been toxic ever since she was eight-years-old.

"It wasn't until my 26th birthday that he almost solidified the fact that he doesn't deserve to be in my life and I axed him. I axed him really hard and it wasn't until he came down with brain cancer right before the Alexis Davis fight that I felt compelled to go back and try to help and do what I could to make him feel good. I didn't want him to feel like he was walking into the valley of death and he was doing it alone," Eye said about her decision to help her father through his bout with cancer. "I don't know if he was sorry because he was going through brain cancer and he needed to make sure he made amends before he did pass or what it was, but I felt compelled to help him and I did and I'm glad I was there for him. It took everything out of me.

"I was emotionally exhausted. Number one, fighting is more emotional that physical. I genuinely believe that. Maybe that's for me and it isn't for other people, but for me it's more emotional than it is physical. Going into that fight having all that and then after that loss, me and my dad had our last falling out. That was when I knew it was time to walk away forever and I knew in my heart that I did everything that I was supposed to do to be there for him and be a good daughter."

Read more by clicking the link


Big fan of this girl. Thanks for sharing this story. Phone Post 3.0

JustAnotherMMAFan - 
Sunkist1207 -
Tru - Cyborg talking about her lips and booty being all natural. How overall fight game. How she has improved and how ronda has improved. How her body would change and how she would not want it to change at 135lbs. How she will beat Ronda, her new female fitness program Pink Belt and more, with the Champ Cris Cyborg




Thank you for posting this interview. I will vote you up again after 24hrs 

Cris mentioned in the interview that Amber Leibrock wants to fight her. Amber Leibrock  made her pro debut at Invicta 13 and KO'd Marina Shafir. I appreciate Amber's ambition but with respect Cris is not Marina and she needs to get more experience before she even thinks about fighting Cris

This chick is delusional. Amanda Bell also beat Marina Shafir in 37 seconds. But Amanda lost to Faith Van Duin and to Charmaine Tweet, and both these chicks were easily demolished by Cyborg. Phone Post 3.0


I cannot figure out how Amber thinks knocking out 1-1 Marina Shafir in her pro debut equates to getting a title shot against a fighter who has not lost in ten years and has had 15 professional fights...I admire Ambers ambition albeit slightly deluded ambition but  its baffling for her to even request a title shot. I say this respectfully, Cis could pobably beat her now without a fight camp.

I wouldnt mind seeing Amber fight Amanda Bell next. Fiona Muxlow's proifle has been removed from the Invicta website so its safe to say she is not returning to MMA any time soon

Karnak - 
yabadaba - 
Karnak - yabadaba

LOL HAHAHA! OK, so I'm the one obsessed about the freakshow of WMMA lol. You see the amount of coverage this thread provides Cyborg...? Yeah, well NONE of that comes from me; just 2-3 goofs who are legitimately obsessed with the worst thing to show up in the brief history of WMMA.

Anyway, you/others constantly holding on to the mistaken idea, of Rousey's drawing power, somehow remaining dependant on the MMA bubble... and moronically sticking to the lie of a free TV Cyborg, showcasing a legit drawing power potential of her own too, LOL.

This is crazy talk when you see just how hard it is for legit/elite guys to draw decent numbers behind a PPV wall; and genuinely makes me wonder, what the fuxk are people talking about around here, to hold belief in a career TV flop like Cyborg, ever being relevant to positively effecting the drawing power of Rousey....?

The mainstream TV audience, turned their back on the prospect of wanting to take part in the female freakshow element of WMMA, years ago. This never being more evident now, at UFC 184, where the MMA bubble initially crapped all over an event, that the mainstream would then help to propel towards being one of the biggest cards of the year.

High 600k buy rates, strong gate, in a weak LA market, and people still want to believe Cyborg's important in this new landscape lol.

Another rambling message from Cris Cyborg's personal stalker. What are you trying to say Karnak? You're upset that Dana thinks Cyborg vs Rousey would be the biggest fight in WMMA history? You're wondering why Dana doesn't realize that Correia vs Rousey is obviously a much bigger fight than Cyborg vs Rousey?

Another diversion tactic response from Cyborg's personal fluffer. Never any fact, just pure speculation yet again from yabadaba.

Seriously, do you have any facts on this, to justify any of your opinion...? Or is simply repeating speculation, and poor judgement, the only way you can keep pumping out propaganda on the one thing which has done nothing positive for WMMA...?

UFC, 135lbs, Ronda Rousey. Those are the only things which have any value towards talk of the biggest fight in WMMA. Without your typical conjecture, can you provide any FACTS that contradict any of this...?

I got the job? That's awesome! I just assumed the fact that I picked Rousey to beat Cyborg at at 145 lbs or below would have disqualified me.

What exactly am I diverting from? I said I agree with Dana that Cyborg vs Rousey would be the biggest fight in WMMA. Are your rambling diatribes intended to be some sort of argument against this?

Karnak - yabadaba 

Yes. As your not talking about this with any perspective beyond the one you want to see.

Everybody here will constantly shit all over the crap Dana says to promote his organization, yet he randomly states something truly ridiculous about Cyborg contributing towards 2 million PPV buys, and your dumb ass latches straight on to it like it were gospel truth lol.

In this market though, where a card featuring Weidman vs Vitor, and Cormier vs Rumble, does under 400k, how the hell can anybody rationally talk about a ratings flop Cyborg, elevating Rousey's numbers on the back of a high 600k she pulled in for UFC 184?

Being a popular underdog inside the UG, really doesn't translate to the reality outside the bubble. Get out of the bubble.

Any idea why Dana would pick Rousey vs Cyborg as the biggest fight in WMMA, rather than, for example, Rousey vs Correia? 

Did he know that would push you over the edge?




Sunkist1207 -

So Tate isn't wearing her fight kilt for this next one.... The jiggle will be real Phone Post 3.0

commonsense517 - 
Sunkist1207 -

So Tate isn't wearing her fight kilt for this next one.... The jiggle will be real Phone Post 3.0

Reebok doesnt have dem fight kilts for her to wear.

BOO originality! YAY UNO cards!

The official Fight Valley poster!



CHICAGO -- Jessamyn Duke has moved her training base from the Glendale Fight Club down Southern California's clogged freeways to Fullerton, where she's learning catch wrestling with the likes of Josh Barnett.

But make no mistake about it: Duke is still a Four Horsewoman through and through. Her bonds of friendship with Ronda Rousey, Shayna Baszler, and Marina Shafir are as tight as ever.


And as Duke prepares for her first fight in just over a year Saturday night at UFC on FOX 16, Duke still has strong feelings about the Horsewomen, and for the disrespect shown by Bethe Correia as Correia gets set to meet Rousey at UFC 190.

"It started off as us just kidding around," Duke told MMAFighting.com of The Four Horsewomen. "But it became something real."

The undefeated Correia talked her way into a title fight by playing up the fact she defeated both Baszler and Duke, a storyline the UFC ran with.

"When she first started doing it, when she started holding up the four fingers, even then, we kind of laughed and said, ‘cool,'" Duke said. "She was only doing it to hype the fight."

Then things got real. Corrreia made an ugly comment regarding suicide, a sore subject for Rousey, who lost her father to suicide. It's clearly an issue which has deeply bothered Duke.


"She doesn't understand what she got herself into," Duke said. "I can't even come up with the right word to describe what Ronda's going to do to her."

After a pause, Duke adds, "Ronda Rousey is going to be a very vengeful person in that fight. It's going to be beyond anything you've ever seen from Ronda in a fight. Bethe made a bad, bad choice."

While the emotion Duke displays in discussing Rousey-Correia is indicative the she appreciates what the Horsewomen era meant for her life and career, Duke is excited to launch her next chapter, which debuts when she meets Elizabeth Phillips on the Fight Pass prelim card Saturday.

Duke dropped her past two fights, and, compounding matters, she suffered a bad broken hand in her last bout, a loss to Leslie Smith last July. In the interim, she realized it was time to try something a little different.

"The timing just seemed right for a change," Duke said. "I'm grateful for everything I learned, but I mean, when you get to work with someone like Josh, you're taking about someone who has been in this sport so long that he's forgotten more about the sport than most people knew in the first place. Every day you're learning something new."

Against Phillips, Duke is coming up on her first career rematch. Duke's last amateur fight occurred at RFA 2 against Phillips, who was a short-notice replacement.

Duke won the bout via second-round choke, and while most fighters who have defeated an opponent have little interest in giving them a second chance, Duke jumped at the opportunity to once again face off with Philipps.

"I'm treating this like I'm facing a completely different fighter," Duke said. "We were amateurs, that was three years ago. In this sport that might as well be a lifetime ago.

"She took the fight on two weeks notice when I didn't even know if I'd have an opponent," Duke continued. "I'm grateful for that. She deserves the opportunity to fight with a full fight camp and give me the best she has. I hope she does, I want her to bring the best out of me. I always had a feeling we'd cross paths again, and we both earned our way onto the biggest stage to make it happen."

Still, just like Duke used the first Philipps fight as her springboard from the amateurs to the pros, going from Invicta to The Ultimate Fighter 18 to the UFC's bantamweight race, she plans on using their rematch as the opportunity to show the world the next stage in her progression.

"Everyone forgot about me," Duke said. "Everyone wrote me off because I lost two fights and then was out of action. I'm going to let everyone know I'm back, and that this is a new, improved version of Jessamyn Duke. You'll see."



30m30 minutes ago

getting ready for her workout..Yes, it's 90 degrees in this gym & 100% humidity but I'm still in a suit

Invicta BW Cindy Dandois on the left

peggymorganmma I'll be fighting for @cesmma at Twin River Casino in Lincoln, RI on August 14th! That's in under four weeks. Tickets are $41, $56, and $126. If you're planning to go, please hit me up for tickets ASAP!


I appreciate that she has to "eat" but Peggy does not do well at BW

Bellator continuing to capitalize on what the UFC have no interest in, good stuff. Keri is going up in weight to fight at 125lbs so now Bellator have a 145lb and 125lb division. I wonder who will be first to jump ship from Invicta to Bellator


Bellator tried to sign Gilbert Melendez last year. Now, they'll be employing his better half.

Keri Anne Melendez, the wife of the UFC star, has signed with Bellator MMA, promotion officials confirmed with MMAFighting.com on Thursday. Bleacher Report was the first to report the story.

Melendez, who has yet to make her pro MMA debut, is a professional Muay Thai competitor and she'll be making her debut in that format for Bellator. Melendez will compete at Bellator: Dynamite on Sept. 19 in San Jose in a kickboxing match. The show will be hybrid of Bellator's MMA product and GLORY kickboxing. She will later make a transition to MMA.

Melendez, 31, is 2-1 as a pro Muay Thai fighter after amassing a 4-1 record as an amateur. She has competed on kickboxing shows run by Bellator president Scott Coker in the past. Melendez does not yet have an opponent for Dynamite, which is headlined by a light heavyweight title fight between champion Liam McGeary and Tito Ortiz.




Peggy Morgan should go up to 145 lbs., and fight Marina "The glass jaw from Moldova" Shafir. Phone Post 3.0

JustAnotherMMAFan - Peggy Morgan should go up to 145 lbs., and fight Marina "The glass jaw from Moldova" Shafir. Phone Post 3.0

I think she fought her last 1-2 fights in Invicta at 145. I think this one is too (not 100% sure).

I actually thought Peggy vs Shafir would be a good one to make at 145, for Shafir. Surely she couldn't be knocked out by Morgan...

...could she??

Xuh - 
JustAnotherMMAFan - Peggy Morgan should go up to 145 lbs., and fight Marina "The glass jaw from Moldova" Shafir. Phone Post 3.0

I think she fought her last 1-2 fights in Invicta at 145. I think this one is too (not 100% sure).

I actually thought Peggy vs Shafir would be a good one to make at 145, for Shafir. Surely she couldn't be knocked out by Morgan...

...could she??


I agree with you. I did mention earlier that Peggy Morgan should be the next fight for Marina. However,  they are friends and Peggy was on Team Rousey for TUF...not sure if they will fight each other or if Ronda will feel betrayed if they did. 

Sunkist1207 -
Xuh - 
JustAnotherMMAFan - Peggy Morgan should go up to 145 lbs., and fight Marina "The glass jaw from Moldova" Shafir. Phone Post 3.0

I think she fought her last 1-2 fights in Invicta at 145. I think this one is too (not 100% sure).

I actually thought Peggy vs Shafir would be a good one to make at 145, for Shafir. Surely she couldn't be knocked out by Morgan...

...could she??


I agree with you. I did mention earlier that Peggy Morgan should be the next fight for Marina. However,  they are friends and Peggy was on Team Rousey for TUF...not sure if they will fight each other or if Ronda will feel betrayed if they did. 

Peggy fought Jessamyn Duke on TUF Finale. Don't see why she shouldn't fight Shafir. Phone Post 3.0